Chapter 98 - The Family Man

The lightning continuously ripped through the dark clouds hovered in the sky.

While the thunderstorm was surging, two souls huddled against the dark and cold walls of the cave,

Bai Yu Yue looked at the soft and pliant body clasping to her shoulders with a horror-stricken face. Xue Lian's snow-white face has appeared pale and drawn. 

"Princess," she gently called her, "Are you scared of the thunderstorm?"

"Hmm," Xue Lian replied in a barely audible voice.

"It's alright," Bai Yu Yue wrapped her arm around Xue Lian's shoulders, holding her closer, "When I was a kid, I also feared thunderstorms,"

Xue Lian raised her chin and looked at Bai Yu Yue's calm face, even though the cave was faintly lit, she could figure out "his" perfectly accentuated face.

"The warrior Bai Yu Yue is scared of thunderstorms?"

"Everybody has a childhood fear," Bai Yu Yue replied as if she heard Xue Lian's thoughts."Mine was the thunderstorm. Whenever there is a storm, I used to wrap myself with blankets and hide under the bed like a scaredy-cat."

"Then how did you overcome it?"

"My sister helped me. Whenever I hid under the bed, my sister followed me and stayed with me until the storm passes. She used to tell stories, sometimes sings for me, so that I won't hear the noises outside," Bai Yu Yue's words sounded as if it is laced with fondness,

"Her voice so magical. It puts everyone's mind at peace. So whenever there is a thunderstorm, instead of hiding, i think about her" 

Though Bai Yu Yue's face was masked in the darkness of cave, Xue Lian could feel the happiness doused in her voice. 

"You really like your sister," Xue Lian commented,

"We fight a lot," 

"But you love her,"

"Hmm," her lips bloomed into a smile, "we fight a lot, but if anyone wants to hurt her, they have to deal with me first" Bai Yu Yue declared and looked at Xue Lian, "Isn't every sibling like that?"

"No. Not at all... at least not my brothers. They would rather kill me," her voice had a tinge of despair. She was loved by everyone- but that does not include her step-brothers who is jealous of their father's love towards Xue Lian. Their sibling love was an act before the kingdom and people of Qi.

"Sometimes, I wish it would be nice if I had a born as a commoner,"

"But everyone wants to be like princess Xue Lian," Bai Yu Yue tried to console her,

"For others, I am the princess of Qi Kingdom. I live in a palace surrounded by countless maids, who fulfills every single wish of mine. But no one knows the struggle of living a life of a princess whose every single actions are being watched, being judged like a bird in cage," Xue Lian subconsciously confessed her heart aches.

"If you think that you are caged, you won't be able to live happily." Bai Yu Yue said, " I understand that you don't have many choices, but how about stop worrying about others and start doing things which makes you happy?"


"You said that you feel caged in the palace, look at us now. We are in a forest, no one is going to judge you for being you,"

"Can I?"

"Ofcourse, you can." Bai Yu Yue assured her, "What do you like the most?" she asked Xue Lian,

Xue Lian who got encouraged by Bai Yu Yue finally let down her guard and started to share little things which made her happy.

Actually Bai Yu Yue wanted to comfort Xue Lian because of her fear of thunderstorms. She initiated a conversation in order to distract Xue Lian and put her mind at ease by talking about things which she love.

It was a trick which her sister done on Bai Yu Yue to overcome her fear.

As soon as Xue Lian woke up in the morning, her eyes searched for the man who won her heart within a night,but,

Bai Yu Yue was nowhere to see. 

Where did he go? her eyes wandered around the cold cave and found the armour kept beside a rock,

Thank god, he didn't abandon her. 

Xue Lian touched the armour with her slender fingers, her eyes sparkling with love and affection,

The surface of iron clad armour felt ice cold, unlike its owner, who had a warm personality. She used to believe that Bai Yu Yue was a Tsundere, however, he was totally different from the images he has portrayed back in palace.

"Princess, are you awake?" Bai Yu Yue's voice heard from outside. 


Bai Yu Yue's tall figure appeared on the entrance of the cave. The dark red robe on his lean body, perfectly enhanced his golden honey skin tone. Without his armour, he appeared more skinny, yet it didn't minimize his enticing looks.

"There is a stream nearby, if you want to freshen up," he suggested, with a pair of black eyes sparkling with tenderness,

"Can you accompany me?" 

"Hmmm," Bai Yu Yue nodded in agreement. He reached out for her hand and helped Xue Lian to rise,

The walked out of the cave, stepping into the wet forest floor, the fragrance of the earth after the rain lingered in the atmosphere.

The mossy forest floor was slippery due to the rain, Xue Lian held onto Bai Yu Yue's hand, refusing to let it go. Somehow his presence gave her a safe and secure feeling,

Bai Yu Yue led the princess towards the stream, 

"I will wait here," She suggested and let go Xue Lian's small palm,

"What if something happens to me?" Xue Lian asked with a pitiful voice, her rose petal-like lips curling into a sulky pout,

Bai Yu Yue helplessly looked at the girl stood in front of her. Xue Lian maybe two-three years younger than her, but why was this girl is even harder to take care of her little brother?

