Xiang Tai's solemn face also made the atmosphere here formal immediately. The other kings looked at each other without saying much.

We all know why we gather here today?

"I think you all know that Yan's false surrender and secret communication with Zhao caused us to lose 300000 troops!"

Xiang Tai said this.

Immediately someone said in a cold voice: "the state of Yan is so ungrateful. It's just playing with fire. It's just the state of Yan. It's the same size as Yasukuni. Who gave him courage? It's damned!"

"Damn it

The speaker was in his fifties, and his face was a little red. Now he was blowing his beard and staring at him. He was a hot tempered man.

He is king Jing, Xiang Yan!

Among the thirty-six vassal states, Yasukuni was also quite powerful.

What he said is also true.

His vassal state is really about the size of Yan state.

"That's good. If you want to die, you can easily destroy the state of Yan. There is no need for such a weak country to exist!"

Another man spoke.

This man is the same age as king Jing, and his eyes are full of coldness and disdain when he talks. He is the Duanwang Xiangzhi.

"Yan's move is really unexpected. It caught us off guard. 300000 troops, all regular troops, are not small numbers."

Compared with other people, the speaker is much calmer.

And his age is also the biggest here, full of silver, but looking at the spirit is still very good.

Pingwang is a blessing.

He is a person of the same generation as the former Emperor, and he is also the oldest prince.

When you enter this kind of occasion, you are wearing gorgeous clothes, but no one criticizes you.

Xiang Tai continued: "and I have another piece of bad news to tell you. You should all know that in the early days of the war, Qi sent navy to attack Zhao."

People nodded.

Now Qi Chu alliance.

This is also a strategic policy set in advance.

Three battlefields, attack at the same time.

As long as one battlefield wins, it will affect the overall situation.

"That's good news!"

Xiang Fu said: "the rest of Qi dare not say, but the navy is very powerful!"


Others nodded in agreement.

"Qi navy can capture Yanzhao from the rear, which makes Zhao have to send troops back to defense. From a strategic point of view, the role is very important!"

Qi and Chu, the two great powers, have their own advantages in land and water.

It also makes them full of confidence in the war.

"The state of Zhao has been shrinking and refusing to fight. I thought they were afraid. It turned out that there was another conspiracy!"

Speaking of this, everyone is gnashing their teeth!

At the beginning of the war.

One million of them launched a swift and violent offensive.

However, the state of Zhao relied on fortifications, city terrain and so on, and never met the enemy head-on.

The forces are equal.

The big war can't start, the small war can't stop, it doesn't hurt or itch.

Of course, we also used the attack and the sea of people tactics, but the loss was too big, so we stopped in time.

After the war of Qi and Chu, there were losses and casualties, and the troops of Chu were not as rich as before.

Therefore, it is not a problem to wait for the war process on the other side of Yan state and fight a small Yan state.

When the state of Yan suffered a strong attack, the state of Zhao was bound to go to the military assistance side, so that there was a gap in the military strength and it was easy to fight.

But they don't know.

In fact, Zhao had already secretly sent troops to ambush

That's what they hate!

"But it doesn't matter."

Xiang Yan opened his mouth and said, "it's better to fight like this. Three hundred thousand troops from the state of Zhao have rushed to help the state of Yan, and they have divided their troops."

"When the navy of Qi attacked Yan and Zhao, they had to come back. They were already short of troops, but we still had troops to invest in. When the troops of Wu, Wei and Ba arrived, they would be destroyed."


"As long as one of the three battlefields wins in the original strategic formulation, it will affect the whole war situation!"

"But the truth is not what you think!"

Xiang Tai said in a low voice: "according to accurate information, the navy of the state of Qi attacked Zhao and ran aground, and was counterattacked into Qi by the navy of the state of Zhao. The whole army of the navy was destroyed. Gao Rui, the new king, was taken away, and Gao Yanzong, the former Emperor of Qi, died..."

He talked about the changes in the state of Qi.

"Qi's national strength has been greatly damaged, and it is no longer able to participate in the alliance, let alone the mainland hegemony. The front-line troops have begun to withdraw one after another. Although there is no clear indication, they should have withdrawn from the alliance."

This remark obviously made everyone look suspicious.

"It's not true!"

"Yes, the state of Qi has the first navy on the mainland. Who can defeat it?""It's true, it's true!"

"No way. How could Zhao have such naval power?"

Xiang Tai said in a deep voice: "the state of Zhao does not have it, but Wang Kang has it!"

"Wang Kang?"

"It's him!"

People's faces changed slightly.

This name is not strange, especially recently it has been spread and mentioned.

"My vassal state is adjacent to the state of Yan, so I know more about it."

Xiang Tai said in a deep voice: "Wang Kang has only risen in the past ten years. In a short time, he has become one of the top figures in the mainland. With his help, the state of Zhao revived and rose again, and formed a four party alliance to fight against the state of Chu..."

"And he is also the commander of the enemy's allied forces!"

"So powerful?"

I've heard it in detail.

Several people were full of shock.

Knowing the name of Wang Kang does not mean knowing his deeds well.

To say nothing else, the mere promotion of a four party alliance is enough to attract attention.

"This man is quite powerful."

Xiang Tai then said, "the state of Qi was once a superpower juxtaposed with the state of Chu, but now it is in decline. This is the result of Wang Kang. I hope you can be familiar with this information. Don't take it lightly!"

A word.

So that people have a better understanding of the current situation.

Of course, it also caught them by surprise!

There are three battlefields, two of which are seriously defeated, and Qi's withdrawal will obviously bring some influence.

People's faces are not relaxed, but dignified.

To be able to sit in the position of princes and rank in the middle and high ranks of the army, naturally there is no simple role.

Xiang Tai said: "at present, the initial strategy has been deviated, but according to our size, there is no big problem!"

"The forces of Wei, Ba and Wu are about to arrive, and the reinforcements of Chu are on the way."

"Now there is no reliable hope for the other two battlefields, so we can only open a breakthrough from our side!"

Xiang Tai said in a deep voice: "now the state of Zhao has given the state of Yan 300000 reinforcements, and the enemy's forces have been reduced. So I decided to launch a comprehensive attack on the enemy. I can't wait for the opportunity as I did before."

"The opportunity is gone. We should create it ourselves and open a breakthrough as soon as possible at all costs..."