Chapter 136 - The Rejection

The rhythmic beats of drums and horn resounded in the giant hall of the Yu palace, under the watchful eyes of hundreds of Yu clan members, Li Juan elegantly gaited towards the Jade throne,

Bai Su Ya, the current sovereign head of Yu palace, stood erect in the raised podium, her face glistening with a proud and gentle smile,

"In the name of the mother nature who created us, the almighty Tu mountains who protected us, the ancestors who remain in our blood and flesh, I shall bestow, you, Li Juan, 100th of the royal bloodline, daughter of Bai Ze and Li Qin, with the title of Bai Yue Ling, the mother of Yu clan, protector of Jade land and sovereign head of the Yu palace,"

Li Juan kneeled before the regent Queen to accept the phoenix crown embellished with five coloured gemstones and a phoenix,

"You shall rise,"

The grandmaster Mu of the North temple blessed her and handed over the imperial oath written in silk scroll,

The drum beats faded down and the hall fell into absolute silence,

Li Juan swept a glance across the crowd kneeling down before, with almost respect and happiness and opened her mouth to pledge her oath,

"I, Bai Yue Ling, the direct descendant of Bai Yue, the lunar maiden, solemnly promise and swear to protect the descendants of Yu clan and the territories to their belonging or pertaining, according to the laws of mother nature and the clan," 

"Long live the queen," Zhang Zhi Jun, the firstborn male of his generation, the one who holds the position equivalent to the king, yelled on the top of his lungs, submitting himself to the matriarch of their clan,

"Long live the queen,"

The crowd followed, "Long live the Yu clan," 

The Queen stood before their faces, was unbelievably graceful and composed, the nonchalant stance on her body carried an air of elegance and royalty. 

Before the entire Yu clan, Li Juan, resplendent in scarlet red ceremonial robe and phoenix crown stepped on to the pure white jade throne, with overwhelming magnificence of absolute power of Yu clan,

Soon after the coronation, elders of the ten tribes of Yu clan offered their tribal insignia in order to show their willingness to submit to the sovereign head.

"Guan family pays our respects to the great phoenix of the Yu clan,"

Guan Tian Long bowed and presented palm-sized a golden phoenix with sun and moon crest, pledging their alliance with the Yu clan.

Once the ceremony was finished, the royal banquet began,

A beautiful cue presented by the musicians lead by Zhang Zhi Jun invited the Queen to make the toast and let the feast begin.

Finest wine and dishes were brought out with rare and delectable ingredients in beautiful artistic designs were presented to the guests.

The royal hall in the Yu palace witnessed countless crowning ceremonies, but the grandeur of the coronation of the true heir was impeccable.

Tang Wei Sheng had been silent throughout the ceremony, sat at a lonely corner with his eyes fixed on Li Juan.

The Li Juan whom he was familiar, was nowhere to see,

All he could see was the one and only ruler of Yu kingdom the matriarch of the Yu clan.

"Xiao Li," Grandmaster Mu called Li Juan in a low voice, his gentle face beaming with happiness and a sense of familiarity,

"Yes, master," Li Juan replied in a surprised tone, 

"Thank you for saving our Queen," He smiled widely and took a glance at the crowd and continued, " I am glad that you found the one whom you were searching all these years,"

"The one whom she waited," Li Juan subconsciously shifted her gaze to the guests and met with Tang Wei Sheng's face.

When Li Juan's gaze fell on him, Tang Wei Sheng's thin lips curled into a radiant smile. He shot up with the wine glass and trod towards her in poise,

"Congratulations, my Queen," He made a toast, "I got nothing to offer other than this,"

"Your presence itself is the greatest gift," the corners of her lips rose in gratitude,

Tang Wei Sheng slightly bowed before her and took her arm to place a gentle kiss on the back of the palm,

His actions were brash and sudden that a lot of elders in the crowd frowned deeper.

On a nearby table, Bai Yu gnashed his teeth when he witnessed this scene, his mind fuming in uncontrollable anger,

"How dare he is?" He unleashed the green-eyed monster in his body, "How can he kiss Jie in front of everyone?"

