"Mr. Rongjun, you are a famous music talent, so the songs assigned to you by the program group are a little difficult," Xiao Yao said with a smile. "Your song is a foreign song," despacito "!"

"ah? Spanish songs? " Rong Jun cried, "I can't speak English very well. Do you want me to sing Spanish songs?"

Rong Jun is a famous young talent in the music world. When he started his career at the age of 18, he signed up with a record company. Since then, he has been concentrating on his music work and has not gone to college. Of course, not having been to university does not mean that he can't speak English, but Rong Jun's English is really worse in the Chinese music world. Over the years, Rong Jun has written and sung many songs, but he has hardly written any English songs, and few of them have English lyrics.

"I didn't ask you to sing Spanish!" Xiao Yao immediately threw the pot, patted Rong Jun on the shoulder with a smile and said, "it's arranged by the program team. I just announced on behalf of the director that I'm a messenger!"

"Can I fill in a new version of Chinese lyrics?" Rong Jun thought about it and asked Xiao Yao.

"Ah?" This time, Xiao Yao was stunned and said in his heart, "on the spot, he created a version of the lyrics according to the music. Rong Jun, a talented musician, really deserves his reputation!"

"Well, I think it's OK, isn't it?" Xiao Yao said uncertainly, "why don't you ask the director later? I'm a messenger. Today is my first time to participate in this program. I'm not very clear about some details of the rules."

"But your song is Latin, and it's hard to write Chinese lyrics." Rong Jun also scratched his hair and said in embarrassment, "even if the program group agrees, it's really difficult to write a suitable version of Chinese lyrics and adapt them in six hours."

"I don't want to eat any more now. I want to go back to the rest room to think about my words." Rong Jun looks at the hot pot in front of him and says bitterly.

"No!" Xiao Yao grabs Rong Jun and says, "it's not finished yet. I don't care about the minutes!"

"Well, I'm just talking about it." Rong jundao.

Lian Yiling's designated song hasn't been announced yet. It's very impolite to leave early. He certainly won't do it.

"What's sister Sandy's designated song?" Rongjun see lianyiling some desire to say and stop, help to ask Xiao Yao road.

"Guess what?" Xiao Yao said with a mischievous smile.

"I can't guess!" Liang Xueying dissatisfied with the wave of his hand, "don't deliberately show off, quickly say!"

"Learn to bark!" Xiao Yao gives the answer.

"Ah? Ha ha Rong Jun and the other three guests could not help laughing when they imagined Lian Yiling's singing "learn to meow"!

"Ah? What song? " Lian Yiling looks confused and looks at Xiao Yaodao.

"A very popular song the year before last." Rong Jun said with a smile.

"Let's learn to meow together, meow together Ha Liang Xueying held back her smile and sang two sentences in a gesture dance, but she couldn't go on laughing until she finished.

"No, I know the song!" Lian Yiling raised her hands and put them in claws on both sides of her head. She said with a bitter smile to others, "although I haven't sung this song, there was a time the year before last when several of my relatives' children sang this song all day and danced with Xueying. I was brainwashed by this song just now."

"What I want to ask is," said Lian Yiling, looking at Xiao Yao, "isn't this a duet song? Besides, it seems that you didn't sing this song? Didn't you say that all our designated songs are your songs? "

"The duet between men and women can also be adapted into a solo." Xiao Yao said with a smile, "the program says that my songs don't necessarily refer to what I originally sang, but what I wrote seems to count. In addition, although the original song of the official version has nothing to do with me, when it first appeared, I sang the part of male voice. "

"Can I invite you to work with me and continue to sing the male part?" Lian Yiling looks at Xiao Yao and tries to pull him into the water.

"I have no problem singing this song with you." Xiao Yao said with a smile, "but we are all tutors. In this program, we have PK with plain singers and students. Our two tutors are two against one. Isn't it unfair to people who ask for advice? The crew won't agree, will they? "

"No!" Liang Xueying said with a smile, "CJ also asked me to sing with him on the stage in the last program. There should be no problem for two tutors to be on the same stage. It doesn't violate the rules of the program."

