Before Wei Jingyao's idea was put into practice, the change of Yongan palace attracted the attention of the Empress Dowager.

"Emperor, I think you are crazy. Don't you even want a country for a woman?"

The Empress Dowager came in a hurry after she knew about it. She knew what the emperor wanted to do, which she absolutely did not allow.

"Mother's information is really well-informed. Now that you know it, I won't hide it. I will go this time, whether you agree or not."

Wei Jingyao pulled the corners of his mouth. Although he knew that the Empress Dowager would get the news soon, he did not expect that she would be so quick.

"Yao'er, since Xie Fuyao is no longer in danger after the great victory in the border area, why do you have to wait for so many days? Are you still one or two days away?"

The queen mother knew what the emperor said, but he blamed herself for putting on the eyeliner in the palace of eternal peace. But as a mother, she could not persuade herself to do nothing.

"Mother, do you always have benefits and gains and losses in your heart?" Wei Jingyao sighed.

He knew who the spy the Empress Dowager had planted around him, but Wei Jingyao didn't catch him, because from the beginning, he didn't intend to hide from the Empress Dowager.

The emperor's going out of the palace is very important. If there is no empress dowager in the rear, there will be a bloody storm in the court hall.

It's not so much that the Empress Dowager got the news that she came, but rather that Wei Jingyao wanted her to come.

"Mother, love is a word you will never understand in your life!"

"I don't understand..." the Empress Dowager whispered. She once understood it.

It's a pity that the edict killed everything and buried all his love in it.

Wei Jingyao inherited what was wrong with him, but he inherited his special feeling. He only worked for that person all his life, and he didn't regret his life and death.

"Yao'er, are you determined to go?" The Empress Dowager's eyes were sparkling, and her words were a little reluctant and sincere.

"Yes, I must." Wei Jingyao's eyelashes trembled slightly, casting a shadow on his eyes,

"Go, I know I can't stop you."

The Empress Dowager finally compromised. Instead of seeing him leave secretly, it's better for the mother and son to arrange everything first, prepare for everything, and minimize the risk.

What's more, the emperor's departure is not without benefit. As the saying goes, there are only those who have been thieves for a thousand years, but not those who have prevented them for a thousand years.

Wei Zheng and his party have been eyeing each other for a long time. Even tigers sometimes nap, let alone people.

It's better to give him a chance and let him show his claws to see how much he has.

As long as the net is set up in advance, the prey can't escape. Maybe it will be eradicated at one stroke and will never be attacked again.

Wei Jingyao had planned to continue to argue, but he didn't expect that the Empress Dowager would relax so easily.

"My son, thank you very much." The light in Wei Jingyao's eyes was as bright as moonlight.

"Now that you have become the king of a country, the AI family will no longer interfere in your decision, but you have to think about the consequences once you leave the palace?"

The Empress Dowager knew that Wei Jingyao knew it, but she couldn't help reminding him.

"Before things happen, no one knows what the result will be. Since it's a gamble, we should try our best to win and lose thoroughly."

Wei Jingyao looked at the flickering candlelight in front of him, as if he had foreseen the future. The fight for the throne was so cruel, either you or I would die.

"Yao'er!" Empress Dowager harshly scolds a way, this battle can only win not lose, if Wei Zheng sits on the throne, she can't imagine how terrible consequences will be.

Xiandi, Xiandi, you can't bear your sons to kill each other and save Wei Zheng's life. But have you ever thought that Wei Zheng is not a good person.

No matter what the outcome, it will cause unrest in the DPRK.

"Empress, I'm joking to you. If there is a empress sitting in the capital, even if they want to make waves, they have to see if they have the ability."

Wei Jingyao's mouth was slightly crooked, quietly comforting the empress dowager, "when she won the throne, the Empress Dowager was full of confidence, but now she is afraid."

"Yes, now how afraid..." the Empress Dowager shook her head. She didn't get it before, so she was not afraid of losing anything.

The courage to fight against backwater is not always there. After enjoying a comfortable life, we are not willing to take risks.

But in the present situation, the capital is doomed to a bloody storm, which is just a matter of time.

It's better to take the initiative to kill the beast than to lose vigilance in ease and finally become the food of the beast.

"Only when the palace is empty can those people relax their vigilance. It's a good bait, but also a great risk."

Because in case of a wrong step, the palace is likely to fall into the hands of the enemy.

"Don't worry, empress. Even if the imperial palace is occupied, there is a way to keep you safe." Wei Jingyao mouth with a warm smile, warm voice slowly out. Looking at the Empress Dowager's puzzled face, Wei Jingyao continued“ Before my father died, he told me that there was a secret gate in Yong'an palace, which could lead directly to Tiancheng temple outside the city. In case of any crisis, my mother could go to Tiancheng temple to seek refuge from empress dowager Sheng'an, and then wait for her son's help. "“ You've been thinking about it all the time. You've even arranged the way back. " The Empress Dowager was angry and strange. Looking at her son's appearance of scheming, she said that she didn't need to be pleased“ It's about the safety of the mother. How can the son not be cautious? " Wei Jingyao's eyes are clear and bright, with a reassuring soft light“ Yao'er, it's only this time. The Empress Dowager only let you go this time. If you bring someone back, you'll put it on your side. Don't let her go. If anything happens, you'll regret it all your life... "The Empress Dowager looks at Wei Jingyao as if she saw who she was, and she's so desperate. It's a pity that I ended up in a tragedy. I hope my son won't make the same mistake again“ My son knows that it will be done after thanking his mother. " Wei Jingyao smile, with a trace of joy to be understood“ Don't be happy so early. There are conditions for the mourning family. Before you leave the palace, you must make a circle with the queen. " The Empress Dowager's words changed, and she returned to her former majesty. She could connive Wei Jingyao to go to Xie Fuyao, but she had to do some things“ Mother Wei Jingyao's throat was tight. For a moment, he didn't know what to say