"Big brother, why don't you go and kiss Jie and show him who is the real man?" Bai Ling suddenly proposed,

"Yes, yes, go," Bai Yu pushed Zhang Zhi Jun who remained perplexed by his brothers words,

Unable to handle their pressure, he stood up from his seat, however, instead of going to Li Juan he turned towards the other side and walked towards Liang, who was sitting with his cousin.

"Young masters of Guan family, nice to meet you," Zhang Zhi Jun greeted them with a grin,

Guan Tian Long glanced at the man who approached their table, 

"Even though we have met a few times in the hospital, let me introduce properly, I am Bai Jun, majesty's first cousin and one of her suitors,"

"Guan Tian Long. It is a pleasure to meet you, please take a seat," 

Zhang Zhi Jun sat across the table and faced Liang who sat there with a sheepish smile,

"When I said that you are qualified to be her suitor, I never expected that it will become a truth,"

Liang didn't reply but listen to him with a faint smile and asked.

"How's she?" 

"As you can see, she is better than before. Though she cannot remember any of us, she treats us her family," Zhang Zhi Jun's words had a tinge of sadness, it took him a great amount effort to make Li Juan open up to him, however after her accident she became more reserved than before,

"But young master Guan, both of us were little late," He sneered and glanced towards the direction where Tang Wei Sheng sat, "He asked for permission for their marriage,"

"How's that possible? what about your rules?" Guan Tian Long asked in an agitated voice,

"Our rules give the maiden the rights to choose a suitable partner,"

Guan Tian Long glared at the man who stood beside him like a frozen statue and cursed inwardly Liang's aloofness,

"Did Li Juan say that she is going to choose Tang Wei Sheng?"

"No, but it seems like that. She doesn't remember anyone other than him and he clearly made use of her ignorance to propose the marriage,"


By evening, the Yu palace left with only the close family members, Li Juan who was exhausted by the events, retreated to her room and changed to comfortable clothes,

When she climbed on to her bed, a knock heard from outside, Li Juan dragged her tired body and opened the door, it was Tang Wei Sheng,

"Did I disturb your rest?" He asked in an apologetic tone,

"No, please come in," Li Juan moved away and let him in,

As soon as Tang Wei Sheng entered into the room, he pulled Li Juan into a warm embrace,

Li Juan startled by his actions made a frail attempt to let loose from his hold,

"What are you doing?"

"Let me stay like this for a while," he tightened his arms over her and placed his burning lips on the back of her neck,

"Everyone is offering you precious gifts, am I not supposed to give my woman a hug?"

"You don't have to give me anything," Li Juan said plainly,

"As your boyfriend, I am obliged to give you something," He gently nibbled on her ears, "last time didn't you mention about a date? How about we go somewhere?"

"When?" Li Juan replied immediately and tried to peel off the strong arms which were placed on her midriff.

"Next weekend, is it okay?" 

"Hmm, yes,"

"Thanks, sweetheart," He brushed her hair and kissed her again, "I will come and pick you on Saturday,"

He released Li Juan from the embrace and turned her towards him, "I will leave then," 

"Let me walk you downstairs," Li Juan suggested, to which Tang Wei Sheng agreed wholeheartedly.

In the living room, Liang was constantly bombarded with questions from the members of the Bai family about his hidden identity.

"So are you saying that you knew about Li Juan belonged to Bai family and yet you never mentioned it to her?" Bai Mo asked again to clarify his doubt.

"Yes, aunt Li requested me to not disclose anything to Li Juan about her father's family unless she makes an effort to search for her family,"

"If Zi Zhong wouldn't have found her, were you planning to hide it from her and let her suffer alone?" Bai Zhu's voice had infuriating tone,

"I was planning to tell Li Juan once her research was over and bring her here, but before that, Tang corporations meddled in it and,"

Liang stopped in between her words as his obsidian eyes met with the couple standing in the staircase,

When everyone's gaze shifted towards them, Tang Wei Sheng wrapped his hand over Li Juan's waist to show his claim on her,

"Majesty," everyone stood up immediately,

Li Juan touched her nose with a sheepish expression, unable to respond to their sudden greeting,

"CEO Tang, are you leaving? Zhang Zi Zhong inquired,

"Yes, thanks for hosting me," He bowed and turned to leave,

"I will-" Zhang Zi Zhong abruptly rose into his feet in order to accompany his boss,