"If it's not against the rules of the show, I'll have no problem." Xiao Yao said to Lian Yiling with a smile, "anyway, I haven't sung this song on the stage. Even if we cooperate with each other, it's all up to you. I'm not afraid that I'll steal your limelight! "

"Ah?" Lian Yiling thought about it, waved her hand and said, "forget it, I'd better change this song completely, and change it to solo!"

Lian Yiling thinks that if Xiao Yao is also involved, the audience will inevitably compare their performance with the original version. Instead of letting the audience compare themselves with those or that 20-year-old girl, it's better to make a thorough adaptation to change the overall style and temperament of the song.

"Ah! But how can this be changed? " Even Yi Ling wailed, covered her forehead and said, "I have no appetite now!""What about your own songs?" Liang Xueying asked Xiao Yao, "whose song is it among the four of us?"

"The director won't say it. He said it would be announced in public when the stage was recorded!" Xiao Yao said with a smile.

"Why? Too much! " Liang Xueying and others are angry.

Xu Tao, the chief director who watched quietly through the hollowed out partition, saw that Xiao Yao had made the four permanent guests look like this. He felt almost done, so he walked in with a plate of fruit and a smile.

"All the teachers have eaten?" Xu Tao put the fruit on the table and asked people with a smile.

"Here comes guide Xu?" As soon as Liang Xueying saw Xu Tao, she immediately said, "I said your program group is too cruel today, right?"

"It's not a good meal, it's a loss of appetite!" Lian Yiling also complained, "your program group is really more and more able to play!"

Ignoring their words, Xu Tao said with a smile, "now that you've all had enough, we'll announce your assigned songs for this issue!"

"What?" Four people are all surprised and say, "isn't the designated song already told us by Xiao Yao?"

"No!" Xu Tao deliberately showed a very unexpected expression and said, "our program group has no such arrangement! You are all tutors. How could Xiao Yao tell you about the assigned songs? "

"Xiao Yao!" Four people react, four pairs of eyes look at Xiao Yao, "you cheat us?"

"It's none of my business!" Xiao Yao immediately jumped up from his seat and hid behind Xu Tao, "the program team arranged me to say this, saying that I'd like to make a joke with you!"

"What are the arrangements for the program? Why don't I believe it? " Liang Xueying stares at Xiao Yaodao.

The other three people originally followed Xiao Yao's words and put their eyes on Xu Tao, but as soon as they heard Liang Xueying's words, they immediately went to see Xiao Yao behind Xu Tao. Between Xiao Yao and Liang Xueying, they obviously choose to believe that Liang Xueying knows Xiao Yao better than they do.

"Xiao Yao, you big liar!" Rong Jun pointed to Xiao Yao and called, "throw the pot on the head of the program group!"

"Don't be angry, teachers." Xu Tao waved his hand with a smile and said, "he told you that it's really not our program group's arrangement to assign songs. However, we arranged for him to have hot pot with you. I also told him to let him play freely to make some highlights for the program. He did it for the sake of the effect of our program. He didn't make a fool of himself to cheat you! "

"For the effect of the show, of course!" The four said in their hearts.

Chief director said so, four people also no longer hold on to Xiao Yao. Everyone sat back in their seats and began to wait for Xu Tao to announce today's real designated song.

Although some of the songs really assigned by all the people were unexpected by the tutors, they were much more normal than the songs mentioned by Xiao Yao, and it was much easier for them to adapt and perform. After hearing this, the four people's faces relaxed a lot.

"Well, that's the end of lunch. Please go and prepare your own performance songs." After announcing the designated song, Xu Tao announced with a smile.

"What? We haven't finished yet Everyone who regained their appetite grabbed the chopsticks and cried.

"Well," Xu Tao said with a smile, "if you feel that you have enough time, you can continue to eat here. We don't withdraw these things. You feel that you can leave at any time to rehearse and arrange music. However, I would like to remind you that the preparation time given to you is only six hours. If you continue to eat here, you are actually wasting your preparation time. "

"Come on, hurry up!" Everyone grabs chopsticks and says.

