So that the sad people were directly possessed, and then brought back by the subordinates of the ghost king!

This is a big play. It really makes people feel that their brains are not enough. No one can figure out what the ghost King's mind is like.

Does this mean that he doesn't care about Murong Sheng?

Or do you care about murongsheng very much?

If you care, why do you say that murongsheng's affairs have nothing to do with him and don't need to ask his opinions.

If you don't care, what's the reaction after Murong Sheng died?

Anyway, murongsheng's body was carried back by the Duke of Rongguo. Since then, the ghost palace has not been opened again.

No one knows what the ghost king has become.

The people of Rongguo government most want murongsheng to die quickly.

But I really saw Murong Sheng dead, but no one could laugh. The whole Rongguo mansion was called a dark cloud covering the top, which was very sad.

Even Murong Shan, who was filial piety to the Qi family in the suburbs, brought back to be filial piety to Murong Sheng for three years!

Who can accept such a decision?

But whether they can accept it or not, anyway, the emperor's order is down. If they don't want to be filial, they have to be filial. No one can escape!

If you don't do it, it's disobedience. What are the consequences of disobedience?

That's going to lose your head. If it's more serious, you may kill the nine tribes!

So who dares not?

Even if you are unwilling and unwilling, the Duke of Rongguo must honestly wear hemp and filial piety to murongsheng and send him to the funeral!

Murongshan almost fainted with anger when she heard the news.

For what? For what?

Directly grabbed the white clothes in the servant girl's hand, threw them on the ground and stepped on them with his feet: "Murong Sheng is dead. Why should I dress her in mourning! I can give it to my mother, but Murong Sheng is absolutely impossible!"

Murong Sheng is something!

She's not as good as a servant girl in the family. She has to wear hemp and filial piety to her in the whole Rongguo government for five years. Her mother doesn't have this treatment!

Besides, five years is not five days!

Five years of filial piety means she can't do anything and everything is over!

She was already a side imperial concubine. Now she has to be filial for five years. Will Shangguan Hong wait for her? Even after waiting for five years, how confident can she be that she can grasp shangguanhong's heart again and take the position of the imperial concubine?

Five years later, will shangguanhong still have a little place for her in his heart!

Now shangguanhong's feeling for her has been much more insipid. She really didn't dare to gamble in five years, and she didn't dare to gamble at all!

Her mother's death has given her a heavy blow. But Murong Sheng still has to come out at this point and forcibly add a few years to her. Isn't this the end of her completely!

Murong Shan twisted her face and looked at the white filial piety clothes with black footprints on the ground. Her anger could not be calmed down for a long time. She wanted to drag Murong Sheng's body out and whip it hard!

If you live and block her, even if you die, you won't let people live a good life. Why is Murong Sheng so cheap?!


The servant girl's heart was also sad. Looking at the clothes that couldn't be worn on the ground, she whispered, "Miss, I'll bring a new set for Miss now..."