The seemingly chaotic battlefield is full of surging crowds, but in Wang Kang's eyes, it seems to be divided and integrated.

Looking for clues from chaos to achieve better enemy killing

Under the mobilization of Wang Kang, each army entered the battlefield, and the cooperation between arms enabled them to find out that they could easily kill the enemy and minimize their own damage!

The chaotic retreating enemy is like a bird in shock. Even if you look at Changning City just behind you, it seems that the distance is not far, and it becomes an insurmountable gap

Wang Kang's deployment of troops is very targeted, blocking from the front, pursuing from the rear, dividing the battlefield, so that they have no place to escape!

Outside Changning City, there is a Shura prison, where corpses, blood and meat are piled up everywhere. The mud on the ground is the worst scene!

This scene is disgusting!

Human life has become the least valuable thing here!

Death happens all the time. A living life soon becomes a member of the accumulation

A million corpses, thousands of blood, wailing everywhere!

It's exaggeration, but it's also the most true portrayal. It's hard to imagine such a tragic scene.

And this kind of tragedy, with the Allied killing continues

Under repeated special attacks, the morale of the Chu army had already completely collapsed, and they had no intention to fight or resist. Under the rapid pursuit, they continued to reduce their personnel, and the casualties increased greatly!

Looking at the tragic scene, even Jiang Chenghua, who has experienced many battles, can't help but feel a little frightened and unbearable!

Yes, I can't bear it!

It is reasonable to say that this kind of emotion should not appear on him, but now it appears!

Because too many people died!

A war of this scale is unthinkable.

He subconsciously looked at Wang Kang, he found that from beginning to end, the commander's expression has not changed.

Solemn and calm, without any waves

He is a cruel man!

Jiang Chenghua can't help sighing. He knows that after this war, the main force of Chu state is over. This war will make the offensive and defensive alien, and they will become the offensive side!

Facts have proved that the commander-in-chief is still right. He made use of the arrival of the Chu army to start the battle of Changning!

This battle is a victory!

He played one card after another, using new tactics. Who would have thought that it would be such a result?

He once created a miracle that less is better than more!

How many enemy casualties?

This number will not be known for the time being

Can't bear it?

There are such emotions, but they are not strong. Wang Kang has already been psychologically prepared for the war.

Boring, cruel, killing.

This is the attribute of war!

He wants to find a better way in his own way.

Fight with violence, fight with war!

It's a process that we have to go through, and it's inevitable

Wang Kang took back his mind.

After this war, there should be no more war!

He looked at the sky. It was getting dark now.

From morning to night.

In the battlefield, there are still burning fire, reflecting the cruel scene.

He took a deep breath and said calmly, "the whole army will attack and destroy the enemy as much as possible..."

Although it was dark, the war was not over.

His ruthlessness, but also continue to maintain!

The gloomy sky and shrill screams echoed continuously. For the Chu army, today is definitely a day of disaster

"Into town, quick!"

"Into town!"

"Follow up, follow up!"

A large number of remnant soldiers retreated from the battlefield crowded at the gate of the city.

As the capital of hengguo, Changning City has four auxiliary gates besides the main gate, but now the main gate has already been closed!

It's an order from Thailand.

When the army is defeated, the enemy is just outside the city. If we take advantage of the victory and chase straight into Changning, it will be over. This is also a precaution.

However, the four auxiliary doors are relatively small, and the traffic efficiency is greatly reduced due to the crowd caused by chaos

More chaos!

Before the army were stationed outside the city, now dare not, outside the city has become a battlefield, stay outside is to seek death!

In the war, there were many deaths and injuries among the commanding generals, so that there was no unified command and they were in a complete mess!

It's getting darker.

It's not clear how many people have not come back.

The city walls are full of torches, which are the last guiding lights for the battered soldiers. They will be safe when they come back


"The enemy has launched an all-round attack, and the former army has approached Changning City, and they are all cavalry!"I heard that.

Dugu Xin was stunned. He was on the wall and looked out of the city. By the light of the torch, he could see the enemy's cavalry coming!

"Lord Zhu, there are still many soldiers of our side who are exiled outside. They ask to send cavalry to stop the enemy and fight for time for their retreat!"

One of the generals knelt down crying.

He lived by chance in the battlefield, and knew more about misery.

At present, the most intact one here is 300000 cavalry, which was originally used as a reserve and finally launched a charge, but it was not damaged because of this decision.

Duguxin was silent and tangled.

It was because of this that he hesitated to send out.

Outside the city has become a Shura field, which has been completely occupied by the enemy. It's too risky to go out to stop the enemy!

The loss was big enough to take in the last strength, so he made a decision

Duguxin shook his head and said, "all the people who can come back have come back..."

"Lord Zhu?"

The general looked up with an incredible look in his eyes.

This also has a layer of meaning, can't come back also can't come back!


"Enemy cavalry approaching

Send the soldiers in again.

"Left side auxiliary door closed!"

"Hurry up!"

Xiang Tai's voice is quite obvious in the night!

He was the king of hengguo, and Changning City was his king city. He was not only responsible for the army, but also for the people of Ningcheng.

The enemy is approaching. In order to prevent him from entering the city, he has to close the gate!

One gate was closed, another was closed, and only two auxiliary gates were reserved, which made it more difficult for the disabled soldiers to escape.

"Don't squeeze. Nobody can get in this way!"

"Hurry up, hurry up, the gate will be closed soon!"

"Don't turn it off!"

The incessant roar of chaos affects people's hearts.

"Can't close it, Lord Zhu can't close it!"

Many generals came to ask.

Many of their soldiers are outside the city. If the gate is closed, they will not come back.

If you can't enter the city, you will die!

Duguxin was silent again. He turned his back to these generals. He didn't dare to look them in the eyes!

This is not a time of hesitation. The biggest crisis is the destruction of Changning City, so he has no choice