"It's alright, manager Zhang, enjoy your time with family," Tang Wei Sheng said and walked out the room with Li Juan, dragging everyone's attention with them,

"This is the situation," Zhang Zhi Jun whispered to Liang, "You try to talk to her, she might listen to you,"


After sending off Tang Wei Sheng, Li Juan returned to the palace with heavy steps. On the way, she ran into Zhang Zhi Jun and Liang,

"Majesty, I would like to introduce someone," Zhang Zhi Jun said with a big fat smile, "He is the young masters of the Guan family, one of your suitors,"

"Nice to meet you," Li Juan smiled in courtesy, "Thanks for coming,"

"Save the formalities, both of you knew each other for quite a time," Zhang Zhi Jun said in a chiding tone, "He actually likes plants a lot, give him a tour of the palace garden,"

"Huh?" Li Juan looked at him in confusion.

"Why don't you take a stroll and show him around?" Zhang Zhi Jun requested her and left both of them alone,

Li Juan raised her eyes and took a look at the man before her, like a marvellous creation of God, 

"Young master Guan," she raised her voice,

"Tae Yang," he corrected. "That's my name,"

"Huh sorry," Li Juan fidgeted and gulped to avoid the awkward silence lingering around them, this man and his intimidating aura was too much for her,

"How are you now?"

"As you can see, I feel good," She tried to ease her troubled mind and continued,

"Actually my grandpa did mention about you, He said that you are one of my suitors and that we have already met a few times in Yu palace. I am sorry that I don't remember you," Her face had an apologetic expression,

"It is okay, Juan."

"Oh, you know my name," She replied in a flustered voice. "We must have been really close since we are on a first-name basis,"

He nodded in agreement, unable to tear his gaze from Li Juan's face,

"Then, Tae Yang, I will be honest, this suitor thing, I don't think it is meant for me. I am not interested in an arranged marriage,"

The words left her mouth left him befuddled for a moment,

"Neither do I," He retorted,

"What I mean is, I am not ready for marriage," She explained,

"I can wait,"

Li Juan pursed her lips gazed at him unable to retaliate to his words,

"Are you planning to reject me?" Liang asked after contemplating for a while,

"I'm sorry, but yes," Her voice was crystal clear,

"Are implying that there is no point in chasing you?" He asked again,

"You better not,"

Hearing her answer Liang smiled and adjusted his posture to bow a little to meet her face to face, 

"What if I don't want to?" His deep voice was laced with playful haughtiness,

"You are the young master of Guan family and girls will be on queue for someone like you. Why should you waste your precious youth for someone like me?" Li Juan enquired with a serious expression.

"I will turn thirty this year," He casually said,


"I am not young anymore, all I want is to have a family and settle down immediately,"

"I have someone I love," Li Juan said abruptly,

"Zhang Zhi Jun?" He raised his brows in puzzlement,

"Someone else," Li Juan replied in a disinterested tone and decided to wrap the conversation. "Just believe that you went for a blind date and it didn't work out,"

"If your decision is like that, then I won't trouble you," Liang said without any change of expression, his obsidian eyes were gleaming in pure bliss. "Just make sure that the person whom you love is the right one,"

"Yes sure," Li Juan retorted back in a cold voice, "I will leave then," she turned and muttered under her breath, "Adamant," 

To be honest, she was fed up with Tang Wei Sheng actions and handling one more man was too tiring for her.

"Hey Juan, did you remember anything?" He asked her all of sudden,

"Yes, I did...I remember everything,"

"Don't lie, I know you still haven't regained all of your memories," A smirk plastered on his charming lips,

"I regained my memories," She repeated with a glare, somehow this man awakened her fighting spirit,

"Then you should have remembered that we used to hug each other whenever we meet," 

"No way, there is no way," Li Juan adamantly refused, "I would hug you,"

" Huh, Just ask your family, all of them have witnessed how you always ran into my arms," His lips curling into a triumphant smile revealing two cute dimples on his cheeks,

Wait a minute, I've seen this smile somewhere, Li Juan searched in her memories for the owner of the smile,

"I will wait for you, take your time to remember everything," Liang said and walked away from Li Juan who was lost in thoughts,