Xiao Yao agreed to accompany Liang Xueying on the stage. Naturally, he needs to practice. To practice, of course, music is needed. Now Liang Xueying's assigned song adaptation has been basically completed, but it has not yet been completed, and it is almost finished. Xiao Yao only promised to accompany them, but he didn't promise to help them arrange the music. Taking advantage of their spare time to improve the last point of adaptation work, Xiao Yao went to the other three resident star tutors.

Xiao Yao and the three met in private for the first time today, and their relationship is obviously not as good as Liang Xueying. Xiao Yao used to just say hello and get to know each other again. It was a courtesy visit. Naturally, such a visit cannot last long. When Xiao Yao came back to Liang Xueying's lounge from the three people's lounge, Liang Xueying's arrangements were all finished.

After returning to Liang Xueying's lounge, Xiao Yao tries his best to help Liang Xueying prepare her performance songs. After listening to Sandy and Liang Xueying's detailed explanation of their adaptation of Liang Xueying's assigned songs in this issue, Xiao Yao replaced sandy to play the electronic keyboard in the rest room. First, he practiced Liang Xueying's singing with piano accompaniment for several times and developed a tacit understanding. Then he went to the live band of the festival to practice with the band.

After the completion of Liang Xueying's band training, it's not too early. After a break, they went to the studio to rehearse twice. The six hours of preparation time were almost exhausted.

The program group arranged dinner for the star tutors, and then let everyone have a rest. The recording of the stage performance part of the program is about to officially start.

In the studio of the program, all the live audience, members of the dream building group and four resident star tutors are seated. After hearing the live director's countdown count in the earphone, Chen Nan, the host of the program, stood in the audience and said: "good evening, everyone. What you are watching is the second season of the interactive music dream program" the sound of dreams "which is exclusively broadcast by Lexiang mobile phone

The audience cheered and gave a burst of warm applause.

"First of all, let's introduce our four dream mentors! They are... " Chen Nan introduced the four permanent guests according to the routine procedure of the program. Every time one was introduced, the audience gave a burst of warm cheers and applause.

"Then, our dream building group members tonight are..." After introducing the four resident star mentors, Chen Nan introduced the members of the dream building group sitting in front of the audience as usual.

Among the members of the dream building group, there are singers, senior creators and music critics. However, these people are either inexperienced singers or engaged in behind the scenes work. Their popularity is not as good as the four star tutors. Moreover, their functions and positioning in the program are different, so the audience's response is not as enthusiastic as when they introduced the four star tutors.

"In addition to four dream mentors and dream building group members, we also invited a mystery mentor to join us tonight." After introducing the star tutor and dream building group, Chen Nan finally said, "now, let's listen to the voice of his dream! Please

"Ah ~" the audience cheered excitedly.

After the audience's voice was a little lower, music was heard in the studio.

"Oh, oh ~" music together, not only the audience, even the four star tutors sitting in the instructor seat are excited to call up.

The stage part of the studio is divided into two layers, which are connected by a lifting channel. The mysterious tutor and the students who are seeking advice appear from the upper stage, but their appearance ways are different.

Behind the upper stage is a lifting electronic curtain wall. When the mysterious tutor appears, the electronic curtain wall is slowly raised, and the mysterious tutor stands behind the electronic curtain wall to sing. After the electronic curtain wall was completely raised, the mysterious tutor came out of the space behind the curtain wall and appeared on the stage. The students are raised from the floor of the upper stage by elevators.

After the prelude music, the electronic curtain wall behind the upper stage began to rise slowly. When the mysterious tutor's legs are exposed behind the electronic curtain wall, the mysterious tutor's voice rings:

"where is the world full of flowers? If it does exist, then I will go. I don't care if it's a cliff ~ "

" Xiao Yao ~ "when Xiao Yao's song came out, the cheers on the scene immediately increased a lot.

"Live hard and love hard, even if you are heartbroken, don't ask for anyone's satisfaction, as long as you are worthy of yourself. About the ideal, I never choose to give up, even in the dusty days

When Xiao Yao sings to the second paragraph, the electronic curtain wall has all risen. Xiao Yao also comes out from behind the electronic curtain wall and appears in front of all the people on the scene.

"Maybe I have no talent, but I have the innocence of dream. I will prove it with my life. Maybe I'm a bit clumsy, but I'm willing to keep exploring, pay all my youth without regret ~ "

when Xiao Yao sings the third paragraph, the channel between the upper and lower stages is set up. While singing the third part of the song, Xiao Yao went to the main stage of the lower floor through the channel.

With the distance between Xiao Yao and the audience and tutors getting closer and closer, the cheers on the scene are getting higher and higher."Run forward to meet the coldness and ridicule! The vastness of life cannot be felt without suffering. Fate can't make us kneel down and beg for mercy, even if we are full of tears and blood ~ "

when we come to the part of the chorus, Xiao Yao roars, and the first three words break again. When the audience heard this, they felt numb. Some of them simply stood up from their seats with their arms raised.

Although according to the procedure of the program, the mysterious guests have to sing a whole song when they appear on the stage, the program team also told Xiao Yao in advance that due to the limitation of the program duration, the whole song will not be released completely when the program is broadcasted, and only a few seconds will be cut at most. In the previous programs Xiao Yao watched, it's true. However, Xiao Yao performed the whole song very seriously and excellently. So when Xiao Yao performed this song, the atmosphere of the whole scene had been completely high, and it reached a climax at the beginning.

"Thank you for Xiao Yao's wonderful performance." After Xiao Yao finished singing and the audience calmed down a little, Chen Nan stepped onto the main stage, stood beside Xiao Yao and asked, "what's the name of the song you just sang?"

Xiao Yao smiles and extends his microphone to the audience.

