"Your Majesty?"

Murong Zhao's opening surprised everyone.

It's a bit unexpected to surrender so soon. This is just the beginning, and it's also the monarch.

Aren't you ready to fight?

The state of Yan also has a backstage now, which is in the alliance established by the state of Qi.

There are detailed rules in the covenant, and there is an alliance of attack and defense.

That is to say, the alliance is not only attacking Chu. If any country in the alliance is attacked by another country, it is regarded as attacking the alliance at the same time.

This is a supplementary regulation.

Because in the current situation, it is impossible for similar things to happen except in the state of Chu.

But such a thing happened!

Then you can rest assured. What are you afraid of with Qi and such a big alliance?

It's just a short concession. What else can we do?

Anyway, I have the confidence!

How did you surrender so quickly?

But how can they know the details? Since Wang Kang dares to do it, he is not afraid of Qi at all.

Let him fight?

Qi is now too busy to take care of itself. The domestic economy is in recession and the foreign countries are in a stalemate. It can be said that it is a domestic crisis and foreign invasion!

At this time, how can he have the energy?

While you are ill, it will kill you. That's what Wang Kang sees.

Murong Zhao clenched his fist and said in a low voice, "go to preach!"


A man was busy running to the front.

They don't know, but Murong Zhao knows the situation very well.

Yan's troops are all on the front line and cannot be withdrawn in a short time.

The state of Zhao has withdrawn from the battlefield, not to mention Wang Kang, the state of Yue, the northern grassland and the powerful navy!

The gap is too big!

Murong Zhao is very self-conscious!

Since Wang Kang dares to fight, he must have thought about the consequences. The attack on Nanbo city is just the beginning. If he continues, I'm afraid the army will attack from all directions immediately!

The state of Yan could not resist.

And the state of Yan can no longer stand such a toss!

He is not reconciled, but there is no way!

He also wants to play hard to the end, but the conditions do not allow.

It's meaningless to surrender, to seek negotiations, to hold a stalemate, to bring more casualties

"Come on, go and have a look."

"Your Majesty?"

"I have surrendered, and Wang Kang will not fight again..."

His order soon spread to the front, where troops were being organized to resist, and land and water were attacking at the same time. The strength was strong. Yan was very hard and was on the verge of collapse.

At this time, Murong Zhao ordered to surrender.

Some people relax a little, others are unwilling.

But anyway, it's an order!

Wave the white flag and shout surrender.

It's much easier than fighting.

"My Lord, there is a white flag in the state of Yan!"

Wang Kang could see the white flag flying on the shore.

"Stop attacking."

Wang Kang also gave the order.

The white flag has been raised, but it's going too far. It's really fast. It's just the beginning, but it also shows that Murong Zhao is mature.


Wang Zhi's eyes widened, and he was surprised and said, "it's too fast. Before the artillery gets hot, he will surrender."

He looked disappointed.

Not only him, but also the officers and soldiers in Nansha Bay have the same idea. At least they insist on it. It's too spineless.

"It's not spineless. It's a sense of current affairs. It's a sign of maturity as a monarch. There's no room for resistance, so why insist."

Wang Kang appreciated Murong Zhao's decision.

I don't think it's humiliating. If I want to have backbone, it depends on whether my strength is equal.

It's not worth the loss if you don't know yourself clearly, and there are serious consequences

"Let's go, go ashore!"

Wang Kang knows that since Murong Zhao has decided to surrender, the next step is to enter the negotiation stage. Of course, this is not the end. The specific outcome depends on the outcome of the negotiation.

Sending out the navy fleet and Pingxi army to attack Nanbo city is only the first step.

If Murong Zhao is stubborn.

There will be a bigger military action in the future, until he is subdued. If you don't agree, you will be killed!

Wang Kang's determination is quite heavy.

The attack only lasted for a short time, and it has stopped. It seems to be a bit hasty.

When the warship landed, Wang Kang was also on the shore surrounded by a group of soldiers. Yan army kept alert and was full of vigilance.

At the same time, he also saw Murong Zhao protected in the center.

Seeing Wang Kang coming, he also passed by.This is the situation.

Murong Zhao clenched his fist, looked at Wang Kang and gritted his teeth and said, "it's really you who have come back."

"What? You really don't want me back? We are old friends. "

Wang Kang responded with a smile, showing that he was just like an old friend.

Murong Zhao and I were really old friends. At that time, he was not the emperor of Yan, but the Kirin of Yan.

At that time, he led the army to attack the state of Zhao, but he failed because of Wang Kang. It was also that time that Yan's national strength was greatly damaged, and now he can't slow down.

He looked at murongzhao. He was more mature than before, with calm temperament and the majesty of a monarch.

In Wang Kang's opinion, none of the young monarchs is fatuous. They are all famous masters with great talents, including Xia Yanchun, the king of Yue supported by him!

There is no doubt about it.

This is a time of great talents.

Now it's a time of chaos in the mainland, and a time of great achievements!

Competing with so many people on the same stage is full of expectation and passion for Wang Kang!

"Do you know what you're doing? Launch an attack on Nansha bay without any reason. Do you want to start a war between the two countries? "

Murong Zhao interrupts Wang Kang's thoughts.

"There should be real reasons for the war between the two countries. Before the war, there should be a letter of war. But you have no reason or justification. How do you let the people of the world treat you and how do you convince them?"

His opening is a great righteousness!

"It's against the will of the people, against the morality..."


Wang Kang shook his head and said, "it's not redundant for you to tell me that as long as you have enough strength, I'll fight whoever I want to fight. There's no need to look at the great interests of the world and the aspirations of the people."

"Speaking of this..."

Wang Kang raised his eyebrows and said, "when you led the army to attack the state of Zhao, was there any reason? That was a complete act of aggression. At that time, Yan and Zhao were still friendly. Did you worry about the influence? "

"Don't tell me it's useless."

Wang Kang said faintly: "don't use the alliance of several countries or Qi state to suppress me. If I dare to put up such a big position, I'm not afraid of anything!"

"Do you understand?"

Murong Zhao's face changed one after another, his eyes fixed on Wang Kang.

In this world, we always rely on strength. Wang Kang is right. As long as we have strength, we can fight whoever we want. What can you do?

After a long time.

He asked, "come on, what are your conditions?"