He was able to feel the change of his mood obviously, and everyone was afraid to make a sound immediately.

In fact, many of them were ministers of the state of Wei. They didn't listen to Tianwen, but they were purged and replaced by Tianwen. This is the situation.

The real Wei Jun has also become a puppet

"Are you ready for war?"

After a moment, he asked again.

"The food shortage is too big, and the weapons and equipment are also very poor..."

A man in a white robe answered.


The man was busy explaining: "the strength of the surge is too great. Suddenly, 300000 troops have been added. 200000 troops have arrived at the front line, and 100000 reserves are still available. This number is too large to support."

"Isn't there a grain levy?"

Tianwen continued to ask.

"We continue to collect food, but so many people consume too much every day."

The man hesitated and said: "since last year, the country has been in turmoil, people's minds have been lax, refugees have fled to the west, and cultivated land has been abandoned This year, there is a shortage of income everywhere... "

"There is no place to collect grain!"

There are still some things he didn't say. In fact, he didn't dare to say.

The actual situation is much worse than what he said. Since last year, Wei Guo has experienced the most turbulent year!

Conscription is actually robbing people for food. All the irons in the people's homes are taken away and the weapons are recast.

It's too miserable to describe.

"The front-line officers and men, please, since they are ready to fight, they must start."

He continued: "the main reason is that there is a shortage of food and grass on the front line, and people's minds are changing. There have been several disturbances, and they are almost unbearable. We must start a war as soon as possible and divert our attention."

"Can't we wait until spring next year?"

Tian Wen said, "before we drove the refugees into Qin, they must be tired of coping with it too..."


Another man came forward.

"According to intelligence, his Majesty the emperor of Qin personally went to the border to take charge of the relief of refugees. Now this matter has no influence, but has become a help."

"Our people know that the benevolence of the emperor of the Qin Dynasty is widely spread. Now they don't have to drive them away. They go abroad by themselves, and there are many contradictions at home..."

"You can't go on like this any more, my Lord!"

"Your honor

Several people knelt down.

"I know. Let's get ready. Half a month later, I will take Tianyuan army and fight with Wang Kang in the front line."


The crowd answered and left.

The hall returned to silence.

After a moment, a hoarse voice sounded.

"Is that what you want?"

"Is that what you want to see?"

The master of the voice came from the throne. He clasped his hands on the armrest of the Dragon chair, and his veins burst up, showing strong reluctance.

Although he is sitting on the throne, he is not in power. This kind of feeling should be quite uncomfortable!

He is Wei Yuanjun.

"How can you care about small things if you want to be a powerful man?"

The voice of Tian Wen is calm.

"Small measure!"

"Do you know what the Wei state is like now? How many people died? These lives, in your eyes, are small

Wei Yuanjun stood up and asked aloud.

"Before I succeed, I hope you can be honest and don't have any different ideas. Maybe I can make you king in the future."

Tian Wen said in a low voice, "a king has more to master and more territory than the emperor you are now!"

"King? You... "

Wei Yuanjun is about to say something, but he is interrupted directly.


Tianwen called out a person's name.

Immediately a cold faced young man in a white robe came out.

"Keep an eye on him and don't let him do anything stupid. If there is any sign, the royal family of the Wei Kingdom, men are slaves and women are prostitutes, none of them will stay..."


The cold young man named Kou Zuo answered.

Wei Yuanjun clenched his fist, almost gnashing his teeth.

It was this way that Tianwen controlled him, and he could only obey. He also wanted to kill him, but he knew that now he could not get rid of it.

Once he died, no one could save Wei.

He can't help it, but what can he do

So before this, we can only endure, endure to have a chance!

Tianwen left.

Kouzuo calmly went to his side, such as the most loyal guard.

They were very close, and Kou Zuo said in a low voice: "in fact, you don't care about the people who defend your country. You are even happy to get such a mess. You are still contributing to it..."

"Why do you say that?"Wei Yuanjun's angry and unwilling expression disappeared at this moment and became extremely calm.

"That's right, I'm really adding fuel to the flames. Only in this way can we arouse people's resistance to taishangjiao and Tianwen, and then overthrow him!"

"But what's the difference between you and Tian Wen?"

Kou Zuo said, "you know very well that no matter what happens to Tian Wen, you can't beat him."

"I know I can't save Wei Guo, but I have to do something."

Wei Yuanjun said: "Tianwen is going to the front line soon, and my plan is about to start. The time I've been waiting for is coming..."

The dialogue between them shows that Wei Yuanjun is never a willing puppet. He has a lot of backhand in the dark.

His cleverness lies in that he never conceals in front of Tianwen, but does not arouse Tianwen's suspicion.

But Kou Zuo, who was appointed by Tian Wen to monitor him, had already been instigated to rebel against him and became his man to work for him. "

"I want you to do something for me!"

Wei Yuanjun took out a letter from his sleeve and said, "send this letter to a person!"

"It must be delivered!"


Kou Zuo took the letter and hid it in his chest.

"A man who can save the country!"

Wei Yuanjun said in a deep voice: "he is Wang Kang..."

You're going to the front.

This decision soon spread among the insiders, which also meant that the real war was about to begin

It's not a good time to start a war. It's going to be winter.

Although the winter in the Wei kingdom is not as cold as that in the north, it is still chilly.

Materials for the winter could not be prepared, because the Wei state was in turmoil, there was no order, production collapsed and everything was in short supply.

Originally, I thought that driving refugees into Qin before could delay the state of Qin, and no matter how bad it was, it would bring some influence.

But in fact, it's useless. I didn't expect that the state of Qin solved it very well.

On the contrary, it brings them trouble!

No one is looking forward to the prospect of this war, but now it is on the way and we have to go!

As for the outcome, it depends on fate!

The army has already been transferred to the border, and there are 100000 reserves in Puyang.

The reason why it is called reserve service is that this army can't be counted as an army, not even a miscellaneous army.

There is no uniform weapons and equipment, and the age is uneven, among which there are obviously elderly people It's totally random. It's basically cannon fodder.

However, in addition, there is another army, which is totally different in comparison. It is also the biggest reliance of Tianwen