Shen Ning immediately burst into a smile: "uncle, you are so generous. If I ask you for this bed as a gift, will you give it to me?"

Zixiao Pavilion master calm face: "as long as you can move, I here things, whatever you want to take, take what."

She spat out her tongue and said with a smile, "that bed is heavier than a mountain. Where can I move it? If uncle really wants to give it to me, he should send someone to send it to the palace."

"Well, as long as you give me the military documents and drawings obediently, the master of this cabinet will certainly do what you want." Zixiao Pavilion master Yin smile.

Shen didn't care, but she didn't care.

"By the way, uncle, it's very good for me to drink this tea. It's more fragrant than the tea I drank in the palace. Can you also give it to me?"

"Yes!" Zixiao Pavilion master very generous nod.

"Well, I also want this, this, and this..."

Shen Li said, pointing to the furnishings.

Of course, the value of everything here is immeasurable, but the master of Zixiao Pavilion agreed without blinking.

"When you leave, I'll ask them to wrap up all these things and take them with you. What else do you want besides these?"

Hum, but they are all external things. Compared with the military books and drawings, they are not worth half a word!

"What else? Oh, I don't want anything. Uncle has given me many things. If I want anything more, God will say that I am greedy. "

Shen Ning claps her buttocks and stands up. Shi Shi ran goes out.

"Where are you going?" Zixiao Pavilion master subconsciously asked.

She looked back and said with a smile, "of course, it's time to go back to my room and have a rest. By the way, uncle, it's better to have something light and sweet, and a small bowl of green jade japonica rice porridge cooked glutinous. If you have sweet fruit wine, you might as well send a pot."

After she had finished, she laughed and went away without looking back.

Zixiao Pavilion master staring at her back, two hands on the armrest, finger joints because of force and white, for a long time did not move.

After a long time, he shook his wheelchair out of the study, called a disciple in black, and gave a low command to him to watch Shen Ning's every move.

After Shen Ning came out of the study, she went directly to the master's bedroom of Zixiao Pavilion. Since he had promised to use the bedroom while she was here, she would not return to the secret room where she could not see her fingers.

She went into the bedroom, looked around, went to the closet, coughed first, and then opened the lid of the closet in a big way.

Since Zixiao Pavilion owner has said that she can use this bedroom, including all the things in it, of course, she also has the right to use the clothes prepared for Zixiao Pavilion master.

She flipped through the wardrobe and found that all the clothes were brand-new, just like what she had expected. Although it was a man's style, the material of the clothes was excellent. It was soft and soft to the touch. It was more delicate than the material in the palace.

"Tut Tut, I can't see that the old fox lives in this secluded place in the mountains, but he lives a more luxurious life than the emperor. You can see that he must eat well, his clothes must be clean and his words must be fine. He must have come from a very complicated background." , the fastest update of the webnovel!