Wang Kang immediately wondered that Lin Zhen was the Deputy General of the Pingxi army. When he was away, he was in charge of the Pingxi army. Now it's the period of recuperation. What did he do here?

"My Lord, I have something important to report!"

Wang Kang noticed that Lin Zhen's face was not very good-looking. He felt tired and his eyes were red.

He looked at Li Qingman and found that her expression was frozen.

Wang Kang was slightly shocked. He had a bad feeling.

It's at the door now. People are coming and going.

"This is not a place to talk, you come with me!"

Wang Kang with two people into the house, he is also very familiar here, no one to stop.

He went in to find an empty room and closed the door. Wang Kang said, "please tell me."


I didn't expect Lin Zhen to kneel down!

"My Lord, you have to avenge your brothers!"

Lin Zhen's first sentence made Wang Kang's heart tremble. His eyes were red and his face was unwilling. It seemed that there was endless injustice!

"If there's something, get up and say it."

Lin Zhen didn't stand up, but said: "Sir, before you sent someone to send a reply, I sent Ding Qian with ten thousand Pingxi army to the front line with the feng'an city defense army. Now these ten thousand brothers are almost dead and wounded, especially not long ago, all eight thousand brothers died miserably!"


Wang Kang was surprised and said, "was it not that war that killed and injured more than a thousand Pingxi soldiers?"

"False! It's all fake! "

"What's the matter?"

Wang Kang's heart is beating. Is there really a turning point? What's wrong with it?

"Tell me all about it!"

"The battle was arranged by Zhao guoce in accordance with the command. It was led by Gao Yin, the eighth Prince of Qi State, and WAN Jian, the general of Zhao state. There were 50000 people, including 8000 Pingxi army. The normal combat task was to feint attack on the enemy, but temporarily changed the order, and the feint attack turned into a real attack

Lin Zhen began to talk about the war in detail. The seven foot man burst into tears!

"Our army will not die in defense, especially the soldiers of Pingxi army. They killed the enemy several times and rushed out of the encirclement of the enemy. Even at this time, they did not wait for rescue!"

"Fight and retreat. When you reach the Allied stronghold City, you can rescue as long as you send troops to the city!"

"But there was no rescue in the city. We saw our army surrounded by several times of the enemy and died outside the city!"

"My Lord, you are in charge of us!"

Lin Zhen opened his mouth and said, "the Pingxi army has been fighting with you from south to north. It's so hard to fight in the northern grassland. Our casualties have not reached ten thousand. This time, eight thousand brothers died miserably."

"Is that true?"

Wang Kang looks gloomy to the extreme!

He never thought that there was such a cruel inside story.

He is a war fighter. How can he not recognize the twists and turns.


At first, these people were sent to death!

One order can't do it, and another order can't do it. In the end, it doesn't work. I just ignore it. I'm dying outside the city!

It's Gao Rui!

In an instant, Wang Kang responded.

His purpose is not Zhao Jun, but to get rid of Gao Yin!

"It's true!"

Zhou Qing took out a pamphlet from his arms and said, "this is the detailed war report. Jiang Chenghua, commander in chief of the Zhao army, sent someone to send it to Xinfengcheng secretly."

"I'll tell you."

Li Qingman said in a deep voice: "I received the intelligence sent by the underground network. After this incident, the front-line commander's office immediately came down. It seems that there is the instruction of the Qi emperor. When Xianxian received the war report, he immediately sent the underground network to investigate. Only through our secret line in the palace can we know the truth!"

"The Qi emperor put pressure on the Zhao emperor, forced him to hide the truth, so he had another tone."

"They're hiding it, they're lying!"

Li Qingman said in a low voice: "eight thousand soldiers of Pingxi army died miserably. Gao Yin didn't die in a normal battle either. Gao Rui gave an order and refused to open the city gate on the ground that there were too many enemies to rescue. They killed wave after wave of enemies, but they died in their own hands!"

"This is the truth!"

Word for word!

Make Wang kangru hit by lightning!

The truth is clear!

The emperor of Qi got the detailed information of the war in the first time, but he concealed it from himself and made sure, and then he mourned with Gao Yin and left himself in the state of Qi.

During this period, he sent people to arrange an emergency, and the overall blockade was suppressed!

As the emperor of Qi, as the main ally, he had this ability, which made the Zhao emperor have to compromise!

Jiang Chenghua must know, but he felt unwilling, so he sent a secret letter to Xinfengcheng, otherwise he would be kept in the dark!

Wang Kang's fist clenched!Anger is building up in my chest!

He closed his eyes as if the scene were playing back in front of him.

Every one of them insisted on killing the enemy bravely, and finally came to their own city, but there was no one to help them!

He could imagine how desperate and unwilling they were at that time!

Eight thousand Pingxi army, a total of 50000 Zhao army, and his brother Gao Yin!

Once Yan things reappear, and also more thoroughly!

Why did Gao Rui spare no effort to get rid of Gao yin?

It should be that he already knew his identity, he was afraid of his support, and Gao Yin would become the crown prince!

That's it, that's it!

He killed Gao Yin, but also despicable to make those moves, dead to use, but also take the opportunity to win the hearts of the people!

The Qi emperor knows everything, but he conceals it!

Also threatened Jiang Chengli!

Wang Kang doesn't blame him. Standing in his position, he can't help it, which shows the hypocrisy and hegemony of the Qi emperor!

"Damn it

"Gao Rui, damn you!"

Wang Kang opened his eyes.

Anger in the chest, killing in the eyes!

He wants justice, he wants those people to pay the most!

"My lord?"

"I see."

Wang Kang took a deep breath and tried to suppress his anger. He said in a low voice, "don't worry, my people won't die in vain. I will pay back this justice!"

"Wang Kang, don't be impulsive."

Li Qingman said: "this matter needs to be considered in the long run. The Qi emperor's shielding of Gao Rui shows a lot of problems."

"Besides, it's in the state of Qi."

"I know."

Wang Kang said: "I'm calm now. I don't care what reason he has. I'll make a statement and make it fair. If he still insists, he's not fair!"

"Then I'll do it my own way!"

Wang Kang's eyes were full of dangerous and crazy eyes. He said coldly, "I hope Gao Yanzong doesn't force me to this step, otherwise I will not only make Gao Rui a prince, but also make him an emperor!"

"You think about it? It's no small matter. "

"I think about it."

Wang Kang said calmly, "if I can't even protect my subordinates and my brothers, am I still Wang Kang?"

"This time, it really pissed me off!"

Just then.

There was a sound outside the door.

"Mr. Wang, are you here? Mr. Hu asked me to tell you that we are going to the imperial mausoleum..."