"Answer... Promise me, don't, don't tell my fourth brother..."

She tried her best and could only say this sentence. She vomited blood like a note. Hao lianche looked at her eyes and pulled her heart together.

At this time, Qiqi is still thinking about others. When can she think about herself?

Before Hao lianche answered, his head tilted and he completely fainted.

"Seven seven!"

"Come on, rush in and don't let the assassin run away!" A steady stream of guards poured into the room.

The sound of rushing and killing continued. Gongsun Li Retired with success. He didn't notice the movement of Yan Qiqi at all. Coupled with more and more people, Gongsun Li didn't want to meet others. Thinking that this was not the time to talk, he had to fly to the roof again, and several flying bodies disappeared.

The crown princess was still lying in the inner room, but Yan luoqian saw Yan Qiqi who fainted.

"What happened to Qiqi?"

"Come on! Prepare a horse! " Hao lianche has never been so impolite. He just caught the pulse of Qiqi and explored it. His breath was weak and his pulse was as thin as silk. It was a sign of dying!

If he hadn't warned himself that he couldn't fall down, Hao lianche's legs were so soft that he could hardly walk.

Rushed in, Yan luoqian looked at Yan Qiqi, his eyes closed like gold paper, and his voice changed, "who did it?"

At this time, where could he get an answer? People scrambled to come in. Hao lianche simply picked up Qiqi and rushed out directly.

There happened to be a war horse in the yard. Without saying a word, he pulled the horse with one hand and held Yan Qiqi tightly with the other hand. After sitting firmly, he directly waved the whip and galloped out of the prince's house.

Seven seven lay in his arms with no divine consciousness. The horse rode too fast with a slight bump, and the blood was still overflowing from the corner of her mouth.

Hao lianche felt that he was the same as Qi Qi. His eyes were red with blood and his brain was buzzing. He was riding a horse with consciousness. It was not the first time for Qi Qi to spit blood.

It seems that every time she is in a hurry, she will spit blood. A young and healthy girl spits blood again and again. He can take it lightly. Hao lianche's intestines are going to regret.

His hands trembled so badly that his heart blocked his throat. When he arrived at the palace, he held Qiqi and rushed to the bedroom.

It was fine when I went out. When I came back, it was like two people with blood. The maids were scared and in a mess.

Hao lianche didn't explain either. Ignoring these people's greetings, he scared away the people with a look. Then he closed the hall door, put 77 into the hot spring pool, and took off her clothes in two or three times.

Skin white is better than snow. He has no time to enjoy such a beautiful scenery. He is absorbed in applying needles to Qi and Qi.

Just now he had checked carefully. There was no sign of poisoning or internal injury.

But this is even more strange. Since Qiqi is not poisoned and is still well in the morning, is it only because we know the real cause of death of Cheng Guogong?

However, after spitting blood, people's breath and breath will be normal. Qi Qi is getting weaker and weaker. It's like being broken by someone with high martial arts. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid Da Luo Jinxian can't save Qi Qi.

Hao lianche explored one by one along the meridians and decided to give the needle Guyuan first.

After a long time of incense, Hao lianche fished Yan Qiqi out of the hot spring pool, carefully wiped her body, dressed her herself, and then carefully put her on the bed.

That night, Hao lianche stood by the bed.

He thought Qiqi would wake up, but Qiqi didn't even turn over that night. Hao lianche would probe her nose from time to time, so nervous that the whole person was a little neurotic.

One day and one night later, Yan Qiqi didn't get any better. Hao lianche was in vain as the leader of the medicine King Valley. Unexpectedly, he would be helpless one day.

Hao lianche hasn't closed his eyes for a few days. He stays by the bed and stares at Yan Qiqi, but even if he tries his best, there is still no sign of improvement.

In the world, no one's medical skills are more advanced than him. After three days, Yan Qiqi's body is getting colder and colder except for breathing. On the day of the beginning of summer, people feel hot in thin clothes, but Yan Qiqi's sleeping hall burns a ground dragon and a stove.

Her body had been covered with two layers of thick cloud brocade quilt. The earth dragon was so hot that everyone served tea was sweating. Gradually, rumors began to spread in the palace, saying everything.

Some said that Princess Anhe was in an emergency and was already dying. The new king of the northern kingdom was too sad and confused. He even wanted to wake Princess Anhe up with magic.

Emperor Yan, who had been hiding in the palace for a long time, heard that Qi Qi was seriously ill. He also came to visit and brought the imperial doctor. After seeing the imperial doctor, one or two shook their heads, indicating that there was nothing to do.

There were even several imperial doctors who privately suggested that Emperor Yan could prepare for Princess Anhe.

Of course, Emperor Yan didn't mention these words to Hao lianche. He found that Hao lianche had some signs of madness, and he didn't dare to provoke him at this time. He only told the internal guards to be good and wait on him. What they want to send them to him, and don't say anything that shouldn't be said.

After half a month, Hao lianche wiped Yan Qiqi's body all day, told her about the interesting events in the palace and trimmed her nails. He never regarded her as a dying person.

The list of medical treatment seeking kings was also posted immediately. It said that as long as Yan Qiqi could be saved, millions of liang of gold would be rewarded and thousands of families would be sealed, there would be an endless stream of respondents, but everyone who claims to be excellent in medical skills came in on the occasion and came back in frustration after entering the palace.

On the 20th day after the huangbang was posted, Jingshu and Xinglan came back.

They went all the way directly to Yan Qiqi's bedroom to greet Hao lianche.

When they saw Hao lianche, they almost thought they had found the wrong place. On weekdays, Yushu is as elegant as a relegated immortal. At this time, his beard is broken, and the clothes made of Yun Jinxiu are covered with stains. I don't know whether it is soup or sweat, filled with a sour smell.

The heat wave in the hall was surging. As soon as they entered, they were soaked with sweat, and an unspeakable smell filled between the three.

"Your Majesty, do your best and listen to destiny..."

Xinglan doesn't need to see it at all. His skills are taught by Hao lianche. Even Hao lianche can't help it. He doesn't have to try.