"Dream of a child!" Many people in the audience yelled.

"Yes! Dream of a child Chen Nan nodded, "and our program is called" the stage of dreams "! It's all about pursuing dreams, so I think your song and you are very suitable for our program! "

"Ah? Ah Xiao Yao first looked at Chen Nan, showing a confused expression, and then nodded, tentatively asked, "thank you?"

"Ha ha ~" many people at the scene laughed.

"You're welcome!" Chen Nan some embarrassed wry smile way.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. What have you been doing recently?" Chen Nan continued.

"Busy film promotion!" Xiao Yao said with a smile, "recently I have a movie" donkey gets water "on the air

In the middle, Xiao Yao turned to the audience and said, "I said this to the audience in front of the TV when it was broadcast. Now the film has not been released. The release date of the film is February 28..."

"Hello Chen Nan interrupted Xiao Yao and said, "first, the recording time is different from the broadcasting time. The audience who participated in the recording and broadcasting program basically knew it. Second, even if you want to explain and remind me, it should be me, the host. Please don't rob me! Even if you rob it, I won't give you more entrance fee! "

The audience laughed again.

"There's no need to raise the entrance fee. I just want to tell the audience about the release time of the film." Xiao Yao said with a smile, "let's talk about it. I'm afraid I won't talk about the release time of the movie."

"Ha The audience was happy again.

"OK, card!" Xiao Yao straightened his arms up and down, and made a sign to hit the board. "Recently, I have a movie" donkey gets water "on the screen, so I'm going to take part in the program everywhere. I want to show my face and yell a few words. I hope you can get into the cinema and support me a lot!" With that, Xiao Yao bowed to the audience.

"Hey, this is for the convenience of our later teacher editing, but also to their own play a board?" Chen Nan said with a smile.

"Please look at my late teacher so considerate, merciful, do not cut my advertising!" Xiao Yao bowed to the camera lens of the host station.

"Chen Nan!" Liang Xueying, sitting in the tutor's chair, cried, "don't talk to Xiao Yao about movies any more! This is a music program. Can you stop him from stressing that he is still an actor in front of us? "

"Miss Xueying, I can tell you that the producer, director and screenwriter of this film are all Xiao Yao! He has more than one career than you Chen Nan smiles to Liang Xueying.

"Wow ~" when Chen Nan and Xiao Yao talked, the laughter of the audience was not broken. However, after Chen Nan's words, there were more exclamations at the scene.

"How powerful!" The other three dream tutors all showed surprised expression and clapped their hands.

"Hello Liang Xueying cries discontentedly.

"But what Xueying said is quite reasonable," Chen Nan said to Xiao Yao immediately. "We are a music program. It's good for you to advertise for movies. We won't talk about movies."

"Good! Thank you Xiao Yao is very formal.

Xiao Yao's "thank you" at this time is in sharp contrast to the previous tentative "thank you" with questions. Some audience can't help laughing when they think of this.

"You're welcome!" Chen Nan also habitually said,

"since you are so polite, I will remind you a little bit." Chen Nan pointed to the four dream mentors and said to Xiao Yao, "in the previous programs, the new mysterious mentors are usually bullied by them!"

"Yes," Xiao Yao nodded, "I've seen previous programs. When some singers came on stage to ask for advice, they would say," look for new comers. ". I do feel like bullying the new comers! "

"Chen Nan, we have actually considered this issue." Ling Chengjie said, "we have thought about whether we should treat the new teachers better and not bully them. But today's mysterious teacher, we certainly will not let him go easily! ""Oh? Why? " Chen Nan asked with great interest.

"I've avenged the mysterious tutors who were bullied in previous programs!" Xiao Yao holds his fist.

"Ah? Oh, my God! What happened between you? " Chen Nan was surprised.

"Well, I'll know when it's on the air." Xiao Yao said with a smile, "at this time, the audience in front of the TV should already know. As for the audience, I remember watching TV when this program was broadcast

"Well, I won't ask!" Chen Nan waved his hand and said, "our consultation will begin immediately. Xiao Yao, please take a seat!"

In the applause of the audience, Xiao Yao left the main stage and sat on the empty seat on the left side of the instructor's seat.

"Now, let's get started!" Chen Nan made an announcement and left the main stage.

There was a flash of light, and five cylinders rose from the floor of the upper stage. In the middle of each cylinder's elevator stands a singer with a microphone in his hand.

Music was heard at the scene, and five singers took turns to sing out of the cylinder elevator and perform on the main stage. However, different from Xiao Yao, the five singers did not sing the whole song in this stage, instead, they strung the five songs together in the form of a suite, and each of them only sang for a little more than a minute.

In addition to making five singers appear on the stage, there is also a purpose to determine the order in which the five singers appear when they ask for advice alone.

The audience were wearing fingertips with lights, and there was a button on the table in front of each dream tutor. When each tutor comes to the main stage to sing, the speed and frequency of the audience's applause are collected by the machine to judge the audience's response to the tutor. At the same time, each dream tutor can also press the button in front of the following to show his recognition of the tutor. After the appearance of the five singers, the program team decided the order of the singers to go on the stage based on the two factors of whether the dream tutor is a button or not and the audience's reaction.

After the performance of the suite, the five students return to the cylinder elevator standing on the upper stage and descend to the bottom of the stage with the elevator.

"Next, let's welcome the first singer to come on stage!" The program team quickly determined the order of the five singers to appear tonight. Chen Nan went back to the main stage of the lower floor and looked sideways at the upper stage above the syncline.

In the applause of the audience, one of the five elevators rose again, and a young man in his twenties appeared on the upper stage again.

With a microphone, the young man went to the main stage of the lower floor and stood beside Chen Nan.

"Please introduce yourself first!" Chen Nan said to young men.