Watching Bai Yu Yue's confused state, Xue Lian suggested,

"Talk to me, so that I will know that you are here, and I'm safe,"


Xue Lian smiled and walked towards the stream carefully while Bai Yu Yue took a seat on a rock, facing in the opposite direction,

"What should I talk?" She tilted her face in doubt.

"Something, anything." Xue Lian said," Huh, why did you chose to come to the Qi Kingdom when you were approached by powerful kingdoms?" It was one of her biggest doubts. With Bai Yu Yue's talents, it is more meritorious for him to serve a kingdom with a powerful military force, but why did he choose to serve the Qi kingdom? 

However, Bai Yu Yue's answer left Xue Lian speechless

"It's close to my home," she said in a gentle voice.

"Really?" gentle, lovable and caring, responsible son of the household. God this man is perfect husband material, Xue Lian's mind screamed in joy.

" If I ever miss my home, I only need to open the windows," Bai Yu Yue replied with a faint smile,

"Tu mountains lies outside your window," Xue Lian huffed. She has witnessed various times that Bai Yu Yue standing next to his window looking at the mighty Tu mountains.

"That's where I live,"

Xue Lian small eyes widened in surprise, "He lives in Tu mountains?"

she heard that there are several tribal communities lives in Tu mountains. But she never expected that Bai Yu Yue belonged to a tribal community. His mannerisms and behavior were well-disciplined like a young master of a wealthy family. 

"Who all are you in your family?" she control her curiosity about Bai Yu Yue's family. They say upbringing defines a person's character.

"I got everyone," an ambiguous answer, again.

"Everyone?" Xue Lian asked with a grin." what do you mean by that?"

"I live in a big joint family," 

"But still, what about your parents and siblings?"

" I have an elder sister and a younger brother."

"Oh, you have a brother also, what is his name? 

"Bai Yu," 

"Isn't it similar to your name," She was bewildered,

"Yes, three of us have names with similar meanings." Bai Yu Yue explained,

"Bai Ling Yue, Bai Yu Yue and Bai Yu." 

"Two moons and a jade?" Xue Lian asked to confirm. 

"It's more like a moon and two jade stones." 

"Let me guess, your sister is the moon?" Xue Lian grinned, by now, she clearly understood that this man is a family person who loves his family more than anything and a brother who is devoted to his sister. 

"Yes, she is the moon," Bai Yu Yue continued with a smile,"I only have a moon in my name," 

"But it is really nice to have similar names," Xue Lian smiled,

"I only have a surname, which is similar to by siblings. Other than that, nothing is common between us," 

"I think your name is perfect for you. What do you call a pretty lady like you other than a "snow lotus"?" Bai Yu Yue casually said. The name "Xue Lian" was befitting for an ethereal beauty like her,

Pale, delicate and elegant like a lotus.

Huh did he just call her pretty? Xue Lian's heart thumped. The entire kingdom showers her with praises about her beauty, but how come a single word from Bai Yu Yue made the butterflies in her stomach go wild,


Within an hour, they prepared to return back to the Qi Kingdom through the forest path. 

Wet from the last night's rainfall, the ground was dark and damp. The curled brown leaves were half-embedded in the soil. The trees in the forest were ancient, timeless as they disappeared into the sky, rough with age, yet their roughness had been worn down by the soft greenness. In the canopy, birds twittered, chirping and calling in distant melodies. A faint rustling could be heard as small rodents scampered through the foliage, though it was drowned out by the greater rustling of the leaves in the gentle breeze.

Xue Lian held on to Bai Yu Yue's waist and kept her head on his shoulder, a contented smile lingering on her lips.

This man, he has gifted her the most memorable day in her sixteen years of life.

Soon after they reached a place where they could see the clear sky, Bai Yu Yue halted her horse.

"What happened?" Xue Lian asked,

"Stay low,"

Bai Yu Yue said in alarmed voice and took her bow aimed at the other end of the path.

On the other end of the path, a group of men in horses stood before them. Every single one of them was covered with black clothes and mask and they were armed with bow and swords.

Bai Yu Yue carefully observed them,

They clearly looked like the group which attacked the royal entourage at the valley.

The other troop also halted their horses, when they saw a soldier aiming at them.

"Ohhh, who is this lonely man?" A masked man asked.

"Looks like he is looking for death," another man scoffed.

"If you wish to live more, surrender before us," another man shouted.

"It doesn't look like he is alone, there is someone with him." One of them put a hand on top of his eyes and looked at the lone man in the horse.

Since Bai Yu Yue was aiming the arrow, her upper body was slightly leaned towards the right side and a fair silhouette can be vaguely seen behind her.

The pink colour robe and hair was fluttering in the air.

"It looks like a girl is with him." He said with a chortle. 

"Oho, did you just run away with a lady my dear? You don't look like a person who is capable of maintaining a girl." The man who started the conversation commented when he noticed the skinny stature of the soldier. 

"My lady, why don't come with me?" That man and his group laughed with him.

He looked like a second in command whereas their group leader remained stoic.

"What do you think brother?" He asked the leader.

The leader replied with a cold glare, shutting everyone's mouth all at once. 

"Utter another word and you die."

A husky yet powerful voice filled their ears,