Chapter 158 - Wol Ju, The Moon Child

The last two days were excruciating for Li Juan,

Though her demeanour remained nonchalant, her mind was in turmoil,

She had so many things to ask the man who saved her once she overcame the inhibition to speak,

However when she woke up from sleep, he was nowhere to see...

After moving to the VIP ward, Li Juan got the peace of mind she wished, 

However it didn't last long, Chi Yan and Hao Ren who crashed into her room basically turned it into a playroom for kids.

Hao Ren came with some colouring books and other artistic supplies while Chi Yan who lives with his parents brought lots of home-cooked food as if they are visiting a friend's house.for a sleepover.

When Li Qin saw the two young men who practically made home at the hospital room and interacted with her daughter as if she is their close friend, couldn't help but to cry in happiness. 

Li Juan was always been an outcast in her school and she rarely had any friends. 

When Chi Yan came to know that, it was Li Juan's father's death anniversary, he persuaded Li Win to go back home and prepare a memorial table.

Since Li Qin was running between her part-time work and hospital, Li Juan also wants her mother to take rest for a day. 

"Xiao Li," Chi Yan munching on dim sum, called Li Juan who was painting a picture with pursed lips, her eyes were focused on the picture. 

"Hmm," She answered him without averting her gaze from the picture.

"Aren't you curious about Tae Yang, like what does he likes, where does he live.. like that?" Chi Yan suddenly asked,

He knew that whatever relationship Li Juan had with Lee Tae Yang wasn't a one-way road, but their feelings were mutual. But to his surprise, unlike other women, Li Juan has never shown any desperate efforts to get to know about the man she had a crush. 

Li Juan raised her eyes at him in a query and tossed out a question,

"Is that necessary?"

"Of course, it is necessary... you guys like each other and it is normal for you to know each other's likes and dislikes," Chi Yan explained like an expert,

Li Juan put down the colour pencils and crossed her arms over her chest, "Tell me then,"

"What does he likes?" Chi Yan climbed on to the sofa and contemplated for a moment, "Oh no...he is a free going person, he likes everything,"

Hao Ren who was doodling over Li Juan's plastered leg silently shot a glance at the girl who is listening to Chi Yan,

"From what I have understood after spending time with him is that he values relationships a lot," He commented,

"Yes, whether it's his family or friends, if he loves someone he will be ready to die for them, that kind of love," Chi Yan supported his claim with a proud face,

"He always prefers to live a low-key life,"

"He is dedicated to his profession. Because of that, like every other doctor, he does not have any social life and goes to his apartment only for sleeping. However, after meeting you, his habits have been changed. I hope once you guys officially start dating he will change for good and become more approachable," Chi Yan looked at Li Juan as if he is the biggest supporter of their relationship,

"Why do you think that I will make a change in Dr Lee's life?" Li Juan shot her question with an air of aloofness, "And why do you think that we like each other?"

Chi Yan was confused for a moment, "You guys seem really close to each other,"

"Does that mean that I got romantic feelings for him?" 

Chi Yan wanted to cry, what is she implying?

"You don't like him?" Hao Ren who was listening to their conversation asked with doubt,

"I am contemplating over it,"

"Oh my god," Chi Yan covered his mouth in shock and gawked at Li Juan, "Don't tell me that Tae Yang's first love is going to face a brutal rejection,"

"Am I his first love?" Li Juan couldn't believe what she just heard, "He looks outstanding, and it is nearly unconvincing to hear that he never had a girlfriend,"

"Why would I lie?" Chi Yan pouted his lips,

"Well, he told us about his childhood crush," Hao Ren added with a plain face, "He used to like a girl named Wol Ju,"

"What happened, did they break up? Are they still in contact?" Li Juan bombarded Hao Ren with numerous questions. On her pretty face and her curious words, faint hues of jealousy were clearly visible.

Hao Ren tried to control his chuckle and said in a monotonous voice," She left the country and Tae Yang never had a chance to meet her again,"

"That's so sad," Li Juan gasped and picked up the colour pencils,

"What about you?" Chi Yan curiously asked, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Do you know what is my mother's name?"

"Yes, Li Qin," Chi Yan replied casually,

"Thanks for reminding me,"

Chi Yan scratched his head while trying to figure out what Li Juan actually meant by that comment.

"Huh, you don't know your mother's name?"

Li Juan nodded in agreement, "I couldn't recognize my own mother after that accident. How am I supposed to remember my boyfriend?"

OHHHHH!!! Chi Yan's mouth curled up into a giant "O" when he finally understood Li Juan's words, "So you don't have any memories?"

"No, the only thing I remember is a dream of someone getting killed and doctor Lee's face," Li Juan affirmed, "Other than that my memory is nothing but a plain sheet of paper,"

"So you haven't met Tae Yang before?" Hao Ren inquired, "But both you give off the vibes of childhood besties,"

"He is the person whom I first saw when I wake up from the coma and he is the person who saved me, so it is normal for me to get closer to him,"

"Oh my good lord," Chi Yan touched his forehead, "Tae Yang is saying that he knew you from his past life,"

"Past life," Li Juan's lips curled up into a sneer, "Do you believe that such things exist?"

