Annani's face is dignified, unprecedented, beautiful eyes are also staring at Wang Kang, full of warning.


Li Qingman asked busily, "what is the crisis?"

Lin Yuyan is also very nervous. They all know that anani is a prairie prophet. She has some special ability to predict the future.

Since she said it, it must be a little bit sensitive.

"I don't know. It's just a strong feeling."

Annani said in a low voice: "originally I couldn't see Wang Kang, but now I can feel it, which means that the crisis is really big, but maybe..."

"What about that?"

The two women looked at each other, some do not know how.

"What can it be?"

Wang Kang said with a smile: "Nansha Bay is our territory. Besides, we have to go this time. We have to hold a celebration and receive the Qi mission..."

He didn't care.

Anani told him that foreknowledge is conditional, and it's not so miraculous. It's similar to divination.

And anani can't see him, and so can his two sons

"Maybe I think too much."

Annani shook her head.

"Anyway, pay more attention and make more arrangements."

Li Qingman opened his mouth and thought about it carefully. In fact, it's nothing. Nansha Bay is his own territory. What waves can other people who have the heart to do harm turn?

What's more, Wang Kang is not the same as before. He has many experts

"That's it. Go to Nansha Bay tomorrow!"

Wang Kang made a decision.

And anani closed her eyes, her face slightly coagulated, and she seemed to be still thinking

The next day.

Wang Kang left for nanshawan, accompanied by Li Qingman and Lin Yuyan, two children and a family.

Besides, the courtiers brought by Duke Hai also wanted to welcome the Qi mission and show solemnity

It took a few days to get to Nansha Bay. In order to strengthen the connection and facilitate the transportation of goods and materials, Wang Kang specially built a special line between the two places to connect water and land, which saved a lot of time than before.

Nanshawan has become a landmark area of the state of Zhao, where businessmen from all over the world gather. Now it is fully built, and it has attracted a lot of people!

The celebration has already begun to publicize. With this trend, a large-scale trade fair will also be held.

Nansha Island is boiling, the momentum has begun, and there is a lot of people everywhere. Who would have thought that this scene would be once that desolate place

"Shopkeeper Li, you are here too!"

"It's shopkeeper Wu. Why can't I come if you can?"

"Ha ha!"

"Now this is a big business city, a trading center!"

"Who says no? Master Kang is the one with the ability. In three years, he can say whether it is long or short. He can develop into such a person!"

"Manager Wu, you have vision. You rented the store warehouse here early, and now you're making a lot of money!"

"Ha ha!"

Shopkeeper Wu said with a smile: "what we want for business is the environment. This is the most suitable place. Have you gone to Nanbo city? There are no people. There are few boats at the port and wharf..."

There is a similar scene everywhere, talking with each other, sighing with each other, exchanging what is needed, and the excitement is endless

And at the moment.

Nanbo City, the city Lord's house is a low, the gap is too big!

Next door is very busy, attracting many people of Nanbo City, and even a lot of Yan merchants have settled in nanshawan for a long time!

It's a good move. It's taking Nanbo city out of the water!

Ju Liangcai is still the Lord of the city. Murong Zhao ascends to the throne of Yan Emperor. As a confidant, he naturally rises in the tide, but he still keeps him here, trying to compete with Nansha Bay again

But the gap is obviously getting farther and farther!

"Lord, a letter was sent to us from Nansha Bay earlier inviting us to attend the celebration ceremony. Shall we go or not..."

An official spoke with difficulty.

"To what? It's just Wang Kang's disgusting. It's really hateful

"Damn it

A group of people are constantly scolding, in addition to vent, what else can they do, there is nothing they can do

"Go, why not?"

For a long time, Ju Liangcai said in a low voice: "although we don't want to admit it, we have to face the reality. It's not an accident that Nansha bay can come to this step!"

"Wang Kang has vision and courage. It must be admitted."


Ju Liangcai stood up and said, "only by learning from other people's strong points can we know our own shortcomings. We can't just admit defeat..."

Today, everyone's eyes are focused on Nansha Bay.Ju Liangcai is like this, and many people are like this!

The sun is coming.

In the central square of Nansha Island, a high platform has been set up. All the people gather here and wait.

Because the Lord of Nansha Bay, Wang Kang will be there

Today is sunny, and even some spicy, but people do not have the slightest intolerance, but is full of enthusiasm!

It's time.

Wang Kang came out in the spotlight!




Also at this moment, the four surrounding came a loud roar!

"What sound? Why is there so much movement? "


People start to wonder and look around.

At this time, Wang Kang raised his hand and motioned for silence. Everyone's eyes were focused on him.

"Please don't be impatient. What was fired just now is a salute for today's celebration..."

In front of him, there is an arc-shaped barrel with a wide top and a narrow bottom, which can be regarded as a simple horn to let his voice out.

"So it is, but it's quite a stir."

"It's said that Wang Kang has a very powerful weapon. That's what happened."

People are talking about it again.

At this time, he continued: "I'm Wang Kang. I believe you all know that Nansha Bay is my fiefdom, but it's up to you to have the present scale!"

"What businessmen want is mutual benefit and win-win cooperation. My main purpose is to provide a good environment for everyone!"

Wang Kang said in a loud voice: "I said earlier that Nansha Bay is free. It's completely open here. No matter you are from Zhao, Yue, Yan or grassland Hu, it's the same here. You won't be unfairly at all..."

"Win win cooperation, mutual benefit!"

It was also very brief, but it was obviously said in everyone's heart, which also caused cheers.

Then, Wang Kang stepped off the stage, the celebration ceremony officially began, and the real highlight was the trade fair.

At the same time, there are also a lot of celebration programs, beating gongs and drums, full of excitement.

I believe that the prosperity of Nansha Bay will be further improved after this time, but no one noticed that a special person appeared

He walked steadily through the crowd. When he came in, both of them seemed to consciously move aside, but strangely enough, none of them noticed