After the pubescence scraped from the five color plum stamens is ground into dry powder, as long as it is boiled with water and applied to the clothes a little bit, it will solidify after it is dry. Anyone who is infected with a little pubescence will itch all over in an instant. What's more, it's more terrible to scratch where it itches than urticaria.

Just now, those powders were smeared on the shoulders of the soldiers by Yan Qiqi. When the mountain bandits came to search, they would feel thoroughly. All of them were stained, and no one was spared.

This is just a means for her to protect herself. Unexpectedly, it is of great use today.

The bandits in front of them were wailing and rolling one after another. They looked miserable.

Yan Qiqi glanced over at Gongsun Li and found that he looked very calm. She sighed slightly. She looked at the mountain bandits and provoked her. Her means were just like that, but it was different when she provoked Gongsun Li. His means of torturing people are countless, which will make these people unable to survive and die.

Yan Qiqi turned back and motioned to Ye Chao to ask the soldiers to stand away and cover their ears.

Sure enough, as Yan Qiqi expected, Gongsun Li began to play softly again. Before a beat was finished, he saw his fingers flying, the rhythm suddenly accelerated, flying sand and stones, and his voice was as sad as mountains and rivers, sobbing and wailing.

She had heard before that some highly skilled people would kill people with rhythm. Rhythm, like hypnosis, could control and confuse people's minds with rhythm, so that the controlled people could do incredible things. Yan Qiqi knew that Gongsun Li had always been vindictive. Just now the mountain bandits humiliated him, he would naturally let them return it a hundred times.

The scream was endless. Yan Qiqi covered his ears and felt that the sound was like tens of thousands of ants crawling back and forth. It was disgusting and terrible. It was like an insect drilling into his ears and twisting around inside, making people have a headache.

Gongsun Li was still standing not far away, playing indifferently, not to mention the mountain bandits who had no sense of preparedness. They had long fallen to the ground and curled up on the ground, only venting without air.

Not only that, the flute sounds that made people feel uncomfortable attracted a group of cruising poisonous snakes. They were instructed to attack the mountain thieves one after another.

Those mountain bandits who saw the poisonous snakes standing upright in the cold winter and December immediately fled everywhere. They were not the opponents of these snakes at all. They died and hurt. For a time, it was like purgatory in the world, and screams could be heard all the time.

In fact, not only the mountain bandits, but also the soldiers who had been following Yan Qiqi were so frightened by these poisons that they clubbed there like a wooden stake and dared not move.

These poisons have been completely domesticated by Gongsun Li. Listening to the rhythm, Xu Shian can attack people. Xu Shian stands not far away and looks at Gongsun Li with a indifferent look. His heart is mixed. The envoy he brought was killed by these snake poisons. Now the murderer is close in front of him. Instead, he can't say it. He has become a grasshopper on a rope with Gongsun Li because of his selfish desires.

Even if he wanted to get close to July 7th, as long as he thought of the tragic death of Duke Cheng, he was ashamed and afraid, and dared not move forward any more.

Now think about it, maybe Gongsun Li expected that he would come to this end early in the morning, so he was so confident?

Several people have their own thoughts and have no time to take care of each other.

Half a column of incense passed, and after a song was played, the mountain bandits let Gongsun Li be bitten to death without giving up his strength. The soldiers rushed up and tied them up one by one.

Gongsun Li put away the Jade Flute and slowly walked to the 'one eye' who was constantly crying and stopped.

A silver ring snake still bit on his left eye. Gongsun Li gently pushed it. The silver ring snake that couldn't be pulled down just now was like being pulled out of its muscles and bones, and collapsed in Gongsun Li's palm.

"One eye" was frightened, and no longer had the pride just now. His body curled up in one place and hurt everywhere. He didn't know whether he was frozen or frightened, or was stunned by the poisonous snake. In short, the whole person shrank into a ball, and his eyes were full of panic.

As soon as he saw Gongsun Li, he trembled even more. He just kowtowed and begged for mercy, "great Xia, spare your life, don't kill me, don't kill me..."

The appearance of muddling along, where is the half spirit just now.

Gongsun Li squatted down, played with the jade flute in his right hand, pointed to the soldiers standing behind him and said to "one eye," to tell you the truth, these brothers behind me have murder cases. It's easy to kill you, but God has the virtue of living, and I can't see the blood. Your death is not good for me. I think it's better to let you live, Make food for my pet. "

What he said was light, but these words made the mountain bandits tremble again.

"Please forgive me, great Xia. Our skin is rough and our flesh is thick. Your pet certainly doesn't like it..."

Gongsun Li pretended to think for a moment, then shook his head, "well, you don't even have this use. You might as well be stupid?"

He turned and winked at Yan Qiqi. Yan Qiqi said knowingly, "why don't we talk about a condition that can not only calm the childe, but also save your lives."

An idea suddenly welled up in Yan Qi's heart.

She had not discussed this idea with Gongsun Li before.

She doesn't think for herself, but also for the soldiers who follow her. They have been hungry and cold for days. They are extremely tired. Just now they had a fight with the mountain bandits, and their physical strength has been overdrawn. It's not a way to go on like this. Therefore, the top priority is to find a place to settle down first and let the soldiers have a good rest for the future.

Otherwise, if they hide like today, they will really be unable to carry it in case of another group of pursuers.

But even if Yan Qiqi didn't say it at this time, Gongsun Li could immediately think of her idea. There was a flash of approval in her eyes. Seeing that "one eye" was still hesitating, he simply added another fire.

Take out the Jade Flute and start playing.

As soon as the melody sounded, the snakes went back and forth, hissing. Dozens of mountain bandits on the ground rolled back and forth, both in pain, like walking in purgatory.

"Boss, you agree. Keep the green mountain..." the other mountain bandits wailed and begged for 'one eye'. Gongsun Li's rhythm became faster and faster. If it goes on like this, they will be entangled by the snakes sooner or later!