"Don't talk nonsense. I bought these for my own use, not to please anyone." Another soft voice gently scolded. She didn't see her face. Just listening to the voice, she knew that she must be a very self-contained daughter.

"Miss, you and Xu Shizi have been personally married by your majesty and will be married to the Xu family at the beginning of next month. Who knows in the capital? I'm afraid those people will be jealous of the young lady. Talent and beauty are a match made in heaven, but unlike the princess of Chengguo government, the whole world knows the shame... "

"Huan'er, did I tell you not to speak ill of others behind your back? Besides, it's embarrassing for a woman to be demobilized. We must not talk behind her back. "

The daughter's tone became serious and sharply criticized the open mouthed servant girl.

They thought they were just private conversation. I'm afraid they didn't expect to be heard clearly by the people standing next to them.

And this word didn't fall. It was no one else who listened. It was Yan Qiqi, the "disgraced Princess" said by the servant girl.

Yan Qiqi looked up at the sky and felt that she should look at the Yellow calendar when she went out in the future. The capital is so big that there are four streets. Similarly, the capital is so small that she can meet "Acquaintances" when she strolls around the street.

Now Yan Qiqi doesn't need to guess who these two people are. One is Bai Xiyan, a talented woman who is now famous in Shenjun palace, and the other must be her personal servant girl.

"Sir, what do you need? Our shop has excellent Rouge powder. " The shopkeeper is also a watcher. He has already developed a pair of insight when his business is booming every day.

At a glance, he can tell which are the rich, which are those who just don't buy, and which are those who are stupid and have a lot of money.

Just now he glanced around the shop. Only Bai Xiyan and her servant girl sincerely wanted to buy it, and from her dress, they wanted to come to a very good family.

As soon as his eyes turned, there was a wind under his feet. In a twinkling of an eye, he came to Bai Xiyan's side and introduced him very attentively.

"Shopkeeper, my lady wants some rouge powder. Do you have a good recommendation for the one that looks elegant? We are not short of money. If you have first-class goods, just bring them up! " The servant girl named huan'er raised her voice again. It seems that there is indeed a backstage to rely on. She has a lot of confidence to speak.

As soon as the shopkeeper heard of the big customer, his mouth was about to smile. He quickly moved out all the housekeeping things and lined up one by one in front of Bai Xiyan.

"Take a good look. These are the treasures of our shop. This is' streamer powder '. The main ingredient in it is pearls. My guest, the pearls in our shop are collected and sold from the mackerel country in the South China Sea. The big pearls are round and full in the sea hundreds of meters deep. It's hard to find a thousand gold..."

"And look at this. Begonia snow cream is a treasure. It takes ten plants to make such a small box of Tianshan snow lotus, which has only bloomed for 300 years. This is the best product for the empress in the palace."

The shopkeeper's mouth was as sweet as honey. While selling, he praised Bai Xiyan, saying that she had a great temperament and would be more beautiful with these.

Although Bai Xiyan is a talented woman famous in the capital, it is also for talent. Who doesn't want to be praised as beautiful? Just now, the shopkeeper boasted that Rao was always calm, and she was a little embarrassed.

Unable to stand the shopkeeper's praise, he was really excited by what he said, so he asked, "shopkeeper, I want all these. How much money?"

As soon as she heard that she wanted everything, the shopkeeper smiled more happily and was more attentive in his hands. "Good girl, I'll have someone wrap it up for you. There are four things, three thousand Liang."

Yan Qiqi, who has been standing aside and watching coldly, was startled. Does this shop sell Rouge powder? I don't know. I thought it was selling ginseng and pilose antler. 3000 liang? Rob money?

Bai Xiyan seems to be embarrassed, "so expensive?"

"Yes, girl, you are naturally beautiful and worthy of these things. I wouldn't take them out easily if you were an ordinary person." The shopkeeper is very good at observing her words and expressions. Seeing that she faintly flinched, he turned his eyes and pretended to be magnanimous and continued to say, "well, I think you sincerely want to buy, miss, so I'll give you a preferential price of 2802, which can't be less..."

"All right." Bai Xiyan won't bargain at all. Seeing that the shopkeeper gave way, she wanted huan'er to give money.

But before the shopkeeper took the silver ticket, it was snatched by a pair of hands inserted horizontally.

They were both surprised and looked at each other at the same time.

It was no one else who took Bai Xiyan's silver ticket. It was Yan Qiqi who had been watching the excitement but didn't speak.

"The shopkeeper pays attention to integrity in doing business. It's not good for you to be so dishonest?"

At this time, Chunfang's house was the most crowded. When the shopkeeper looked at the little girl, she was young and had just reached her shoulder, wearing a pink summer shirt.

Different from most of the girls here, she didn't wear a bun, but a green silk light tie, fixed with only a tassel hairpin, looked dusty and unattainable, and looked into her eyes with a kind of calmness that was not consistent with her age.

In particular, her question just now, for no reason, made the shopkeeper's heart shake unconsciously.

Bai Xiyan is also looking at her. She looks almost as old as her. However, the firmness in her eyes is something she has never seen before. Her beautiful eyes are shining and thorough, like the eyes of a deer wandering in the mountains. She can see a bit of beauty from her eyes!

What beautiful eyes!

Looking at her again, she vaguely felt as if she had seen the girl in front of her somewhere.

Yan Qiqi is also watching Bai Xiyan. As the saying goes, a woman can't have both talent and beauty. Bai Xiyan breaks this saying. She has a good-looking oval face in light gauze and white clothes and big eyes like crescent moon. She unconsciously explores when looking at people. Dai Mei and red lips are really beautiful.

As the saying goes, phase comes from the heart. Before, Yan Qiqi didn't think much of the woman who has never been masked. He thought she was too popular. Today, when he saw her, he suddenly found that he was wrong. The fault is that he likes to think of others with subjective consciousness.

Taking back his sight, Yan Qiqi first returned the silver ticket to Bai Xiyan, and then looked at the store. His tone was already sharp. "Store, this young lady still wants to buy this thing, but your price should not be too outrageous."