As he spoke, he picked up the wine pot and poured it into his mouth. He let the wine wet his clothes. He didn't mean to leave, but kept laughing.

But looking from Jingshu's line of sight, he only felt that the corners of his Highness's eyes seemed to contain tears.

Jingshu's throat was sore. He knew that he was also responsible for this, but his highness didn't say anything. He suffered alone. He choked for a long time and could only whisper comfort.

"Your Highness, you are drunk. Let's go back."

Today, your highness picked up a life from the gate of hell. He didn't even dare to tell your highness that Yan Qiqi had already escaped. Without Yan Qiqi, your highness will be the king of the northern kingdom in the future. In the future, your highness will have many concubines, marry and have children. In the future

There are many things in the future, but the existence of the person who has no thoughts of your highness in the future.

In the future, perhaps in the dead of night, your highness will occasionally think of a woman who he tried his best to love

Hao lianche ignored Jingshu, threw away his hand, and staggered to sit down on the stone bench again and said to himself, "77, I'm not drunk. All these rivers and mountains are for you. What's the meaning of the cold dragon seat to me when you're not here? Why don't you wait for me more? Why don't you take me? "

After drinking, he speaks the truth. Hao lianche listens to every Jingshu in his ears and sees it in his eyes. He has seen many faces of his highness, high and cold, heartless and happy. Only today, he has seen the pain and vulnerability that his Highness has never revealed.

If time could go back, he would not regret the arrow he shot. His Highness's safety is more important than his life.

Since he could not persuade his highness, he simply sat with his highness and poured another wine pot into his mouth.

He cooked wine and vegetables in the cold wind. The hot wine went into his throat and choked him. The wine burned his heart and lungs all the way down his throat. He also gritted his teeth hard.

The master and servant drank each other until midnight. Jingshu and Hao lianche helped each other back to the star picking hall.


At the spring equinox of the thirty second year of the Northern Kingdom, it was a sunny day. The wind, snow and cold wind faded. Prince Hao lianche of the Northern Kingdom burned incense and prayed in front of the temple and ascended the throne smoothly.

The golden bell in front of the Chaolu hall rang ninety-nine times, and nine returns to one, announcing to the world that a new king in the Northern Kingdom has inherited Datong.

This day is also Hao lianche's 26th birthday.

When the new emperor ascended the throne, the whole world celebrated the same day. The new monarch of the Northern Kingdom granted amnesty to the whole world. In the prison, all but the most heinous people were released from the prison door.

The canes and cannons at the gate of the city rang for an hour, and the smoke could be seen ten miles away.

During the national celebration, there was a group of mountain bandits among the prisoners who had just been pardoned. Soon after they were released, they were anxious to do another big job. Anyway, your majesty first ascended the throne. In order to win the hearts of the people, there are bound to be a series of preferential policies for the benefit of the people. The same is true for thieves, as long as it is not a matter of human life, In order to create a prosperous scene in front of the emperor, the officials would only beat them with sticks and shut them up for a few days.

In a snow field on the northern border, several mountain bandits disguised themselves and hid under a nearby hill. Several bandits shivered with cold. One of them could not carry it. He turned around and asked the other trouser leg, which had been soaked. He still stared at the people in the distance and whispered, "boss, there is no one here. Who will go here in the ice and snow, Is there something wrong with the information? "

The man who is called the boss wears a black eye mask that can't tell the original color in his right eye, leaving only one left eye. He is also famous in the green forest, nicknamed "one eye", and he doesn't have eyebrows and a broken beard. In winter, he only wears a T-shirt and a white fox skin. When he hears that his subordinates are retreating, he turns his left eye, He showed some fierce light, "there can be no mistake, unless the watchman doesn't want to die! Stay still. Since you came from the end of the sky, you must pass here! "

They were waiting for no one else, but Yan Qiqi and Yi.

The watchman in that eye is the watchman who was caught by Gongsun Li to lead the way.

In addition to being a watchman, the little old man is also the eye liner of the mountain bandits. He usually watches the new traders in addition to fighting more, because after the curfew, only he can walk freely in the city.

As soon as I heard the boss's words, I had to believe it. I endured the biting cold and slowly fell back to my original place, leaving only a pair of eyes outside and staring at the source.

When it was dark, the party was about to freeze into popsicles.

"Boss, look, what's that?"

When he looked up with one eye, he saw a dot moving not far away. It was dark. He couldn't see clearly. He rubbed his eyes hard and looked at it carefully. He found it was a man.

The listless body of a group of mountain bandits suddenly became energetic, and one eye lowered its voice. "Cheer up for me. A fat sheep came. It looks like it's exactly what the little old man said. After this ticket, let's go to the Wanhua building for a few days!"

One eye can really attract people's hearts. I know that now the brothers are sleepy, hungry and tired. Only beauties can arouse their fighting spirit. Wanhualou is one of the best brothels in the north. The girls in wanhualou are highly skilled and serve people to be immortal and die. That's why one eye has this saying.

Sure enough, as soon as other bandits who were still lack of interest heard this, they were in high spirits. They wiped their faces with ice and snow, stared like copper bells and stared at the front.

After careful observation with one eye for a long time, the group of people was easy to deal with at first sight, which was exactly the same as what the little old man said. Although there were many people, they all hung up. I think they have no combat effectiveness at all.

People are getting closer and closer. When there is almost half a mile to go, one eye gives an order, "give it to me!" The bandits left the string like arrows, screamed with machetes and rushed forward.

Yan Qiqi and his party were talking. They suddenly saw several people rushing towards them. Gongsun Li looked at her. She looked at Ye Chao again. The people knew that they were bright and deliberately pretended not to know. Dozens of government soldiers also stood still like they were blind. They didn't stop until these mountain bandits rushed to them.