236 Ch. 236 'Don't Give Up'

An eyebrow the wizard raised at his daughter's remark.

"So... all this time she came here because you arranged it?"

The little girl grinned widely without answering her father's question before disappearing into thin air.

The wizard exhaled a heavy sigh and glanced at Xiao Yue, who was still fast asleep.

He waved his hand towards the girl, and not long after, Xiao Yue groaned while her eyes were fluttering.

"Eng!" Xiao Yue woke up in a dumbfounded state. "I fell asleep? Since when?"

It was apparent Xiao Yue had forgotten her intrigue about if the man was a criminal or not.

"Little one. I will help you one last time."

Xiao Yue turned her head and rose to her feet to face the wizard. "What are you helping me with? I don't remember I needed help."

"I will open the seal on your head by force."

Xiao Yue raised a hand to touch her forehead while frowning.

"What do you mean open my head by force? Are you going to kill me?"

The wizard heaved a sigh. Which part of him saying he's going to open her head? It looks like this girl needs to check her hearing with the doctor.

The wizard waved his hand once more, creating an indigo stage magic circle below the girl's feet. Then he made a round mirror and slid it in front of Xiao Yue so that the girl could see what he saw.

Xiao Yue was initially startled when the man gave her a mirror. But the moment she saw something like a red line on her forehead, Xiao Yue promptly pushed her bangs back to see the red line more clearly.

She saw a red irregular circular line on her forehead. In the center of the circle, there were three red dots forming a triangle.

"Wh... What is this?"

"I told you. Someone is trying to change your memory. Your old memories are buried and sealed so that that person can fill in other memories he likes."

"That… That is impossible. If what you are saying is true, that means everything I've seen so far is fake?"

"All this time, you were locked up in an illusory world where all your deepest desires came true."

"Does that mean, in reality… my parents are gone?"

"I don't have the answer. Why don't you find out for yourself? You will know the answer when you get your real memories."

Xiao Yue lowered her head, pondering about the man's opinion. Even though she didn't know what her real memories of herself with her family were, deep down, she felt she would never see her family again after this.

Wouldn't it be better for her to remain in this illusory world? Even though Xiao Yue couldn't see her family as often as she used to because she will be the wife and crown princess, she could at least visit her family once in a while.

She better just let it be. It was better for her to live in an illusory world filled with fakes than to live in a real-world that made her discouraged and lonely. At least, Xiao Yue could smile happily while she stayed in the illusory world.

Happy? Would she feel happy?

If she was happy, then why did it feel that a hole set in her heart?


Xiao Yue's reverie broke when she heard a soft voice in her head. The moment she opened her eyes, Xiao Yue realized that she was no longer in the vast expanse with the pureblood wizard.

Right now, she was in another dimension where there was nothing to grace this place other than white color.

What place is this?

'Niken. Do not give up. The people you care about are waiting for you out there. They didn't give up on finding you, so you too, don't give up.'

"Who is it? Who are you?"

'You'll know who I am when the time comes. Now, I'd like you to think about this carefully. Will you be happy by giving up? Don't you find it strange as to why your father, mother, and brother forced you to marry?'

"What do you mean?" somehow, Xiao Yue's feelings became uneasy.

"You know in your heart they love you and take great care of you. However, would they force their will on you and sacrifice your happiness?"

Xiao Yue was still in silence as she pondered this voice question. Not long after, the place around her changed form, and now she was in a room.

There were a baby cot and lots of dolls and baby toys in this room.

Xiao Yue saw her father and mother standing on two sides of the bassinet while her baby version played with her mother's pinky finger.

"My beloved queen, the king from the neighborhood, heard we have a newborn daughter. He hopes that maybe one day we can match them through marriage."

"Hush. Yue'er was only three months old. Still too far to think about her marriage.

Besides, I don't want to get her to marry someone she doesn't love. I want her to fall in love and marry the person of her choice."

"You are right. There is nothing I want more than to see our daughter's life filled with happiness."

Xiao Yue's pair of eyes overflowed with tears at this scene. Her mother and father's eyes revealed how much they loved her. Their affectionate aura was so strong that it could penetrate deep into her heart.

On the contrary, she couldn't feel the same amount of love from her parents in an illusionary world.

Xiao Yue closed her eyes to ponder all the information she had just received.

Now she recognizes the difference.

For as long as she could remember, she knew and felt sure that her father, mother, and brother loved her unconditionally. But ever since she woke up in a different world and reunited with her whole family, she didn't feel that affection.

She felt a wall stood apart between her family and her, but she did not know the cause. Her family treated her in a loving gesture, but she could not pin the missing part.

Now she understood why.

Although Xiao Yue met her parents and heard their voices, what she saw was fake. It was all an illusion of being a temporary oasis from which to escape real life.

Their laugh, their affections toward her were only illusions, so she could not feel the same familial love she once knew.

That's why she felt like there was a hole in her heart. Xiao Yue was sure that the hole would be closed when she came out of this illusory world. Xiao Yue felt sure something or someone was waiting for her in the real world as she remembered hearing the voice calling her.

That man.

The black-haired man who was hugging her was waiting for her!