"Come on, let's go!" After eating more chopsticks, the four tutors stood up and were ready to leave.

"Xiao Yao, won't you go? Keep eating Lian Yiling saw Xiao Yao sitting still and asked.

"Ah Xiao Yao continued to reach out his chopsticks and fished out the food in the pot. "I was the last to live. I was talking to you all the time just now. I didn't care much about eating."

"It's time! Tell you to play with us Liang Xueying walks to Xiao Yao's side.

"What's wrong with that?" Lian Yiling was a little worried and said, "do you want to get some food for you? You can go back to the rest room and arrange music while eating?"

After all, Xiao Yao cheated them for the effect of the program, which was good for them. None of the four people really had a problem with Xiao Yao because of this.

"Sister sandy, you don't have to worry about him!" Liang Xueying took Lian Yiling by the arm and said, "I've worked with him before. I know his ability. It's just an adaptation of a song. Six hours is plenty of time for him. He'll be fine even if he sits here and eats for an hour! "

"Ha, sister Xueying knows me!" Xiao Yao gives Liang Xueying a thumbs up.

"OK, then I don't care about you. I'm waiting to hear your adaptation!" Lian Yiling said with a smile.

Xiao Yao doesn't pretend. After the four guests left, Xiao Yao didn't mean to leave with a few chopsticks. Instead, he really ate all the time. He is not only the one who eats the longest, but also the one who eats the most.Stars are generally more fastidious and restrained in eating. There are not many things on this table. After eating for a while, there are not many left. In line with the principle of not wasting, Xiao Yao simply wiped out all the dishes on the table and left.

"Xiao Yao, as a star, don't you need to do body management?" On the way back to the rest room, Huang Qi asked Xiao Yao in a low voice.

Although the amount of food is less, it is prepared according to four people. The four people don't eat much. No matter how little food is left, it is far more than one person's amount. Seeing that all Xiao Yao's dishes are swept clean, the film crew of Xiao Yao is surprised at Xiao Yao's appetite.

"Of course we should do it!" Xiao Yao said with a smile, "do you think I can eat? I always eat a lot. It's OK. More exercise will consume it. I also have a lot of exercise, never rely on diet control to control the body! Besides, at my age, consumption itself is relatively fast. "

"Do you mean you're still growing, so you can eat better?" Huang Qi said with a smile.

Huang Qi has also met many young stars, no matter they are younger than Xiao Yao, or they have eaters. She has never seen anyone who eats like Xiao Yao. Compared with those people, Huang Qi still thinks that Xiao Yao is more real and healthy.

"By the way, have you eaten yet?" Xiao Yao asked.

"Yes, I did. I just changed shifts." Huang Qi said with a smile.

When I was in the hall just now, there was a film crew inside. Several guests and the film crew took the opportunity to have lunch.

"That's good!" Xiao Yao nodded.

"Oh, and the billiard table!" After a corridor, Xiao Yao suddenly found a billiard table in a small hall beside him.

Xiao Yao stopped, pointed to the table and asked Huang Qi, "do you have a ball? Can I play? "

Although there are two clubs on the table, there is no ball on the table.

"Ah?" "You want to play billiards? Don't you go back to composing and rehearsing? "

"No hurry!" Xiao Yao said with a smile, "it's not good to just go back and sit after eating. It's a good time to move and digest. "

"Well, all right!" Huang Qi nodded, "this table can be used, the ball should be placed under the table."

"It's supposed to be a 15 ball table, can you?" Xiao Yao asked, "would you like to play a game with me?"

"Ah? I'll fight you! " Huang Qi pointed to himself.

"Yes," Xiao Yao nodded, "how boring I am to fight alone!"

"But it's not convenient for me to appear on camera!" Huang Qidao.

"It doesn't matter. Don't shoot this part!" Xiao Yao said, "let the camera brother also have a rest."

"No?" Huang Qi showed a strange expression.

"I did a lot when I was eating hot pot just now. I'll go back to the lounge to compose music later. How can I have enough behind the scenes material?" Xiao Yao said, "this section should be enough behind the scenes material for my first program, right?"