Prince Rong just settled down and raised it again!

There was a distance between the two sides, and they were both going against the wind. They were both warships. He didn't think that the warships on Wang Kang's side were much faster than those on his side!

As long as we move at full speed and keep this safe distance, the enemy will not be able to catch up.

Moreover, when they were changing ships just now, they delayed for some time and did not see the enemy pursuing them.

This shows that the speed of enemy warships should be slower than them!

Moreover, they also have five steel building ships, which are bound to drag them down.

But now, the speed of enemy warships has increased, and the formation has also changed!

The warship turned to both sides. It was obvious that it was going to encircle!

And in this acceleration, I believe it won't take long to catch up!

Why is their ship moving so fast?

Prince Rong looks ugly.

If so, what's the point of changing ships?

If the package is successful, they will all stay here!

No, absolutely not!

It has to be stopped!

Prince Rong immediately ordered: "attack enemy warships immediately. We must create some resistance for them!"

But there are only three main ships left behind. What role can they play in the face of Wang Kang's huge fleet?

And Wang Kang didn't care at all.

His goal, of course, is to withdraw most of the troops.

Speed up, formation change, from both sides!

This can give them the greatest deterrent!

And the artillery will also fire one from time to time. The roaring explosion reminds us that the pursuit is still going on!

If you want to live, you have to run!

At this time, the good mobility of Wang Kang's warships played a role, and also controlled the rhythm of the war!

"Hurry up, we're catching up. Can we make the boat faster?"

The warship not far away had just been bombarded. This kind of movement also made Gao Xiu collapse completely.

It's terrible!

He saw the soldier in the center of the explosion with his own eyes. His arms were blown off. It was so terrible that he shuddered to think about it!

Gao Xiu yelled.

He really regretted coming with him. If he didn't make it, he might die here. He is the prince. How precious he is!

"Come on, let the boat go. Are you all rubbish?"

Gao Xiu yelled.

This makes a lot of people uncomfortable.

Prince Rong's son, Gao Fang, took over the navy commander.

At the moment, he said angrily, "Your Highness, my father is already using his own life to win time for our evacuation. Now all the crew and all the soldiers are doing their best. Is it too much for you to say that?"

Ben was worried about his father.

Gao Fang is furious now!


Gao Xiu subconsciously said: "I'm the fifth prince, I..."

"My father is still Prince Rong, even his Majesty must call him brother!"



At this time, another shell came.

Gao Xiu, regardless of the dispute, ran to the cabin to hide.


Gao Fang scorned to scold.

"My Lord, the enemy ships are too fast. If we go on like this, we will be pursued sooner or later."

Then a man came to report.

Gao Fang quickly looked at the past, the distance between the two sides, and into a few points.

"Damn, their ships are faster than ours!"

Gao Fang couldn't help scolding.

He looked at the rear. His father's main ship was harassing the enemy ships all the time, but because of the small number, the effect was limited, and the enemy ignored it.

It's safe for the time being.

Obviously, the enemy's target is them!

It can't go on like this!

He thought of his father's advice, the family has been deeply favored by the emperor, control of the Navy!

Daqi Navy is famous all over the world.

Not all of them!

That's why my father stayed to fight with the enemy.

He's going to live up to his father's expectations!

Anyway, take them back!

His face was high and gloomy.

The speed of the warship has reached the limit. It seems that the enemy's warship has also reached the limit. How can it be faster?

There is only one way left!

That's to lighten the ship!

Warships are equipped with military supplies, such as boulders for riprappers, crossbows for long-range crossbows, and bow reserves.

Thoughts flashed.

Gao Fang gritted his teeth and said, "go down and throw away all the stones that are used to be thrown out of the warship!"Originally, the riprap was a very powerful weapon for their warships, but since the beginning of the war, it has not been used much.

Now it's useless. If we throw them all into the sea, we can reduce the weight of the warship.

The order was given.

The big stones on the ship began to throw into the water, and many huge arrows were thrown out!

There's no way.

But it also works. With less burden, the speed will be faster. They also see some hope

And this scene has been observed by Wang Kang.

Wang Zhi looked through his telescope and said, "my Lord, they are starting to throw arms."


Wang Kang said: "don't worry, just chase after them, give them pressure, keep such a distance, let them relax first."

"I see."

Wang Zhi said with a smile: "when they feel hopeful, let's speed up, so that they will throw away all their armaments. After that, it's time to throw food and fresh water."

"The most important thing for a long voyage is fresh water food supply. Without these, it's the most terrible thing!"

"I see they have supply ships."

Wang Kang said, "try to grab their supply ship. If you can't, you'll get rid of it!"


"Also, what they left behind should be solved. If those two ordinary large warships are destroyed, don't fight that steel building ship. Get close to the past and seize it!"

"Let Baishan do it, so they don't have to follow us. After solving the problem, clean up the battlefield."

"I see!"

Wang Zhi hastened to deliver the order.

Wang Kang didn't want to observe any more, so he went back to the cabin to have a rest. This cat and mouse game will take some time.

With the order!

Wang Kang's navy, there are several warships separated out, launched an attack on the three warships left by Qi Navy!

Under the attack of artillery, the two ordinary large warships were quickly sunk, and then they surrounded the steel building ship.

After all, it is an iron and steel building ship. If it is seized, it will also play a great role.

And this scene also fell in the eyes of Gao Fang and all the Qi Navy officers and men.

Gao Fang clenched his fist and his eyes turned red!

It's been a terrible battle.

My father was on the main ship. He was Prince Rong of Daqi. He was the most powerful prince. He died in this way!

All of them were sad and some of them were crying.

Gao Fang wiped away the tears, sadness has no meaning, now the most important thing is to complete his father's will, the living people, can also line the ship back!

But Wang Kang, how can they get what they want