33 Chapter 32: Beginning of Apocalypse 1

Chapter 32: Beginning of Apocalypse (1)

N city, Huxia's strongest and biggest prison.

*Knock knock*


Claire enter the room with Si Rou and Ying Wei as she heard the permission of his master Zhi Yin.

"Master, It's time for dinner." Claire said as she arrange the foods that been place in the tray which carried by the three of them.

Zhi Yin did not talk nor move as his gaze remain outside. His looking outside where snow is heavily falling as the weather is already unbearably cold.

Two days ago, the snow started to fall and the temperature became low as it is already cold that there's almost no person was willing to go out of their house, and Zhi Yin knows that this is already the start where the world will fall into chaos.

Claire together with Si Rou and Ying Wei just stood at the side silently as they gaze at their master who became silent and somehow terrifying ever since two days ago.

Right now, The three of them are brought by their master here in Huxia N city prison five days ago as their master ordered them to look for a certain criminals and let them gathered in one room as they left them there together with their master and they only saw their master stay not even a fifteenth minutes before he came out and no one knows what happened but the three of them notice the fear and respect in those most vicious criminals eyes whenever they look at their master.

They are puzzled and curious as to what their Master's doing but they never really asked him. The subordinates under their masters have one rule in common and that is to obey and follow whatever their master want them to do. Be it to kill someone without a reason or to kill innocent people, they will gladly do it. It was already engraved in their body, heart and soul that their master is the only one they will follow, that their master is their only 'god'

Zhi Yin sigh as he turn around and look at his three subordinates before walking into the table and started to eat the foods that they brought.

"Did you already eat?" - Zhi Yin asked

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"Yes master, We're already finish long time ago."

Zhi Yin just hum as he continue to eat. It's already quarter to ten in evening but he is not really hungry. As one of the powers of his darkness ability is that you cannot get hungry anymore the higher your darkness ability level is and it's fascinate him.

His darkness ability is already at Level 7 low rank so with his current level is, he does not really feel hungry but he still enjoyed eating, after all, the taste is what he is seeking.

After he finish eating, Zhi Yin eat one of his favorite dessert, Golden opulence sundae.

"The three of you can withdraw now. Sixteen days later, We will leave this place and go back to A city."

The three answers yes before leaving the room.

In this coming days, Zhi Yin did not leave even once in his room as he ordered his subordinates to not disturb him as he entered in seclusion. He doesn't know why but Zhi Yin instinct warn him that there's something going to happened and that he would not like it. So, the only thing that can secure him is, if he is strong enough. Strong enough to overcome the unknown, as Zhi Yin's instinct never fails him.

Wei Zhi Yin remain in closed door cultivation for a month and this month, The temperature became colder and colder as it lasted for fifteen days and the people can not even have time to be happy when the temperature immediately rise which lasted for three days before the temperature and weather return to normal.

But it is not yet done as two days later after the rising of temperature, a meteorites landed in every part of the world and after just three hours, The people became sick and in just twenty four hours, The apocalypse totally began!

It was a world shaking news as it was not happening to only one country but it is happening to every corner of the world. It was only almost two weeks since the zombie appeared in the world but there population is already at millions and it is climbing in alarming rate!

The world was thrown into chaos but it was quickly controlled by the officials and militaries and somehow the civilians became less afraid as they also found out that people can develop an ability.

After Zhi Yin came out in his room, He saw his four subordinates who is sanding outside his room with a troubled expression.

"What's wrong?" - Zhi Yin asked while walking towards the dining room. He's been in a seclusion for a month and he missed the exquisite taste of the foods.

To be continue...