What are you doing here? It seems that you can't live?

It's just

Although murongsheng despised Liu Zhongyu's acting skills, he glanced at the belt in his hand.


I don't know whether Liu Zhongyu's skin is rough and thick, or whether the quality of this belt is not so good?

Unexpectedly, it didn't hit Liu Zhongyu in such a short time. Some parts of the belt had already taken off the silk, revealing the lines that shouldn't have come out.

Now, looking at Liu Zhongyu, his angry eyes were red, like a furious beast. Murong Sheng raised his eyebrows and threw the silk belt aside.

No more.

If you fight again, Liu Zhongyu will be immune.

If you really want to immunize people, you can't think of a way to cure Liu Zhongyu.

One torture doesn't have much effect. We should torture often and slowly make Liu Zhongyu's heart fear, so that Liu Zhongyu can be honest from now on.

There will be no more arrogance.

Let him know that it's no use holding so many secrets in his hand and her life!

She wanted to torture Liu Zhongyu. It was as easy as a palm!

"Fight! Why didn't you fight? Why did you stop?!"

When Liu Zhongyu saw that the belt had been discarded by Murong Sheng, he was moved. Hurriedly stretched out his foot and brought the belt to him. He suddenly worked hard: "you continue to fight, don't be afraid, continue to fight!!!"

However, Liu Zhongyu kept shouting here and asked Murong Sheng to continue beating him. But murongsheng didn't want to talk to Liu Zhongyu now. He didn't even look at Liu Zhongyu and directly ignored what Liu Zhongyu said.

I went to the chair and sat down. I poured myself a cup of tea, drank it slowly and rested very leisurely.

Finally, I finally looked at Liu Zhongyu, but gave Liu Zhongyu a very boring look.

Liu Zhongyu looked at Murong Sheng's appearance and hated his teeth. He kept biting his back teeth and grinding his teeth to a gurgle.

The fragments of the teacup in his hand could not be held firmly against his neck, and he was trembling with anger.


The whole body should be shaking with anger.

What's the meaning of this?

The feeling was just beaten by the woman with her belt. She was hiding like a mouse. In the end, was he wrong??

Look at this woman's appearance, how does it seem that he is making trouble without reason?!!!

This... This

This is

What a shame!!!

He has never encountered such a humiliating thing!!!!

Before Murong Sheng looked at him, a soft cry came out of his mouth and suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his neck.

Murong Sheng reached out and touched his neck. It was clear that there was nothing. However, there was a sharp pain on the neck just now, which made Murong Sheng really feel it.

His eyes swept in the direction of Liu Zhongyu. Sure enough, he saw a trace of Yin red blood on Liu Zhongyu's neck, which was flowing down his neck now.

The sharp corner of the broken teacup in Liu Zhongyu's hand has penetrated into his neck