At the command of LV he, the soldiers immediately moved and surrounded all the returned Yue soldiers. The scene became solemn for a moment.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? "

"We are our own people. Are you crazy?"

"What do you mean?"

Soon the scene became chaotic and noisy!

Zhuang fan's face changed greatly. He asked in a deep voice, "general, what does that mean?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know what it means," he said

"I'm also under your command. You should know who I am..."

"Oh, I'm not sure now. You can tell that with General Han."

"Control them all, not one of them!"

LV he gave the order again.

However, his subordinates were hesitant. After all, they were their own people and knew each other.

"What are you doing?"

LV he said in a loud voice, "hold them all. They were rescued by the enemy and released again. There must be some secret. I would have suspected that they were cooperating with the enemy."

"And you, what's in the package?"

LV he grabbed Zhuang fan's parcel and pulled it down. In the process of tearing, he also spilled the contents. It was just a few big cakes!

"Well, what else do you have to say?"

LV Hezhi asked: "where did this come from? It was given to you by the enemy, and it was said that you were not suspected of cooperating with the enemy! "

These words have stimulated these people.

The enemy knows how to cure them, the enemy respects them so much, and the enemy's general trusts them so much!

When they go back to their own barracks, they are treated like this.

There is a big difference between the two!

It also aroused their rebellious mentality, and even gave birth to the idea that they would have taken refuge with Wang Kang and come back to receive the bird's anger.

"General Lu, I know what you think?"

Zhuang Fan said, "we brought this cake back for everyone to eat. The brothers have been hungry for many days. Since we have come back, we are still determined to go to Vietnam."

"Shut up

"Don't think I don't know what kind of heart you are in," he said

After the steamed bread incident last night, Chen Tang specially ordered the whole army to pay attention to Wang Kang's tactics.

That's why LV he is so tough.

"What's the matter?"

Just then, Han Jian came over.


LV he began to explain to Han Jian, and after hearing this, Han Jian was surprised.

How can Wang Kang put them all back?

Instinctively, he felt something was wrong, something abnormal must be demon!

However, he decided to keep a low profile first. Last night's events are fresh in his mind, and there can be no more mutiny. The fearless infighting consumes their own strength, and the impact is too great.

Han Jian said, "let them all go in!"


Han Jian said in a low voice: "let them in first, but be careful. I'll go to the commander first and ask him how to deal with it."


"Let them in, let them in!"

Zhuang fan picked up the big cakes on the ground and led them in, but their faces were very tight.

It's obvious that LV he's eyes are not good.

"My Lord, why do I feel something is wrong?"

A Yue Bing leans to Zhuang fan's side.

"Something's wrong."

"I suspect they are stabilizing us for the time being and then dealing with it."

"Well, don't think about it. Let's give the dry food to the brothers first. I'm afraid they are starving."


These people entered the barracks, and soon they were surrounded.

"Brother, why are you back? Look at your wound. It's bandaged! "


"It was Zhao Jun who saved us, and the dead brothers were buried."

"Well, they did a good job, and we were shocked."

They are all soldiers fighting. There is no guarantee that they will not die in the battlefield!

No fear of death.

Since they joined the army, they already had this preparation, but what they were afraid of was that no one would care if they died. The corpse was rotten and smelly, but they left it there.

That's really pathetic.

From this point of view, Wang Kang's practice is enough to arouse the respect of most of the Vietnamese army.

"But then again, how could Zhao Jun let you come back?"

"This is the idea of the general on the opposite side. He said that since he saved us, he would surely give us freedom. What word did he say? I think it's called humanitarianism

"Yes, it's humanitarianism!""Do you know? The general captured Pengcheng, but he didn't kill a civilian, didn't even disturb him, and some of his brothers went straight home. "

"Really, so my family is still alive?"

"Live, live!"

"We met in Pengcheng, and we can see that it was not pretended. Although they occupied Pengcheng, they did not affect other people's lives at all."

"It's very rare."

"That's right. The general of the state of Zhao is really benevolent and righteous. I'll tell you more about it."

"Yes, we had steamed bread yesterday."

"Send you steamed bread?"

"Yes, but we are not allowed to eat on it. Conflicts broke out and many brothers died."

"Ah, what a coward! What do you think is the matter with us now? When this battle is over, I will do nothing

"But you have to be careful. I heard the grapevine. It's going to deal with you who come back..."

Similar conversations take place everywhere. More than 3000 people come back, but they have more than 3000 mouths. Everyone has become the best microphone.

They began to talk about their journey, how they were rescued, what treatment they had, and how Wang Kang was right for them

And Wang Kang's benevolence and righteousness, Wang Kang's magnanimity, is simply to repay good for evil!

And they brought back dry food and distributed it to others.

Cannibalism, short hands!

Eating Wang Kang's food, they naturally appreciate Wang Kang!

In a short period of time, it has spread to the whole army in secret, making many people's thoughts have changed, which is a kind of ideological erosion!

Silent change!

Such a contrast, their commander-in-chief is really too bad!

Hunger and cold, all kinds of reasons, so that they began to get tired, tired of here, there is a yearning for Pengcheng

Of course, the detailed works sent by Wang Kang in advance also played a great role.

In the army, people's hearts were floating and people were in a state of panic. All kinds of comments were made, and Chen Tang soon noticed.

He knew it had to be controlled.

This is really terrible!

Imagine that the soldiers under their command hold such high esteem for the enemy. What kind of thing should it be?

He is very clear that in the current situation, we should not be too radical.

But at the moment there is no way, we must use high pressure policy to control!

Soon, Chen Tang made a plan and began to arrest and deal with people. The Vietnamese soldiers who came back were the first to be among them.

Anyone who has said anything is likely to be investigated!

But he didn't know that the more severe the oppression, the heavier the rebound would be