Fortunately, Hao lianche quickly held Yan Qiqi and turned to look at Xinglan. He was so nervous that he had completely forgotten that in fact, his medical skill was the highest in the whole valley. He asked him eagerly, "what's the matter with Qi Qi?"

Xinglan seemed very calm, "nothing. It's just a normal reaction to the efficacy. She will faint sooner or later, but I didn't expect her to faint so quickly."

Hao lianche: "

He turned to look at Gongsun Li again. He was about to ask why Gongsun Li didn't faint. Before he said anything, he suddenly burst out and Gongsun Li fell down. Now he really lived together, and the effect was effective at the same time.

The two looked at each other. Qiqi was held back to the room by Hao lianche. Gongsun Li handed it to Xinglan again.

Xinglan sighed and felt that he might need to eat two more bowls of rice later. Gongsun Li didn't let him worry at all. He was tired to death when he moved around.

Back in the bedroom, Hao lianche settled down and went to take a bath after Qiqi. He was really tired and watched Qiqi's sleeping face sleep. Hao lianche's sleep has always been very shallow. Vaguely, he felt that his nose was itchy and scratched. The itching disappeared. When he wanted to go to sleep again, the feeling of numbness and itching came again.

He opened his eyes somewhat ignorant and looked up, just opposite a pair of clear eyes.

"Seven seven?"

Hao lianche subconsciously took her to his arms.

"I'm so sleepy. Let me sleep again..."

Unexpectedly, Yan Qiqi, who is obedient to him on weekdays, has been pushing him, "don't sleep, you've slept all day and night, and you'll become a pig again..."

At ordinary times, Hao lianche is very self-discipline. He has more than enough sleep for four hours a day. In a trance, he heard Qiqi say to himself that he had slept for a long time, and the divine consciousness in his brain returned. In an instant, his eyes stared at Qiqi and looked at Qiqi in shock, "when did you wake up?"

She looked in good spirits. She didn't look like she had just woke up. Hao lianche sat up from the couch with a carp, pressed his hands tightly on Qiqi's shoulders, and looked back and forth from top to bottom and up several times.


Yan Qiqi knew what he wanted to say, "it's all right, and I always think there's a heat coming out of Dantian. I feel that the whole person is several years younger."

Looking at her cheerful appearance, her face looked much more pink and tender than usual. Hao lianche put a heart blocked in her throat back into her stomach.

As soon as he lowered his head, he saw that he was only wearing a Chinese coat. He was a little puzzled between his eyebrows. "I clearly remember that I put on my clothes and went to bed again. How..."

He was afraid that he would wake up halfway, so he slept in peace.

Yan Qiqi smiled at the speech. "I took it off for you. I'm afraid you're uncomfortable sleeping. Yesterday, someone told me to be brave and say you don't need to rest. If I hadn't called you, you wouldn't wake up."

Hao lianche wouldn't believe her at all. When he just woke up, he was in a good mood when he saw the Seventh National Congress. He held her in his arms and didn't let her move. "To be honest, did you tamper with me? It's impossible to stay awake all day and night. "

His complexion looks no different from usual, but the flashing light in his eyes is frightening. Yan Qiqi knows Hao lianche too well. He has 100 ways to tell the truth.

The next moment she felt a hand gently rubbing her waist. Yan Qiqi, who had been taught by Hao lianche for too many times, was still very sensitive.

"Don't make trouble..."

Hao lianche's voice became a little dumb, "as long as you tell me honestly, I won't make trouble."

Yan Qiqi was not going to settle the account at this time. Seeing that he was still coming, he grabbed his restless hand, "tell me honestly, how many times have this rosemary been used to me?"

I don't know where she took out a white jade bottle and shook it in front of Hao lianche.

At the sight of the familiar lines, Hao lianche screamed in his heart.

But he continued to say, "I don't know what this is."

Yan Qiqi pulled up his arm, opened his mouth and bit, "you lied to me! Xinglan told me everything! "

After listening to Xinglan's old background, Hao lianche knew that he couldn't hide it, so he simply explained honestly, "in fact, this medicine is helpful to sleep, and it's good to use it occasionally."

Yan Qiqi looked at him with a smile. "How many times have you used it for me?"

"About... Three... Two times."

Looking at her face, Hao lianche wisely said a vague number. Yan Qiqi grabbed Hao lianche's handle and had a lot of momentum, "OK, you were cheated by me!"

Hao lianche seemed to think something was wrong, "cheat it out?"

"Yes, I just asked Xinglan if there was any medicine that could make people fall asleep and don't wake up easily. Unexpectedly, he looked at me with a particularly complicated look after listening to it. He gave me this jade bottle and told me that you used the rest. The effect should be good."

How else can Qiqi be smart? He can infer from this small matter what Hao lianche did before.

She has never seen Hao lianche sleep well!

"Is there anything else to explain?"

It's over. It's time to settle accounts after autumn.

In coaxing women, Hao lianche has his own exclusive secret collection.

With a wave of his arms, the window and door closed again, and even the curtain that had just been hung slowly came down.

His face was dignified. It seemed that he had really done something wrong. He began to take off his clothes and asked Yan Qiqi very seriously, "I admit my mistake, so Qiqi, how are you going to punish me?"

Yan Qiqi thought he wanted to learn from the ancients and plead guilty. She let her bully him. He thought that he was really tired after running to cure his stubborn disease recently. He saw that he admitted his mistake and had a sincere attitude. In the end, he was soft hearted, waved his hand and said magnanimously, "forget it, I can't remember what to punish today. Another day."

Unexpectedly, Hao lianche, who was already naked, was getting closer and closer to her. Her eyes were dark, as if brewing a storm, and her voice was a little dumb. "No, if you're wrong, you have to recognize it."

Yan Qiqi had seen those who begged for mercy, but had not seen those who took the initiative to be punished. His forehead buzzed and felt that something was wrong, but every time Hao lianche "seduced" her, she always couldn't control it. This time is no exception. He was still foolishly asked him, "how are you going to admit your mistake?"

It was getting late outside, and the red candles were burning in the room. In the night, Hao lianche's thin lips were slightly hooked, his hands were light, and the red candles were out. Yan Qiqi heard five words in his ears, "I'm going to pay for my meat..."