She pushed him away from him and held her arm. Tears welled up in her eyes because of her anger.

"Silly girl, how can I care? I don't care at all. I just It's just He knew she was angry, but he didn't know how to explain it.

Isn't she just for fun? Only if this marriage is a game? Did she really want him to play it real? Is he really going to finish the chamber and the candle?

Mo Chuan felt that his mind was in chaos, and he couldn't figure out her idea.

"Don't say anything, I don't want to hear it! Mochuan, you go, you go now! " She covered her ears in anger.

She was angry and aggrieved. She had already taken the initiative. As a man, he was still hesitant and hesitant. He didn't despise her, and what was he!

It's just that she couldn't have imagined that he would care about it!

Is innocence really so important to a woman? If she lost her innocence, he would not even touch her? What's the use of such extravagant and affectionate money? Now that the facts are in front of her eyes, she can't even cheat herself.

"Ning'er, don't be angry. Listen to me..." He was eager to hold her, his fingers touched her face, his hands were hot and humid.

Did she cry?

Mo Chuan heart a draw, pull her face, as expected to see her eyes wet, like two black grapes in the cold spring.

She blinked, two tears rolled down, she suddenly calm, quietly looked at him, calm said: "mochuan, I now know that you and other men are the same, you care about the same thing, so I don't blame you, you go, as we have never met, I will never appear in front of you, after you will be calm when Your emperor, marry a pure and pure girl to be queen, I Bless you

When she finished, she raised the corner of her lips to him and gave him a smile.

Mo Chuan felt that his heart was going to explode. He didn't know what he had done wrong, so he asked her to make such a determination. She also asked him to marry other girls, bless them, and Smile at him!

How can she laugh!

"Are you going to separate from me?" He asked in a hoarse voice.

"Yes." She looked at him calmly, heartache, but she didn't want him to see her wound.

"Why? Because I don't want you? "

He couldn't think of it. He was clearly for her good, but she was so angry that she accused him of confusing him. Did she blame him for not caring about her? But it is because he cares about her that he should respect her more!

"I don't want to say any more. I don't want to say a word. Mo Chuan, you go and let me be quiet."

She closed her eyes powerless, her headache, heart pain.

Her dream of bridal chamber candle, she wholeheartedly want to give him, the result is such an end, he dislikes her, he is not willing to her!

What else could she say?

Mo Chuan stares at her, as if the top of his head was chopped by thunder, completely splitting him.

He couldn't understand that she was still tender and turned so fast. He looked at her cold face and her closed eyes. Obviously, she didn't want to look at him any more.

"If I want you now, you won't be angry and blame me?" He thought it over for a long time before he tasted something.

It was because he had stopped at the precipice that she was angry. , the fastest update of the webnovel!