This is a very real feeling. There is no superiority at all. Wang Kang looks at Tian Wen.

Basically no change from what I saw before, appearance, dress, temperament, etc.

Wang Kang would like to ask a question. Over the years, his appearance has remained the same. If he knows the method and opens a shop, he can definitely make a lot of money. This should be the most attractive thing for women.

But Wang Kang knew that it was impossible.

It's not that you are not old or dead. It's a special method. Those who know how to do it are very few.

For example, Tianwen, who has reached the top of the mainland, certainly has this ability!

Wang Kang did not speak.

This is his second meeting with Tianwen. In fact, for a long time, he was with Tianwen.

Wang Kang was deeply impressed by his trip to Tianshan Mountain.

For the first time, he felt helpless!

When Tian Wen went to nanshawan, all the experts under his command did their best. There was no way!

Four words are the most appropriate.

It's so horrible!

However, in Wang Kang's view, the most terrible thing about him is not his best martial arts, but his obsession!

Obsession to the point of being possessed!

More than that.

He also imposed his own obsession on other people, so that he had a kind of supreme teacher who made people afraid and scared!

Generally speaking, it is the first MLM organization in the mainland, and Tianwen is the biggest leader.

If he goes to do business, he is definitely a good hand. Wang Kang thinks that Tianwen has gone the wrong way.

Oh, it's a pity.

"You come to see me alone, you are not afraid of me?"

Tian Wen took the lead in speaking, interrupting Wang Kang's confused thoughts.

He said with a faint smile, "why should I be afraid of you? Do you still want to take me away as you did a few years ago and leave me helpless?"

"No way!"

"Besides, I don't think you came to me to take me away or kill me?"

"What do you think I'm looking for you for?"

The voice of Tian Wen is calm.

Wang Kang opened his mouth and said, "you are here to fight against me, aren't you?"

"Are you afraid?"

"Why should I be afraid?"

Wang Kang's reply was the same, with a disdainful tone.

"I told you many years ago that you are going the wrong way!"

"This winter comes early."

But Tian Wen said this without thinking.

"Winter is coming, how many suffering people will die? I'm right. I'm just for the suffering people in this world. "

"Don't pretend to be compassionate in front of me!"

Wang Kang said, "you keep saying that you are for the suffering people in the world, but not for yourself?"

"It's a selfish desire in itself, and it's also a selfish desire. You're no different from other people!"

"Are you trying to break my heart?"

"It doesn't make any sense," he said calmly

"You think too much. I'm just stating the truth."

Wang Kang opened his mouth and said, "this is the general trend of the world. It's divided, divided and combined. It's the battles of various countries, the changes of dynasties, and the rolling wheel of history."

"You're right. There are many people suffering in this world, but you can't solve it. Go with the trend and die against the trend. You're on the wrong road!"

"You will only make more miserable people!"

"Forget it."

Wang Kang shook his head and said, "it's meaningless to tell you this. If you just come to fight me, you can go."

"I'm not afraid at all."

"You're as ignorant and fearless as ever!"

Tian Wen said, "do you think you can have a good rest with a million lions?"

"You are wrong. The war you started will only be my best help. The Supreme Lord will reappear. As many people who hate war and suffer from war, there will be as many followers of the supreme church!"

Heaven asked calmly, "do you think you have more troops or refugees?"

"I think you think too much."

Wang Kang said: "I think you are more and more hypocritical. You are an executioner, and you pretend to be merciful. You are not saving the world, you are harming them!"

"You have been pursuing fairness, but you have been imposing your own obsession on others. Do you think it's fair?"

Wang Kang thought of the three people he met a few days ago and felt sad for them.

"Forget it, I don't want to tell you more. You can leave."

Wang Kang said coldly, "to tell you the truth, I'm not sure I'll leave you, otherwise you would have died long ago. People like you shouldn't have lived."This is quite impolite, but Tian Wen is not angry.

"Do you remember Xia Yande?" he asked

Wang Kang was stunned by the name. Of course, he remembered it and knew it very well.

Xia Yande used to be the king of Yue and the eldest brother of Xia Yanchun.

At that time, Wang Kang counterattacked the state of Yue and directly hit Lijing, the capital of Yue. At that time, Xia Yande was in power!

He took measures to force Xia Yande to abdicate, and then supported Xia Yanchun to succeed. Only in this way did he have a good relationship between Yue and Zhao, and changed the years of hostility and war!

Xia Yanchun is his support, and can be regarded as his puppet.

In fact, he is the real master of Yue, but behind the scenes.

I remember that a great event happened when Xia Yanchun succeeded to the throne.

Xia Yande, the former monarch, burned himself to death.

Because the fire was too big, the palace was completely lit, and Xia Yande's body could not be identified!

At that time, Wang Kang suspected that it might be Li daitaojiang who died in place of Xia Yande. After he left Yue State, he told Xia Yanchun to carry out strict investigation. However, after so many years, he didn't pay any attention to the result.

Now it seems that his original inference is correct. Xia Yande was saved by the supreme priest!

"You seem to remember."

Heaven asked calmly: "he has come back, the king has come back!"

"Xia Yande is the orthodox. Xia Yanchun is just your puppet. He will tell everyone what you have done. A sovereign country has become someone's private land. Do you think the people can accept it?"

"Soon, the state of Yue will be in chaos, and there will be problems in your rear area!"

"There is also the northern grassland. You have become the king of grassland and the capital of your rise, but you are too confident!"

Tianwen said, "don't you know that annani is a chess piece I laid long ago. The grassland is no longer your back garden!"

"Remember Li Yuyao?"

"He's the Li family's favorite, Zhao Tianjiao. In fact, he's also my dark chess player!"

One by one, the names came from the mouth of Tian Wen.

These people are very famous people, and they have great influence.

Zhao, Yue, Yan, Qi, Chu

Every country, every region, has its own pieces, and these dark pieces are going to become clear ones

PS:, you can take a look at my WeChat official account, search for Tianxiang pupil, and publish relevant information.