Looking at her back walking flexibly, Gongsun Li's eyes flashed slightly, his steps accelerated and followed her closely.

Suddenly, Yan Qiqi stopped.

Gongsun Li was too tight to stop for a moment and almost hit her, "why don't you go?"

Yan Qiqi suddenly turned and covered his mouth, "Shh, don't make a sound, look ahead, be careful..."

Her hands are soft.

This is Gongsun Li's first feeling.

The warm and fragrant breath wrapped his lower jaw. His little hands were not clean, and even stained with the soil that had not been cleaned when pulling the grass just now.

He was originally a cleanliness addict. It was very difficult for ordinary people to get close to him within three meters, but the little girl film in front of him inadvertently broke his restricted area.

What's more, he didn't dislike it.

Gongsun Li's guards were not far away, but because their sight was blocked by branches, they didn't find anything strange in front of them.

When he was still addicted to the faint fragrance, Yan Qiqi naturally withdrew her hand. She pointed not far in front and whispered, "tell your men not to move. There is a poisonous snake."

Gongsun Li's eyes coagulated and looked along the direction pointed by Yan Qiqi. About one meter in front, there was a triangular flat headed snake with dark green patterns tearing at them.

Before Gongsun Li could speak, Yan Qiqi suddenly cut off his outer shirt with a dagger and tore it into several cloth strips, "cover your eyes with this cloth strip. Don't come here. This poisonous snake is different from other poisonous snakes."

Gongsun Li is an expert in raising snakes. Of course, he knows what's different.

Ordinary poisonous snakes can kill people instantly with one poisonous tooth.

But now the poisonous snake standing in front of is different. It is a very rare poisonous snake. When it senses danger, it will stand up and open its head, but it does not bite, but shoots the venom in its teeth into people's eyes at a close distance.

Once the human eye is contaminated with this venom, it will be instantly burned and blind, and then it will become the dish of this poisonous snake.

At the moment, Yan Qiqi probably forgot that Gongsun li himself was also a snake training expert.

Just now he also saw the poisonous snake. Before he opened his mouth to remind him, he was preempted by Yan Qiqi.

At that moment, Gongsun Li couldn't tell what she felt inside. Although Yan Qiqi always looked like she wanted to kill herself on the spot, she would still want to save herself at a critical moment.

Even if he was not afraid of the poisonous snake.

"Stand away. Don't let its venom enter your eyes. I told you to open your eyes again." Yan Qiqi whispered and tried to hit the snake seven inches first with the bamboo stick just now.

All her energy was focused on how to fight the poisonous snake. Naturally, she didn't find that Gongsun Li didn't cover her eyes at all.

This poisonous snake is called "shooting Cobra". She likes to live in cold and humid places. Yan Qiqi thinks her guess is right. She should find a water source soon.

But now the top priority is how to quickly solve the poisonous snake. As far as she knows, the poisonous snakes appear in pairs. She is reluctant to deal with this one. She doesn't want to have another one later.

Gongsun Li has been watching Yan Qiqi. Although she looks like catching a snake, the effect is really bad. The poisonous snake is obviously angered. She doesn't retreat but advances, and more and more venom is ejected.

If it goes on like this, maybe Yan Qiqi will really become a Chinese meal for poisonous snakes.

She is also a little flustered now. Although she is not afraid of snakes, she has only occasionally seen how to subdue poisonous snakes from books. When it comes to practical application, she obviously feels that she can't do what she wants.

The poisonous snake in front of her is now more and more brave, and her physical strength is no longer strong. If she goes on like this, she will fall into the disadvantage.

Just when she felt flustered, there was a sound of Xiao in her ear. It was not slow, but the venomous snake that had just been fierce softened and swayed left and right with the fluctuation of Xiao.

Yan Qiqi looked back and found that Gongsun Li was playing the flute and training the snake.

Yes, he kept countless poisonous snakes in the cave. Seeing him is like a mouse seeing a cat. It's only soft legs. How can he open his mouth and bite him!

The danger had been relieved. Yan Qiqi relaxed and fell paralyzed on the ground for a while.

The place where the venom was sprayed by this poisonous snake just now is like sulfuric acid, which corrodes the surrounding plants. If it really bites, Xiaoming will explain here.

"Will you tell me a joke before you scold the snake?"

After enough rest, Yan Qi had the strength to scold him again.

After a song was played, the vicious snake just now was like a pool of mud, lying on Gongsun Li's shoulder very obediently, like a pet.

"Kill this snake and throw it away!" Gongsun Li ordered his men to deal with the poisonous snake.

Yan Qiqi hurriedly stopped, "don't kill, give it to me!"

Gongsun Li looked at her puzzled, "what do you want this snake to do?"

Yan Qiqi can't tell Gongsun Li in detail now. He can only be vague, "I keep it useful."

The eye shot cobra is the top three of the ten poisonous snakes. The venom of any poisonous snake can be decomposed into serum and can be used to treat other people bitten by poisonous snakes.

Unfortunately, in this era, there is no tool to decompose venom, so she can only use simple methods.

Collect the snake's venom and seal it. If you go into the jungle at that time, you can avoid other snakes as long as you carry the venom with you.

Snakes mainly rely on their sense of smell to judge whether they are dangerous or not. Similarly, they will stay away from the same species that are hundreds of times stronger than themselves.

Gongsun li really didn't understand Yan Qiqi. "Other women can at least faint when they see poisonous snakes. The crown princess is really a heroine among women."

He began to speak strangely again.

Having said that, Gongsun Li tied the snake head and its jaw and handed it to her.

"When you finish what you want, throw it away quickly. Don't be bitten to death."

Yan Qiqi was so angry that he couldn't spit out ivory, so he answered, "don't worry, I'll take you as a cushion at that time."