Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

The two Beasts standing before Li Yi were both poisonous creatures. He would have to be careful when fighting against them.

Li Yi took out his Crystal. With a flash of light, the Lightning Rat appeared in front of Li Yi.

Liu Chang and Ye Qing laughed when they saw the Lightning Rat.

“Haha! Is that a Lightning Rat? What use is this yellow-skinned mouse?”

“Snakes eat rats, don’t tell me you forgot that.”

The two of them laughed. Li Yi looked at them seriously.

“Come on, I don’t have time to waste on you guys. Let’s finish this quickly!”

After Li Yi said that, Liu Chang and Ye Qing’s expressions turned cold.

“Alright, I’ll end your life as soon as possible. I’ll let you have your pride!”

Liu Chang waved his hand, and the blackspine snake slithered towards the lightning rat.

The Blackspine Serpent twisted its body, occasionally sticking out its tongue. The sight could make one’s head go numb.

The Lightning Rat did not back down at all. It faced the enemy head-on!

Li Yi looked at the Blackspine Serpent. The snake’s strength was also Iron-tier Grade 9.

The Scarlet Scorpion beside him, on the other hand, was Iron-tier Grade 8.

These strength ratings were proof that the two Beasts had been training for ages.

However, it only took one or two months for the Lightning Rat to reach Iron-tier Grade 9.

The main reason was that Li Yi used the Breakthrough Status, allowing the Lightning Rat to break through the bottleneck faster.

The Blackspine Serpent came up before the Lightning Rat and shot out its head. It opened its mouth, decked out with many fangs, and bit at the Lightning Rat.

The blackspine snake’s attack speed was extremely fast. But Lightning Rat reacted quickly, letting off sparks of electricity as it dodged.

The Lightning Rat then turned into a ball of lightning and circled around the Blackspine Serpent. At the same time, it was continuously releasing electricity to shock the snake.

The Blackspine Serpent was struck by the electricity, causing its whole body to begin to twitch.

Liu Chang saw this and gritted his teeth. “Hmph, it’s just a Lightning Rat! Is that all you can do?”

Under his control, the Blackspine Serpent endured the pain and opened its mouth wide to bite the Lightning Rat!

Suddenly, the Lightning Rat sped up and got away from the nake!

It was so fast that the Blackspine Serpent didn’t even have the time to react!

After the Lightning Rat dodged the snake’s attack, another black shadow flashed over towards it.

The Scarlet Scorpion attacked. Waving its tail, it stung the Lightning Rat.

The Lightning Rat did not stop though. It continued to dodge.

However, after dodging once, the Blackspine Serpent attacked again.

Up against two poisonous creatures, the Lightning Rat was at a disadvantage.

Fighting one against two was indeed difficult. The enemies’ strength was considerable. On top of that, they were poisonous.

Realzing that the Lightning Rat was getting worn out, Li Yi frowned slightly.

If this continued, he would definitely lose!

So, Li Yi took out a Status entry..

He flung a Weakness Status towards the Blackspine Serpent.

Having been weakened, the snake’s movement speed was taken down a peg.

At the same time, its attack speed became much slower. Its attack accuracy also went down, so much so that it accidentally bit a nearby rock.

Seeing this, Liu Chang furrowed his brows. He could feel that something was off. Why had his Blackspine Serpent suddenly become so slow?

Not only was it moving slower, but it was attacking slower too!

Li Yi took out another Weakness Status and attached it to the Scarlet Scorpion.

Similarly, the Scarlet Scorpion’s speed dropped, and so did its attack accuracy.

Ye Qing, too, could tell that something was wrong, but she didn’t know what.

Seeing as the battle had been going on for a while with no clear winner, the two of them once again began to trash talk.

“Your death today is certain. And, I’m going to make sure it’s a miserable one!”

Liu Chang said through gritted teeth.

“Let me give you one last piece of advice. Hand over the invitation letter! Otherwise, I’ll throw you into the forest and let the horny gorillas have you!”

“When that happens, you will die a very gruesome death!”

“You should know that right now is their mating season!”

Liu Chang threatened with a ruthless expression.

Li Yi was not afraid of his threat at all, and he was too lazy to talk to such scum.

He continued taking out Statuses. This time, he took out [ Fear ] .

Li Yi put the Status on both the Blackspine Serpent and the Scarlet Scorpion at the same time.

Soon, the Blackspine Serpent and the Scarlet Scorpion started to retreat, betraying an obvious fear of the Lightning Rat.

When Liu Chang saw this, he could not help but curse.

“Dammit, you’re a poisonous snake, and you’re really afraid of a Rat? I trained you for nothing!”

Ye Qing was so angry that she gritted her teeth. “What are you afraid of? Attack!”

Li Yi continued to throw out negative Statuses. This time, it was [ Salted Fish ] .

This Status was much stronger than the previous two. After Li Yi put it on them, the Blackspine Serpent’s and the Scarlet Scorpion’s bodies went limp. They could not do anything.

After the two poisonous creatures became salted, they began to rot on the ground, being unable to move!

Seeing this, the two of them gnashed their teeth in anger. “Move! What are you doing?”

“Are you taking a nap? How can you sleep right now?”

Ye Qing looked at the scorpion lying on the ground in disbelief.

Then, Li Yi put a Recovery Status on the Lightning Rat, causing it to quickly recover its strength.

He also gave it a Belligerent Status, improving its combat skills.

Then a Strength Status, strengthening its muscles.

Then an Agility Status, increasing its speed.

Then, the Lightning Rat rushed towards the Blackspine Serpent.

Of the two poisonous creatures, the Blackspine Serpent’s defense was the weaker.

The Lightning Rat charged over and activated its Lightning Flash.

Sparks of electricity, crackling, struck the scales of the Blackspine Serpent. These pulses of electricity pierced through the scales and entered the snake’s body.

The powerful electric current surged in, causing the Blackspine Serpent’s entire body to convulse madly. At times, its body was all contorted, and at other times, it was stiff.

After a short while, the Blackspine Serpent stopped moving.

It had been electrocuted to death!

Liu Chang was stupefied. The Blackspine Serpent had inexplicably lost its desire to fight and then got electrocuted to death!

At that moment, his connection with the Blackspine Serpent was severed. This indicated that the snake was dead.

At a loss for words, Liu Chang panicked.

He could not have foreseen his Monster Pet dying so suddenly.

Seeing this, Ye Qing became extremely anxious. “Move, don’t just lay there!”

The Blackspine Serpent had been electrocuted to death, and the Scarlet Scorpion’s situation was not looking good. It almost angered Ye Qing to death.

Li Yi looked at the Lightning Rat. He could feel that it had broken through the next bottleneck!

It had just fought an extremely dangerous battle. It was a real battle.

He did not expect the Lightning Rat to gain this much experience in its first real battle. It had gained so much that it broke straight through the bottleneck!

Suddenly, the Lightning Rat’s strength increased dramatically. It didn’t even need Li Yi’s Breakthrough Status. It had already completed the Breakthrough!

The very next moment, the Lightning Rat’s body slightly increased in size. Even more electric current was now flowing over its body.

Li Yi looked at its strength and discovered, to his surprise, that his Lightning Rat had just broken through to Bronze-tier Grade 1!

There was no mistaking it. The Lightning Rat’s growth potential was outstanding!

Also at this time, Li Yi found that the Lightning Rat had acquired a new skill!