New discovery, big surprise, which makes Wang Kang pay special attention.

After seeing the cellar reserve, Wang Kang visited the common people and farmers nearby.

Where does this crop come from and how it's grown

After understanding, I learned that it was only three years ago that a few foreigners came here and were taken in by the local people. They had potatoes.

In return, they taught the local people to plant it. Gradually, the people found that this kind of crop was easy to survive, had high yield, and could be used as staple food, so they began to plant it in large quantities. In a few years, it had such a scale.

Xu Xie learned by chance that he would replace potatoes planted by ordinary people with other food crops.

To say that it is replacement is in fact encroachment, because it is not equal at all.

Maybe he was hiding, waiting for a fortune to be released during the war or famine, but he didn't expect the result now.

The strangers have already left. There is no way to find out where the potatoes came from, but it doesn't matter any more

In the past, potatoes and sweet potatoes were also introduced from other countries

There are still some stocks in people's homes, and now they are busy farming.

In the case of satisfying their own cultivation, Wang Kang immediately arranged to purchase their storage.

These are not used as food, but as seeds. Wang Kang believes that more will be produced soon.

Every potato is precious. Wang Kangli divided the storage into several parts and arranged planting nearby.

We also selected old farmers with planting experience from dangchun town as consultants to teach planting

The old farmer didn't know what the consultant was, but he knew that the treatment was good, and his majesty decided for himself.

To this extent, it's glorious.

None of these potatoes can be wasted, so Wang Kang sent an army to protect them.

In the surrounding areas, we began to expand the planting, allocated a number of people, and sent special personnel to the newly established refugee areas to guide the refugees to live

As the fourth largest staple food, potato's status is indescribable.

The realization of large-scale planting can solve the problem of eating and promote the struggle of the population, which is of great benefit!

And he also set aside a special batch to be transported to Kyoto and planted in greenhouses.

One after another, Wang Kang believes that every day will be better

As time goes by, the first group of refugees who came to hamsey have arrived!

This is under the leadership of Wang Kang, personally allocated, the number of 300 people, this number is not much, but it is a good start!

These people are to be resettled in the villages under the jurisdiction of dangchun town.

Because if we want to expand the scale of potato planting here, the cultivated land needs to be leveled, which can supplement labor

Moreover, Wang Kang found that the residents of dangchun town are different from other places, and they have the virtue of charity, and they don't have so much resistance to foreigners.

This is also a pilot project. Wang Kang believes it will be a good start.

When Chunzhen is not a big town, it consists of seven or eight villages, and these three hundred people will be assigned to settle in these villages.

Wang Kang's fundamental purpose is to want these people, let them become a family here, and really integrate into it.

A unified country should be one that embraces all rivers.

No matter which country or nationality is close to each other, this is Wang Kang's goal

Absorb these people, settle down, build and develop production

It would be a good start.

In order to play the role of publicity and guidance, Wang Kang also organized a reception awareness, which was set up in dangchun town.

The surrounding villagers all know about it, so there is no organization, so there are a lot of onlookers coming

Wang Kang is also happy to see this.

When spring town is just a small town, Lizheng Shennan is a relatively prestigious local squire.

This is the problem of the system in ancient times. There were no special officials in small towns and villages, only those with high moral standing.

"Your Majesty, what else can I do?"

Shen Nan bowed and asked in a low voice.

Although he is a figure in dangchun Town, he is the king of a country.

"Lao Shen, don't be so stiff."

The scene was lively and Wang Kang was in a good mood.

Shen Nan, aged 50, is a well-known local rich squire, but he doesn't have so many bad habits. In fact, he has done something practical.

At the beginning, Xu Jieke tried to win over the local people. Recently, he has cooperated with many things.

And there is no resistance to the coming refugees.

"Your Majesty, you..."

Shen Nan is too busy to kneel down.

"Come on, get up."

Wang Kang was also very helpless. He did a violent suppression in Xianxi City, which made his reputation as a tyrant spread, so everyone was afraid of him"All the villages have been arranged."

"It's arranged. Absolutely no problem."

Shen Nan was busy and said, "I've already said hello..."


"Here comes your majesty!"

At this time, someone came quickly to report.

"Go, go."

When they arrived at the entrance of the town, they could see a long line of carriages coming, on which were all refugees from the border

The carriage was organized by the border guards and was also responsible for escorting them.

"Here it is

"Here it is

"Poor people."

"Yes, look at the thin one."

People around us are talking and pointing.

Soon the carriage stopped on the road.

"Get out of the car!"

"Get out of the car!"

The leading soldiers yelled a few words, and the refugees on the carriage got out of the carriage one after another. Looking at so many people around them, they all winced and were at a loss

They are still dressed as refugees, ragged and skinny

From the exile of Pakistan to here, we can imagine what they have experienced.

And they have been regarded as lucky people. No one knows how many people died on this road!

The scene was silent.

It seems that their presence resonates.

People are not plants, who can be merciless.

It doesn't matter where he comes from or where he once belonged.

People are compassionate, no one is really hard hearted, how can we turn a blind eye to it?

Wang Kang's heart was also touched at this moment.

The key is that these people are relatively good. In the process of transfer, they have already enjoyed some relief.

What about the rest?

What should it look like?

"Go ahead."

Wang Kang took a group of people to walk past.

He looked around, took a deep breath and said in a loud voice, "I am the emperor of the Qin Dynasty and the monarch of this country!"

I heard that.

Those people were so scared that they didn't care about anything else. Of course, they all knew what the emperor meant. They were so busy that they knelt down

Wang Kang did not stop it.

He said in a loud voice: "I accept your kneeling. When you come to this country, I will treat you as my people!"

"From today on, you have a family..."