At this time, Yan Qiqi felt a strong sense of sympathy. She felt that Xinglan was really not a straw bag.

Hearing her ask, Xinglan still looked like a neither salty nor light one. "The medicine King Valley heals the dead and gives birth to white bones. It's the most difficult thing in the world to make a living. I don't pay attention to a mere overpowering drug."

This forced him to install it all.

But Yan Qiqi is in a good mood, "come on, officially meet me. My name is Yan Qiqi."

Her right hand is the standard handshake posture in modern society, and it is also a gesture of kindness.

Unfortunately, Xinglan was an ancient man. He didn't understand the meaning of Yan Qiqi's gesture at all, but answered her faintly, "Xinglan, the eldest disciple under the throne of medicine."

Yan Qi sighed in his heart.

Sure enough, he is not a senior brother.

Everyone has the ability to respond to stress. She just made such a sudden move to test whether this Xinglan has crossed into a different world like her. Unfortunately, Xinglan doesn't understand it at all.

"Are you here to save me?" Xinglan seems a little unbelievable.

"Or what? Come and watch the fun? Look at your sleeping position? I'm not that boring. " Since she was determined that she was not a senior brother, Yan Qiqi began to release himself, and his speech became casual.

"Now I'm fine. Why don't you go?" The Star LAN is like a hundred thousand why possessed bodies.

"Aren't you all right? Then why don't you go? " Trying to trap her? It's not that easy.

"I don't have the habit of sharing a room with men."

"Neither did I."


It's enough. She just thinks that Xinglan owes me $5 million. She wants to try to annoy him. She still knows to give up when it's good.

"Xinglan, I just heard what they said in the firewood room. The second lady seems very cruel. Do you want us to have a look?"

Yan Qiqi's voice just fell, and Xinglan's face sank, "no, something's going to happen!"

Yan qiqiyileng, isn't it?

Bai qianyun was kidnapped while sleeping in the middle of the night.

Her back has been beaten by thorns. The thorns are covered with salt water. There are barbs on it. Bai qianyun has died half his life.

Her hair was slightly scattered, her face was as pale as wax, and the corners of her mouth had been bitten out by herself.

She fought so hard that she didn't say a word.

Xu Shiwen was the one who waved the whip. Different from the way he groveled to Xu Cheng just now, he was like a dog in front of Bai qianyun, a weak woman with no strength to bind chickens. He started quickly and ruthlessly.

He was tired, but the bitch still refused to recruit.

Xu Shiwen threw the whip into the salt bucket and slowly walked to Bai qianyun. One hand raised her chin and forced her to look at herself. "Aunt, just tell me who the adulterer is. You and the cheap seed in your stomach can suffer less, otherwise..." Xu Shiwen took the whip out of the salt bucket and hit Bai qianyun on the shoulder, "otherwise, We will cut and whip, and make your life worse than death! "

The pain of tearing the heart and cracking the lungs made Bai qianyun faint and didn't wake up after splashing two buckets of water.

Xu Shiwen was also a little tired.

I didn't expect that the bitch was still a hard bone. He had a hard hand and still couldn't pry her mouth open.

But if there is no result tonight, he will be beaten next.

Although he was also the son of the Marquis from childhood to childhood, he was different in dignity and inferiority. He only blamed his mother's lack of ambition and didn't let him be born before Xu Shian. He was a common son. Naturally, he had to make a hundred times of efforts to get his father's approval.

If you can't do this little thing well, the marquis will certainly be more dissatisfied with him and won't look him in the eye from now on.

At the thought of this, Xu Shiwen spit and poured two buckets of water on Bai qianyun. No matter how you can, you must dig out the truth from the bitch's mouth!

When Yan Qiqi and Xinglan arrived, Bai qianyun was beaten and hung there with one breath.

About torture, Yan Qiqi saw it on the Internet and in books before. Today she even saw a living example.

Yan Qiqi couldn't help it. His hands flew up and down. The silver needle came out and all hit Xu Shiwen, directly shooting him into a hedgehog.

Her technique is very tricky. Although the silver needle is not fatal, it can beat Xu Shiwen out of bed for half a year.

This is the price of bullying weak women!

Xinglan and Yan Qiqi untied Bai qianyun from the wooden shelf and let her lie flat on her side on the bed.

Bai qianyun first looked at Xinglan and then looked at Yan Qiqi. His voice was weak, "thank you."

The concubine didn't have the courage to beat the second lady like this. Xu Cheng must have instigated it behind his back!

As a woman, Yan Qiqi can't help being sad for Bai qianyun even if her heart is cold. It's hard for her to live like this.

Her hand touched Bai qianyun's pulse. The pulse was as thin as a line, and there was a sign of dying. Unexpectedly, she couldn't detect the fetal sound. Yan Qiqi's eyes were cracked and looked up at Bai qianyun's legs. There was already a dark red.

"Just now... They forced me to drink safflower..."

These scum beat Bai qianyun's fetus down!

"Thank you... For not exposing me." Bai qianyun's spirit is like a hairspring. A thank-you is endless. Yan Qiqi knows what she is thanking herself.

Bai qianyun is from the south of the Yangtze River. Only in the south of the Yangtze River can beaver head bamboo be produced. She likes this beaver head bamboo because she can see things and think of people. When she was drunk in the breeze, she and Xu Shian sang poems and danced to Wen Yue in the bamboo forest, and spent the happiest time of her life.

There happened to be such a bamboo forest in front of the small attic where Xu Shian lived. Yan Qiqi didn't know whether it was a little secret shared by the two of them, so she tried her best to stop them from cutting down the bamboo forest.

But because of this, Xu Cheng probably thinks that Bai qianyun wants to harm Xu Shian. Only she knows the toxicity of civet head bamboo, and she is the one who poisoned it

But the truth is not so!

Bai qianyun is still in love with Xu Shian. How can she poison him?

I'm afraid someone else poisoned me!