"Of course,"

"Yan gege, you are a doctor. A man of science," Li Juan said as a matter of fact,

"So what? I believe that there are things which cannot be explained by science," Chi Yan argued with her, "What if both of you were lovers in your past life and you guys died a tragic death. What if the Jade Emperor gave you a second chance to reconcile with your loved one?"

"I hate to agree with you," Hao Ren agreed with him, "After hearing the words of wisdom by the great Chi Yan, I do believe in past lives and reincarnations,"

Chi Yan gave Li Juan a smug smile with an "I told you so," expression.

"I wholeheartedly believe that in your past life you should have been a great novelist to come with such a tear-jerking love story," Hao Ren's comment ended up breaking Li Juan into a burst of laughter.

"You too...ah...don't believe me... Tae Yang will believe me," Chi Yan gritted his teeth,

"Yes, yes.. go and tell him the story. He will immediately introduce you to some publishers," Hao Ren teasingly said and gave a high five to Li Juan who was wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes,

It was supposed to be a joke and why there is a pang of pain in her heart?


In the evening Li Qin came back to the hospital with some food prepared by her,

"Aunt Li, why did you cook all this food? Didn't we told you to take rest for a day?" Chi Yan asked with a sulky face,

"It was your holiday and yet both of you came to take care of Lili, I don't want to-"

"Aye, aunty there is no need to treat us like this, we are Xiao Li's friends and we are supposed to take care of her,"

"I know, I know, it is uncle's memorial day and he will not be happy if I let you guys leave without sharing a meal with you," Li Qin said and began to serve them the food,

Unable to refuse her, Hao Ren and Chi Yan joined with Li Juan for a meal. It was just a simple meal, yet it was delicious.

"This is Lili's father's favourite dish," Li Qin pointed towards the spicy fish pot, "I am not sure it is up to the authentic Yun city cuisine, but somehow tried to recreate the taste,"

"Uncle was from Yun city?" Chi Yan asked, "No wonder Xiao Li looks so..."

Hao Ren rolled his eyes to stop him,

"So pretty...don't you know the people from the south are really attractive... Xiao Li took after her father, isn't it aunty?"

"Yes, you have duty tomorrow?" Li Qin immediately changed the topic,

"Yes, I have one...but you are free na?" Chi Yan glanced at Hao Ren, "You can accompany Xiao Li when aunt leaves for work,"

" Yan, both of you already spent more than enough time with Lili on your day off, at least get some sleep in the night,"

"It is totally alright aunty, I have morning shift tomorrow, so I am planning to stay at the resting lounge for resident doctors. I can accompany Xiao Li until you come back," Hao Ren assured her,

Li Qin glanced at the brightened face of Li Juan and didn't argue any further. If her friend's presence can uplift her daughter's mood then she doesn't want to ruin that.

After dinner, Chi Yan who was going back to his house offered Li Qin a ride to her workplace and even Hao Ren came to send them off,

As Chi Yan's car left the entrance of the hospital and a taxi stopped in front of Hao Ren.

"Who is that woman who just went with Chi Yan?" Lee Tae Yang who jumped off the taxi with a startled face,

"Ehhh, why are you here? Aren't you supposed to return by tomorrow's flight?" Hao Ren was equally surprised when he saw Lee Tae Yang at the late-night,

"Who was that?" He repeated,"

"It was Aunt Li. Xiao Li's mother," Hao Ren answered,

"Aunt Li!!!" Lee Tae Yang pondered for a moment, " Is her name is Li Qin?"

"Yes, don't you know her?"

"Is her husband's name is Bai Ze?" His voice sounded agitated,

"I think so, why are you asking all these?"

Lee Tae Yang's charming face broke into an intense rapture as he quickly rushed towards the VIP room where Li Juan was staying.

"Yaaaa, where are you going?" Hao Ren followed Lee Tae Yang who was sprinting through the empty corridors.

He pushed open the door and stopped for a moment to catch his breath before striding towards the bed,

On the bed, Li Juan laid with a sleepy face,

He gaped at her pretty face with doting eyes,

No wonder she felt so familiar, no wonder he felt an attraction towards her

It was her!!!

For the last eighteen years, on every single face, he was searching for the little face which is imprinted on his memories,

"Wol Ju,"

He called in a low voice drenched in unconditional love and touched her slender fingers, sending his memories back to the night where he first met her,

The night when the full moon had risen over the sky, a small bundle of joy wrapped in soft cotton clothes stared at Little Yangyang and clutched on to his pinkie,

"She is born on a full moon night, why don't we name her Wol Ju?" His grandma asks Little Yangyang who smiling at the baby,

"Wol Ju?" 

"It means moon," 

"Sun and Moon?" His chubby lips perching up into a cute smile, "Wol Ju ah,"