Chapter 88 - The Rumour

"Tang Wei Sheng's girl,"

Li Juan has been called by different names and titles, both derogatory and flattering, but among them, being called as Tang Wei Sheng's girl was the least expected, yet most fascinating form of address for her. 

There was a time when Li Juan loved to hear it. It gave her a feeling of security and belonging,

But the moment Tang Wei Sheng left the country without a word, her title has been changed into something she never expected, not even in her worst nightmares. 

A whore, 

A seventeen-year-old girl, who had an innocuous personality was ruthlessly defamed and tortured by her fellow students on the basis of a malicious rumour spread on the student's online forum. 

When Li Juan returned to her school after the car accident, she was welcomed by disgusting eyes and sneers. Without Tang Wei Sheng and Tang Wei Lan, Li Juan has again become a bullying victim. But the severity of the bullying was way more different from the year she transferred as a new student. 

On her desk, On her locker, On her books, the term "WHORE" was written. 

No matter, how many time she erased, it reappeared like a curse.

"You, Tang Wei Sheng's girl, you tell me, did you move on?" Mo Yan asked her,

"Peoples change, Senior Mo," Li Juan stared directly into his arrogant eyes,

"It has been quite a while and it is sickening to know that you are still clinging to the past, refusing to let it go," Li Juan smiled bitterly, "he was your best friend, you know him better than anyone else. Senior Mo, do you really think he would do something like that?" 

"He kissed you in front of the whole school,"

"Who was the reason?" Li Juan's raised her voice and glared at Mo Yan,

He acknowledged her claims with a condescending sneer,

"Would it kill you, if you stop acting like a jerk for a moment?" More she talked to Mo Yan, Li Juan got irritated by Mo Yan disparaging behaviour.

"Who are you calling a jerk?" Mo Yan retorted back. 

"You," Li Juan pointed her index finger at him, "If you haven't acted like a jerk in the first place, senior Tang wouldn't have done that. None of this wouldn't have happened."

"Haa, now you blame me for your lew-," 

"Ya, stop it," Ye Wu Fan stopped Mo Yan, "Why are quarrelling over something that has happened back in school? Both of you are adults, for God sake, act like one,"

Li Juan took a deep breath and glanced in the direction of Zhang Zhi Jun. He sat there like an ice sculpture without any expression.

Why isn't he saying anything? Why is he acting like he doesn't know her at all?

"Excuse me," Li Juan once again looked at Zhang Zhi Jun. 

He is still unresponsive. She stood up from her seat.

"Why are you leaving, sit here for some more time?" Xie Long, who thought that Li Juan is leaving, quickly grabbed her arms, "At least let me send you home, where do you live?" he said in desperation.

"Senior Xie, get your hands off me or, "Li Juan's eyes blazed in anger. "You will regret it, " 

One glance and Xie Long immediately took his hand off from her,

Li Juan didn't even care to look at Zhang Zhi Jun, for her, the very moment he chose to remain silent and allowed others to tease her- He is no other than a stranger.

Ye Wu Fan understood that the whole situation was making Li Juan uncomfortable, so it is better that she leaves the room. He didn't stop her.

As soon as Li Juan left the private room, Min Zhe turned towards Xie Long who's eyes were still clinging on to the door,

"Seriously Xie Long, did you just say that you like her? You just had a breakup," Min Zhe asked him.

"So what?"

"Did you forget what happened at school?" Mo Yan reminded him. 

Li Juan rushed out of the room, with a troubled mind,

"Why it has to be them?"

Today was her last day at Jing city and she wished to leave with good memories. 

But instead of that, her rotten memories were dug out,

The memories which she never wanted to remember. 

A wave of stinging pain arose from her temples, Li Juan closed her eyes in discomfort.

Not now, I am not going to break down here!!! Li Juan repeated to herself. 

"Xiao Juan?" Ye Ling who came late for the party called out her name,


"Where are you going?" Li Juan looked at him with a pale face. 

"Are you alright? You look terrified." He asked in concern.

"Na, nothing, I will," she looked at the direction of washroom.

"Oh sorry, go ahead," Ye Ling apologetically smiled and walked towards the private room.

"What is wrong with her? She looks terrified."The moment Ye Ling saw Zhang Zhi Jun, he enquired.

"How can she be normal after hearing all those bull shit by this idiot?" Ye Wu Fan smacked Xie Long who was drunk.

"What exactly happened to Xiao Juan?" Ye Ling looked at his cousin.

