Wang Kang said in a deep voice, "if you want to promise me, you must listen to man's words clearly. You can't make your own opinions or be impulsive."

"It has been found out that the state of Wei is the base camp of the supreme cult, which is not our territory. We must be very careful. Saving people is very important, and your safety is also very important!"

Yun Yan nodded.

"I just wonder, are you willing to let her go to defend the country?"

"Not willing, but will support."

Wang Kang said: "you are going to rescue your close relatives, that is also my close relatives, do you understand?"

"Thank you."

Yun Yan said in a low voice.

She knew she couldn't do it on her own.

"It's superfluous to say thank you. Your business is mine."

Wang Kang said: "don't practice sword today, have a good rest, keep your spirit, and start tomorrow!"


Yunyan clenched her fist.

After waiting for such a long time, I finally got a message, and I will start substantive action

In response.

Wang Kang also waited for a long time.

Yinyue monk told him before he died, but he never forgot.

Li Qingman's master, Yunyan's mother, is Gong Qiu.

And Yunyan's father, yuntingyu.

These two are the top masters of martial arts. If they can be rescued, it will be a great help to him.

And to get rid of them, he has to rescue them all

In the end, it became a duel between him and Tian Wen, and this was just one part of it.

There are also changes in Wei and Wu, which need him to guard against as soon as possible.

When the princes came to Beijing, Wang Kang sent a 150000 cavalry to destroy the Jue royal family.

There should be news soon.

Jue and Wei border, will be the main defense.

Now the state of Ba has been captured, and the state of Wu has become the state of Wei, that is to say, it has become hostile, so the border also needs to be garrisoned as soon as possible.

A lot of trouble!

Time. Now what he needs most is time.

When the new dynasty really develops smoothly, Tianwen will not be able to turn over any storm.

And the trip to Qi.

This is also urgent.

Wang Kang worried that Tianwen would exploit the loopholes. Qi must be in his control to be at ease.

Pushing Yin up to the position of Qi emperor was also on the agenda.

It's too important for him to go in person.

But soon after the establishment of the new dynasty, it would be too risky for him to leave

How hard it is!

Wang Kang is helpless, but things need to be done one by one. It's no use worrying.

All the people going to defend the country should be well arranged. Whether it's transnational rescue or going deep into the enemy's country is extremely dangerous.

After all the arrangements were made, Wang Kang kept calling in Privy Council officials to discuss sending troops to the border.

The Privy Council is the highest military institution of the new dynasty. It is in charge of the military and state maintenance, military defense, border equipment, military orders, cashier secret orders, and so on.

The chief officer is the Privy envoy.

At present, there are two secret envoys, one is Lin Zhen, the other is Jiang Chenghua. There should have been another Lu Zhao, but he brought his troops back to Yue.

Privy envoys, regardless of size, are meant to check and balance each other.

Because he was in charge of military affairs, Wang Kang had to be cautious.

The rest set up a few privy Deputy envoys. As adjutants, they are experienced veterans who have been on the battlefield for a long time.

This is what Wang Kang always thinks, professional things to professional people to do.

In addition, there are several gatekeepers responsible for specific matters.

It has formed a mature organization to manage the whole country.

Today, Wang Kangzhao, who was in urgent need of the leaders, officially announced the Wei incident.

In fact, they already know.

The Privy Council has a special military intelligence agency, and the secret envoys have the absolute right to know.

"You know the situation."

Wang Kang said in a deep voice: "the most urgent task is to send troops to the border to prevent the enemy from attacking."

"I don't care which army and how much we will arrange. You can discuss it yourself."

The Privy Council was set up to share his affairs. Now that he is an emperor, he can't do everything by himself. He just needs to grasp the general direction.

"There's no problem in sending troops to garrison. The key is that the border line doesn't belong to us."

Lin Zhen said: "it's no problem for Jue state which is adjacent to Wei state. For example, Tang state and Bo state, which are adjacent to Wu state, have corresponding handover. Yong state is adjacent to Ba state. We need to garrison these places. These princes and kings certainly don't care."

"That's for sure. It's good that they don't collude with the outside world."

Everyone nodded.Jiang Chenghua then said, "there is another problem. Since the garrison must have a close relationship with the local people, we must win the support of the local people."

"Yes, or it would be too much trouble."

"Besides, our troops will not be stationed in it."

Listen to the opinions one by one.

Wang Kang said in a deep voice: "these are not problems. The Garrison has no time to delay. It's a bit slow now. It's also something that must be implemented."

"Make arrangements immediately. In case of obstruction, directly suppress by force. If collusion is found, remove it immediately!"

"Isn't that radical?"

"Whether radical or not depends on the priority. We can't be vague in this respect."

"That's right."

Jiang Chenghua echoed: "the trend of Wei state is not random. It must be a big plan. Once the strength of the three countries is integrated, it is a big threat."


Wang Kang said, "but in the early stage, we still focused on defense. You should understand the situation. It's too heavy to continue fighting."

"I understand."

Everyone nodded.

The military meeting was settled, and it was decided to formally send troops to the border garrison.

After the establishment of the new dynasty and the re integration of the army, the number of troops is enough.

It's just the border that needs to be guarded, and other places are not.

The next day, Wang Kang made a formal announcement in the morning court.

This is also his style of administration, which was negotiated in private first, and then officially announced, so as to avoid endless arguments in the court and wasting time.

It surprised everyone.

Since we are going to garrison, we must be ready for war. Is it not that the envoys of Wu and Pakistan have just submitted their national credentials for repair?

Wang Kang is still deliberately concealing the specific information in order to avoid causing unnecessary panic.

But soon they were attracted by another thing.

He called Wenzhang into the hall, and Wang Kang appointed him as the imperial envoy in public. He went to Dongchu to supervise the execution of Tuen Ling!

Everyone knows that Wen Zhang used to be a counselor of Xiang Baichuan, but now he is in the court, and he is also responsible for it!

It's changing so fast!

In the eyes of the courtiers, his majesty is really a good means, not only in the implementation of the Tuen order, but also in the heart of punishment!

Use the swords of the princes of Eastern Chu to deal with them!

Both of them were aimed at Eastern Chu.

In this case, everyone knows that these vassal states are completely ove