"This sentence probably means a message to the Demon King."
Kanon gives a serious look.
"A message to the devil?"
I ask Kanon's words with a parrot.
"M-kins and enemies who are enemies-this" M "probably refers to the Demon King."
Did Kanon awaken? His usual unsophisticated tone lingers.
"M = Maou. What is the basis?"
"Yes. The basis is a ciphertext that follows. There is a foreword that reads," I understand the sentence and recognize me as my family. " ] And a series of alphanumeric values. " Tra n s la ted b y jp m t l .co m
"Yes, it's written."
"What does H mean? I guessed this H was" subordinate. "Then S = slime. R = rat. B = bat."
After listening to Kanon's words, I look again at the ciphertext.
Then, the ciphertext will be seen in a different meaning.
"Actually, it may be" subordinate creation ""
"Yes! In other words, the alphabet-the number attached to the subordinate race is the CP required for creation. If you read the remaining alphanumeric values in the same way ..." T r ansl ated b y Jpm tl.c om
"R = 'Kensei'. W is ... WoodSword, that is, a wooden sword. K is Knife?"
"That's right! Sure is Zion!"
When I guess the right answer, Kanon bounces and expresses joy.
"In other words, where is this sentence written by the Demon King and addressed to many Demon Kings?"
"Well, there are many stupid devils that expose their creations on the net, but there were no demon kings that exposed their creation CP as long as I looked for them on the net." The Lord who wrote this sentence, knowing the CP he needed, would say that he was a demon king. "
"And, when he understands the person who wrote this as a Demon King and felt that he could cooperate, should he send an e-mail to the e-mail address listed here?"
"That's right. What do you do?"
Canon asks me.
"Don't go around ..."
"Perhaps ... Isn't it unnecessary to have a Demon King who can't understand this degree?"
The moment I say that this level is incomprehensible, I feel a little irritated at the swelling canon of the nose.
"Speaking of that, the story changes, but I received an offer from the Sabrow to" absorb "Canon, but can I accept it?"
"Huh ...?!? Isn't the story changed too much ?? ... I'm sorry. What can I do to forgive me? ... Is it a prostrate? ... Ah !?
"Well, let's go back ... what do you think this is?"
T r an sl at e d b y jpm t l.c o m Kanon turns his face pale and shakes little by little. After that, I had a feeling that I would make a stupid proposal, so I decided to return.
"――What !? Was the current conversation meaningful ?!"
To be honest, I was just irritated by the canon-faced Canon. As I drunk, I guess the purpose of the Lord who wrote it on the bulletin board.
"Possibility 1. I want to build friendly relations ... or a treaty aiming for non-interference with each other? Or a more alliance?" However, this text is addressed to an unspecified number of Demon Kings. If the Lord who wrote the text was the Demon King in Hokkaido ... Is there any need to form an alliance with me in Kanazawa?
I dare to mutter aloud to consolidate my thoughts and to tell Canon.
"Uh ... Zion's solitude has begun. And he's done alone."
"Uh, hey, you. There is a possibility of consulting with a self-proclaimed staff, so don't miss it?"
Are you clever or not clever ... Perhaps I'm amazed at the less clever self-proclaimed staff, and continue to study.
"Possibility # 2. Information sharing. Mankind is sharing information using the Internet. Hazard rank of dominant territory. Class characteristics. Information on class upgrade destination. On the other hand, it is difficult for the Demon King to share information because of its nature: if you do not know your face, name, location, or contact information ... the means of sharing information is limited to the Internet. Problem with Canon. What are the disadvantages of sharing information via the Internet? "
"Uh !? Suddenly a quiz style !? Uh, uh ..."
"Unfortunately, the time has expired. The correct answer is that information will be revealed to humanity and measures will be taken. However, how to overcome this problem ...?"
"Specific person ... Is it a construction of a site that only the Devil can browse?"
"Cheap! Correct answer"
"--What! Why is it tongue tapping ..." Tr ans l a te d b y jp m tl.co m
To keep the audience bored, I used a quiz format, but when answered simply, it wasn't interesting.
"For example ... The Demon King who wrote this sentence devised it so that it was not revealed as a Demon King. That is, is there a collection of Demon Kings that can share information so that humankind does not barre? The great benefit of browsing is that it's a matter of knowing that you have more meaningful knowledge than you can get from Canon. "
"What?-What did you say?-The last line is already-"
"Possibility 3. Trap. The trap of the Demon King who is trying to obtain information of other Demon Kings. A trap set by mankind based on information obtained from the Demon King."
"Basically human ... ah !? Because all are creatures that cannot be saved, including the former human demon king."
Darkness overflows from Canon.
"My guess is like this. Excluding possibility one, what do you think of Canon?"
"Hmm ... it's difficult to say that."
Kanon twists her neck and struggles with the answer.
"Well, by the way, would you send me an email, and if you were invited? At that point, could there be any disadvantages?"
"If you don't provide the information here ... Speaking of which, you're probably infected with a virus?"
"Canon. There were some smartphones that could be used with smartphones taken from mankind?"
"There are more than 10 smartphones that can be initialized and used."
"Would you like to get free mail and send it with a suitable smartphone?"
"I understand." T rans l ated b y Jp m tl.c o m
I and Kanon, who have decided on the policy, immediately begin preparations.
"You have an email address!"
"let's see……--!?"
The email address that Canon obtained was "saburoushine114514@free.com".
"Canon ... this email is ..."
"What? What?"
"No, nothing ... should I send a blank email?"
"I'll send it."
Kanon controls his smartphone with a smile on the face of me.
―― ♪
When I sent a blank email, the reply was immediate.
"Show me proof that you are M
"How do you reply?"
"I see ... H: K = 10. D = 50."
"Kobolt and the dark elf! I understand."
Then, the reply did not come back easily this time.
"Is this sentence written on various bulletin boards?"
"There are a lot of mischievous and unsolicited emails, so it may take time to scrutinize."
"It's possible."
After three days there was no reply, and Lina and Chloe arrived in the territory where the two Demon Kings are. I had to leave the territory to join the invasion.