"Xiao Juan! When did she become your little girl? You better not to call her like that in front of Wei Sheng." Xie Long who was still in a drunken stupor warned.

"Wei Sheng?" Ye Ling looked at others in confusion." What happened to him?" 

"Just don't mind him, he is spoilt." Ye Wu Fan said.

"Xiao Juan!!! No one is allowed to call her like that. Tang Wei Sheng's girl, everyone has to call her Tang Wei Sheng's girl. Why? Why she can't be called as Xie long's girl?" Xie Long talked to himself,

"YAAAA, Xie Long stop it," Mo Yan who was getting agitated by Xie Long, shouted in an annoyed voice.

"I will stop, but no one is allowed to call her by name." Xie Long assured them.

"What happened to him?" Ye Ling asked Min Zhe,

"Xie Long broke up with his girlfriend and was whining like a child. At the same time, Li Juan appeared and suddenly he got feelings for her, out of the blue." Min Zhe explained,

"It wasn't out of the blue, I used to like her back in high school." Xie Long corrected him,

"Whom? Li Juan?" Ye Ling asked in a puzzled tone.

"Don't you remember brother, that dark girl in Shishi's class who was bullied by everyone?"

"Shishi's classmate," Ye Ling tried to remember,

"That girl who used to date Tang Wei Sheng," Ye Wu Fan reminded him,

Ye Shishi, Ye Ling's younger sister went to Silver Oak high school. In school, Ye Shishi used to be the topper, but to her surprise, a poor student came by charity scholarship toppled her records and became the topper. No matter how hard Ye Shishi tried, she couldn't get back her title. However, In the final year of high that girl left the school in the middle of the semester.

"Huh? That girl was Li Juan? But she was rumoured that" Ye Ling stopped for a moment and looked at Zhang Zhi Jun.

"She was sexually abused and left the school due to embarrassment." Mo Yan completed the words which Ye Ling feared to speak, "there were even rumours that she got rid of the child,"

Mo Yan's words hit Zhang Zhi Jun like a lightning, 

She was abused!!!

"YAAA, it was a rumour." Ye Ling tried to stop Mo Yan,

"The abuse part must have been a rumour, but I am damn sure, they hooked up, otherwise why did, the almighty Tang Wei Sheng took care of her?" Mo Yan justified his claims.

"There wasn't any shortage for pretty girls in our school and still, he chose the ugliest among them to fool around."

His voice filled with disgust, 

"But she has become pretty like a model. Why did that ugly duckling turn into a beauty?" Xie Long straightened his posture. "She is making me crazy, Ye Wu Fan, give me her number."

"Are you mad or what? Why do you need a girl like that?" Mo Yan scolded him.

"ENOUGH!!!!" Zhang Zhi Jun's cold voice resonated in the room. Four of them turned and looked at Zhang Zhi Jun in shock. His face had a dark and brooding expression. 

Zhang Zhi Jun rarely gets angry, he always maintains a gentle and mild image rather than his cold, demon king image portrayed on the screen. 

Zhang Zhi Jun stood up from the seat and walked outside.

"Even Bro Jun finds her disgusting," Mo Yan added, 

"Ya stop it," Ye Ling shouted at him and refrained him from discussing Li Juan's past.

"Zhi Jun, Let me explain," Ye Ling immediately rushed outside and stopped Zhang Zhi Jun who was about to leave,

"Zhang Zhi Jun, it is not what you think, it may not be true, ah, maybe they are just rumours."

"What if it is true?" Zhang Zhi Jun asked in a disheartened voice.

"Ya, she was an outcast in school and you know these spoilt brats from rich families, they liked to bully a girl like her. Tang Wei Sheng only tried to help her and people spread those vicious rumours about them." Ye Ling tried to explain,

"I didn't believe them," His voice had an unusual calmness, "Whether it is rumour or not, every story has two sides, and I want to know her side of the story," Zhang Zhi Jun walked towards the parking area and got into his car. 

He was trying to forget whatever she said the last night. But the truth was bitter and painful for him to handle.

What if the rumours are true?

Li Juan, she is going to be crowned as the queen in a few days. But how did Grandpa Bai and his family agreed to make her the queen?

Li Juan walked into Zhang Zhi Jun's condo and hurriedly grabbed her bag and stuffed her things,

Why she is followed by misfortune?

Li Juan lost her dream,

She was planning to forget everything and start afresh in Yu palace.

She even thought about giving Zhang Zhi Jun a chance,

But it seems like that will not be possible anymore.