"As like as two peas?"

Xiao Yuwan picked his eyebrows and said, "who opened it? Are you clear?"

"It's Princess fule!" Qian Duoduo clenched his teeth and waved his small fist. He wanted to rush over and punch Princess fule. "Ghost princess, don't you think it's too much?! it's clear that we proposed this method first, but Princess fule did it!"

"Now, all the people who said they would come to our side have gone to Princess fule!"

Murong Sheng found a chair and sat down: "what banner did she play?"

"What is the book collection in the imperial palace? It's specially moved out for the people all over the world to watch!!" Zhu Ye shouted angrily, "ghost princess, you must have ulterior motives!"

Who can not be excited to play such a banner?!

This is the library in the palace!

Don't talk about others, even after she heard it, she had such a trace of heart!

Murong Sheng frowned, "are you sure you heard right? Are you the books in the imperial palace?"

"That's right! I specially asked Xiaosi to investigate. The banner played by Princess fule is indeed the collection of books in the imperial palace!"

"That's strange," murongsheng thought. "Is the palace of your muyue country different from that of other countries? It's very close to the people?"

Zhu YeYe, Qian Duoduo and others looked at each other and shook their heads: "no, they are the same."

If the Imperial Palace should be close to the people, what else is it called the imperial palace?

"How can the books in the Imperial Palace be opened to the common people? Even the powerful people want to see them, I'm afraid they can't find a way. Princess fule can really transport the books out for the common people to watch. Can the emperor allow it?"

Not only Murong Sheng can't figure it out, but also they can't figure it out with a lot of money!

"I think Princess fule is on purpose! Otherwise, why choose this day to transport the books in the palace for the people to watch? This is to fight against us again!"

"You're right. She really wants to fight us. Normal people can't do such a thing," murongsheng yawned. "Since she made things so big, doesn't the emperor know? Don't you come out and take care of it?"

"I don't know. I didn't see anything moving in the palace."

"Then why don't you guess that Princess fule is just under the banner of the collection of books in the imperial palace. In fact, the books in it are obtained from other places?" Murong Sheng raised his eyebrow. "Some of the books in the Imperial Palace are very important. If she gets them out, she will lose her head accidentally."

"Impossible?" Xie Lanyi hesitated. "Princess fule is under this banner. Once it is false, can't people all over the capital laugh?"

"As a princess, do ordinary people dare to laugh at her?"

Murong Sheng's question has made many people fall into meditation. If you think so, it's really.

Even if it's a joke, who dares to joke in front of Princess fule?

Maybe you'll lose your head!

Since it's behind the scenes, no one dares to tell Princess fule such a joke

"Princess, what should we do now? It's cold here... The emperor will come later... How do you explain?"