Xiao Lin and Gu Xiaoyue looked at each other and were slightly surprised. Xiao Lin was different from other class leaders who had not really walked out of the ivory tower on campus. He had experienced a lot of things in the new world and had heard of the colonial management organizations. He was very aware of the importance of intelligence bureau director.

It's no surprise that Li Cheng can report everything that he has done. The other party is engaged in the work of the intelligence department.

After a little straightening his mind, Xiao Lin soon calmed down. It seems that Li Cheng just happened to be on the same plane, rather than looking for him.

Xiao Lin has to admit that he is really a little guilty. It seems that there are many things he has done that he has concealed from the college. The nearest one, such as Shuguang College's intelligent program, the personification girl named Ling Dang, can't be disclosed.

However, since Li Cheng didn't come to him for this matter, it doesn't matter. Xiao Lin and the head of the Intelligence Department of this dawn colony are not familiar with each other. Therefore, after a few polite words, there is not much to say. Instead, the other side is chatting with him incessantly.

However, Xiao Donglin always thinks that he and Li are deliberately talking about something.

The plane took off soon. Since someone chatted to pass the time, Xiao Lin was also willing to. Unfortunately, she had no chance to chat with Gu Xiaoyue again, which made Xiao Lin feel helpless. At most, this woman would be slightly close to Xiao Lin when there was no one else. When there were many people, she would naturally keep her cool and proud appearance.

Japan's journey to China will not last too long. It will take about three hours to arrive. As for the entry permit and other things, Xiao Lin believes that this kind of small matter will not defeat the earth branch.

After chatting with Li Cheng for a moment, Xiao Lin feels a little tired. Maybe it is because he has walked too many places in Hokkaido these days, which makes him more tired. After holding on for a few yawns, Li Cheng also sees that he is sleepy. After smiling, he stops talking. Gu Xiaoyue is also a silent person.

Therefore, after Li Cheng shut up, the cabin quickly fell into silence. To Xiao Lin's surprise, it seemed that no crew member had ever come in. However, the doubt just passed away, and Xiao Lin fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, but Xiao Lin was woken up when he opened his eyes again. The cabin was dark, the tables and chairs were rickety, the clouds were thick and the thunder was dull. Occasionally, there was a dazzling flash of thunder, but there was no rain.

"What happened? Gu Xiaoyue? Gu Xiaoyue Xiao Lin's heart suddenly burst into a bad mood, especially when he found that there was only one person left in the cabin. This kind of panic immediately hit his whole body, but he did not get any response.

Xiao Lin quickly prepared to get up. A sharp pain hit him. He immediately curled up and fell to the ground. Looking back, Xiao Lin was surprised to find that his hands and feet had been bound by ropes. These ropes were full of silver and dim light. Xiao Lin just recognized this kind of thing. This is a special mixed metal that can only be mined in the new world. It has great hardness and dawn The Academy usually uses this metal to make binding tools. In addition to hardness, it also has the ability to counteract. When the bound person uses magic or sword Qi, the energy will be regulated.

It is not a simple thing to be able to get this kind of thing and bring it to the earth easily. Everyone who goes in and out of the colony and the earth will be subject to strict inspection, not to mention this kind of contraband. Even ordinary materials can not be easily brought in, but it is not completely impossible.

"Li Cheng!" Xiao Lin was more angry when he thought of this mysterious guy. If the director of the Intelligence Bureau personally took the lead, he could easily evade the inspection.

There was still no response. It seemed that he was the only one left in the whole plane. Xiao Lin bit his teeth and kept improving the energy in his body. However, the fetter was made very firmly. After several unsuccessful attempts, he could only struggle on the ground and move towards the cab in front of him.

But what made Xiao Lin cold was that there was no one in the cockpit, and the plane was in automatic driving state. Not far from the plane, there was a more dark cloud. In that cloud, there were countless twisted mysterious substances. I didn't know what it was. But Xiao Lin knew that it would never be a good thing.


Xiao Lin finally no longer has the slightest scruples, completely released the energy of his whole body. According to the rules specified by the college, we can't use too strong force on the earth, because that will destroy the fragile law of the earth itself. But now Gu Xiaoyue is still in the dark, Xiao Lin won't worry about so much at all. Let's go to hell with the rules!

Of course, the binding metal itself will not be invincible, and the energy reaction is only relative. When Xiao Lin starts to destroy, it means that his power has broken through and reached the gold level at least. In an instant, Xiao Lin ran back and forth in the whole cabin, and he did not see half a person.

But now the plane is not far away, and the dark clouds are getting closer and closer. Xiao Lin has a vague feeling in his heart. He can't fly a plane, but he can't find Gu Xiaoyue. He is in a dilemma for a long time. Finally, he bites his teeth and decides to leave the plane first. Moreover, with the distance between the dark clouds in front of him, the evil in his heart is becoming more and more intense.With the fireball in the cabin next to the gap, under the plane is boundless sea, although not very sure of the specific location, but it is estimated that he should be flying to the sea on the way home.

Xiao Lin leaped forward in depth. The strong wind made him almost unable to open his eyes. He regretted that he had not learned flying, which can fly for a short time. However, he also had more methods. Although he had no weapons, in a state of destruction, Xiao Lin could easily wield his powerful sword spirit with his bare hands.

One after another, the sword Qi was waving wildly towards the sea. Xiao Lin expressed his anger and energy without any politeness. The surging waves covered almost all the sea areas nearby. At the same time, it also provided sufficient buffer area for Xiaolin by using the counterattack of sword Qi. When his descending speed was slowed down to a sufficient degree, Xiao Lin stopped completely and left his body at will Fall into the sea.

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