It's not easy to launch a coup. Even if he has some foundation, it's quite difficult!

Jiang Chengli is a famous monarch. He has a great influence in the state of Zhao. What Jiang Lanwu uses is to steal the beam and exchange the pillar to win the throne in the name of defending the rule of Zhao.

In this process, the armed forces are indispensable.

But in fact, from the end of the war against Chu, the great Qin Dynasty was established. Under the leadership of Wang Kang, the neighboring countries established alliances, and there was no enemy country!

Therefore, there was no need to garrison a large number of troops to prepare for the war. During this period, the state of Zhao also reduced the number of troops and only kept a small number of regular troops guarding the capital.

In addition to the Royal Imperial Army, there are two 60000 troops in the capital, each 30000. One of them is controlled by Jiang Lanwu's people and can be mobilized, while the other one is not his people.

That's a problem.

In order to ensure safety, he came up with a way to temporarily transfer the two armies to the surrounding areas of the capital in the name of training. He is a major military aircraft and can do this.

But it can't be too long.

During this period, he can quickly win the throne, and when all the dust is settled, there is no way

Therefore, the only people he can use are the private soldiers and dead men kept by the royal family, as well as other additional forces, which is obviously not enough.

In order to be more confident, he still needs to have strength, which is also the guarantee given to him by Tianwen before.

Although Tian Wen has become what he is now, he has been the leader of the supreme cult for many years. He has arranged a lot of things secretly, has a deep foundation, and is clumsy

"Are you ordering me?"

Heaven asked, as if at will.


Before Jiang Lanwu finished, he was interrupted.

"Don't forget, if I didn't help you, how can you have now? At most, you are just a pawn of me. I hope you will be more restrained in front of me!"

Originally, it was the body and language of the old man, but at this moment, Tianwen seems to go back to the past, just like the supreme leader!

Jiang Lanwu was stunned.

Think of the past!

He is a chess piece indeed. He was a long time ago!

At that time, Ling Tiance, the Duke of Dingguo, was destroyed by Wang Kang. Tianwen found someone else and chose Jiang Lanwu

"I know."

Jiang Lanwu didn't know what he thought of. A look of fear flashed in his eyes and he lowered his posture

Tian Wen nodded with satisfaction at this time.

His dry palms were clenched, and his muddy old eyes were full of murderous thoughts and whispered.

"Wang Kang, I won't just give up."

He has become what he is now. I can imagine what kind of experience he has

Anyway, Jiang Lanwu's plan begins!

In the next few days, a huge storm of public opinion about Wang Kang started in the state of Zhao.

Jiang Lanwu was obviously prepared. He secretly sent people to spread rumors all over the country. They were all negative topics about Wang Kang.

Wang Kang is already the emperor of the most powerful country on the mainland. He has not been the Duke of an for the sake of the country and the people for a long time. He has been oppressing the Zhao emperor and forcing the Zhao emperor to hand over the state of Zhao. His purpose is to annex it!

In this case, in order to avoid causing trouble, Jiang Chengli, the emperor of Zhao, led the Qin army to attack Zhao. He had no choice but to leave such an edict, not to establish the throne, not to determine the monarch

How can Zhao give up?

Similar words spread rapidly.

Under such intentional guidance, Wang Kang became an ambitious man who committed heinous crimes and was full of greed for profits!

The kindest is the common people, but the most ignorant is also the common people. When people talk too much, they unconsciously believe

Although some people didn't believe it and made different voices to count Wang Kang's merits, they were soon drowned out.

With this kind of public opinion, there is a spearhead against the royal family, against the Regent in power

The state of Zhao developed only under the hard work of the former Emperor. How can it give way to others?

Why is the royal family so cowardly?

Dare not fight against it?

Why should others decide the affairs of Zhao state?

Like this spread too much, continuous fermentation, sweeping from the sky!

Public opinion is extremely unfavorable to Wang Kang.

This is Tianwen's stratagem. He has learned a lesson from his failure, or Wang Kang has asked him to make use of the people's will this time.

But the common people don't know that they are being used, which is intended guidance.

People's resistance to Wang Kang is becoming more and more serious. They hope the royal family will be tough. At this time, a person appears in the eyes of the people. He is Jiang Lanwu!

Obviously, this is also the intentional guidance and the ultimate goal.

In the eyes of Zhao people, King Wuwei has a very high status. He is old enough to support Zhao in the most difficult time. Jiang Lanwu, as the son of King Wuwei and the orthodox royal blood, is also regarded as the successor of King Wuwei.In troubled times, Wuwei is stable and prosperous.

Now that the emperor of Zhao died and his official post was in turmoil, Jiang Lanwu took the opportunity to win the hearts of the people!

Since the royal family is cowardly and wants to hand over the state of Zhao, someone should stand up and keep the state of Zhao!

Although it is against the imperial edict of the late emperor, the starting point is to keep the Zhao family. Under all kinds of public opinions, these are no longer important

Jiang Lanwu's plan is successful, or Tianwen's strategy is successful. Behind him is Tianwen.

After his failure last time, Tian Wen suffered great trauma, but he was not reconciled to his failure. Instead, he came to the state of Zhao to hide. He spent three years helping Jiang Lanwu plan, just for now

He wants to use this way to win Zhao, and then continue to fight against Wang Kang!

Stir up local hidden dangers, destroy the alliance, and then continue to fight with it

Tianwen found out that he was defeated by Wang Kang not only because Wang Kang had the most powerful weapon, but also because Wang Kang connected the whole continent to form a piece of iron.

Therefore, the chaotic times did not play any role!

Zhao Guo used to be a strong supporter of Wang Kang. When Zhao Guo had a problem, it was tearing a hole in the alliance. One after another, Yan, Yue and Qi would have problems. Then they would unite to fight against Qin, and great things could be achieved

This is the last thought of Tianwen.

Or obsession is more appropriate, because he is not willing to

At the same time, a strange atmosphere began to pervade Kyoto. The courtiers had a premonition that something was going to happen

"Is this a forced labor?"

In the hanging arch hall, the Regent Jiang Ye's voice trembled slightly.

After all, he is still young and has never experienced any major events. All his confidence comes from his father.

What he worships most is his father. Taking him as an example, he often sits in the hanging arch hall, which is a kind of imitation

"Lord Yuwen, do you think Wang Kang will really come?"

He finally showed a flurry.


Yu wennai said in a low voice: "the former Emperor has no plans. He said that he would, and his enlightened Majesty would come..."