The selection of minister of military aircraft has always been the focus of people's attention, which is also the first appointment since Wang Kang took charge of military aircraft.

It's up to him to propose a candidate and the emperor agrees. This is his right.

And a few days later, Wang Kang finally determined the candidate. This candidate was unexpected. He was Gongsun Sheng, the general of the garrison in the south of Zhao!

Gongsun Sheng himself is nothing, the key is his background.

He came from Gongsun's family and his father was former right Prime Minister Sun Bo.

Speaking of Gongsun Bo, he is a powerful man. He is the elder of three dynasties. He has great prestige in the court and is the head of civil servants.

The succession of the Zhao emperor was still important, but he died because of his age.

The empress of Gongsun was Gongsun Bo's granddaughter and Gongsun Sheng's daughter.

That is to say, Gongsun Sheng is the father-in-law of the state and the father-in-law of the Zhao emperor.

It's an extraordinary identity.

And Wang Kang chose such a person to enter the military aircraft department!

They all thought that Wang Kang would choose people who had a good relationship with him, or people from his faction.

But he chose a father-in-law of the Zhao emperor, which not only surprised people, but also made people sigh about Wang Kang's power.

This is a manifestation of political wisdom.

Wang Kang is now in charge of the military aircraft and has great power. Such an important organization was handed over to him by the emperor Zhao.

And he is also to reciprocate, at the same time show attitude, choose such a person to enter the military department!

If it's perfect, no one can find fault.

This candidate was put forward, which was quickly agreed and confirmed by the emperor of Zhao!

Gongsun Sheng, Minister of military aircraft!

Recently, many military generals from all over the border have come to Beijing to report their duties and discuss the transfer. Gongsun Sheng has just returned. He has risen from a local general to a minister of military aircraft. He is also the father of the state. It can be predicted that after Gongsun Bo's death, there will be another important member in the court.

This is also the wisdom of Wang Kang.

Very satisfied with all aspects.

Time goes by day.

Every day Wang Kang was busy. Under his leadership, the military plane was on the right track, and all the troops were being transferred to the front line.

On the southern border, the local garrison and even the border city garrison outside Kyoto City have been transferred to the front line, a total of 300000 people!

In addition, the total number of troops under the command of Jiang Chenghua, the fifth prince, on the eastern border has reached 500000!

This number of troops is the limit that Zhao can mobilize at present.

Even the garrison on the northwest border has been partially mobilized. Wang Kang has made arrangements as far as possible to prevent Yue.

It wasn't used to be.

But there is no way. Since the war has begun, we must do our best, not only for the sake of the six nation alliance, but also for the sake of Zhao.

The emperor of Zhao has made up his mind to take advantage of this opportunity to wash away his humiliation and take back the eastern province occupied by the state of Chu!

The whole state of Zhao was mobilizing, and the troops from all over the country left the camp. They went in the same direction.

At the same time, Zhao Huang arranged for the military aircraft department to start recruiting new soldiers and forming reserves!

Because this war can't end in just a few years. It's likely to end in a dozen years or even longer

The mainland, which has been quiet for a long time, will fall into a long war. More than half of the countries will be swept into the country, and many city people may suffer as a result.

But there is no way!

It seems that no one can change it

"What they want from the supreme cult is the turmoil in the mainland, the years of war, the unbreakable, and now it has become apparent. Is there any connection behind this?"

Wang Kang stood by the window and kept thinking.

In fact, there is a foreboding when we come to a certain stage. The so-called general trend of the world is that after a long period of cooperation, we must divide and after a long period of separation, we must unite

What effect does this have on him?

What changes will it bring to him?

Wang Kang didn't know. He could only take one step and see one step.

"Lord Wang, what are you thinking?"

At this time, a question came from behind.

The speaker was a middle-aged man with a tiger back and a strong waist. He was dressed in an official uniform, which seemed a little nondescript. He should be more suitable to wear general armor.

This man is Gongsun Sheng, the new minister of military aircraft.

"I wonder how long this battle will last."

"It should be a long time."

Although Gongsun Sheng is older than Wang Kang and has a deep background, he is respectful to Wang Kang.

"The state of Chu has a vast territory and many people. It's too difficult to defeat the occupation completely."

Gongsun Sheng said: "this is also led by the state of Qi to form an alliance, otherwise who dares to attack the state of Chu."

"By the way, Lord Gongsun was stationed at Hushan pass, which is the border with the state of Yan. Can it be peaceful?"

"It's quiet."

Gongsun Sheng said, "it's still because of you, Lord Wang. When you attacked Yan, even the people of Yan who killed several cities were afraid. When you mentioned your name, you were scared. How dare you invade?""Now, if you transfer all the garrison there, the state of Yan will be more stable."

Wang Kang is thinking about this problem.

When the border garrison is transferred, there will be no garrison. Naturally, it should be taken into account.

"There should be no problem."

Gongsun Sheng said in a deep voice: "we Zhao state in the deployment at the same time, Yan state is also in the arrangement, and also belong to the alliance, should not invade, they have no energy!"


Wang Kang nodded his approval.

Gongsun Sheng went on: "this time, we have invested 500000 troops. Thanks to the support of Qi in the aspect of military supplies, food and grass, otherwise it will be difficult."

"Even without Qi, we should be able to support it for a while."

Wang Kang said: "in recent years, the country's economic development is good, the Treasury is full, and the city people are rich."

"The war has started again. I hope it will come to a good end."

Wang Kang couldn't help sighing.

It has been several years since he came to this world. Of course, there are feelings. He has long regarded himself as a real Zhao.


They were busy chatting.

A few days later, another large army set out. It was the Dingbian city garrison, with a total of 30000 people, all equipped with new equipment.

This is also the last one. Gao Yin, the eighth Prince of the state of Qi, will also go to the front line with him, which is what the emperor of Qi asked of them.

We have to go through war and fire.

Wang Kang personally went out of the city to see each other off. During this period of time in the capital, they spent a long time together, and their friendship became better and better.

"Brother Kang, you must consider what I told you."

Gao Yin still reminded him.

Wang Kang said with a smile: "let's go step by step. I hope everything goes well in the war. You should be more careful when you go to the army

"The state of Zhao has paid a lot this time. This front alone should not be a big problem."

"Well, I wish you all the best."

They said goodbye. After seeing him off, Wang Kang went back to his house to have a good rest. As soon as he got back to his house, he received an urgent message from Huaiyin, and it was bad news