Chapter 877

Name:Evil's With Me Author:qiu feng han
If it's just a suit of armor, there's nothing scary. There's a head in the helmet. Because it's too small, it's like hanging a head, which is more strange than my appearance.

In an instant, all the people ran away, even the cashier fled, and there were only four of us in the whole supermarket.

The snake spirit covered her face and screamed. She wanted to run. The key was blocked in the innermost part and shrank on the ground.

Luo Qingyu now has his hair wrapped around his fingers, and has sealed and chanted a spell. After being awakened by the artifact, she is no longer the soft girl in the past. Once she learns these spells, she becomes calm and very decisive.

Neuropathy immediately saw that we were going to hang up and run away, shouting, "stop them!"

The armour swished and came in the blink of an eye.

I quickly waved to stimulate a piece of magic Qi and formed a defensive gas wall in front of the three people. Although it's a mantis, it can at least delay the attack of armor and buy casting time for Luo Qingyu.


War armor's arm was like a heavy hammer, which scattered the air wall.

Just then Luo Qingyu finished the spell and stretched out his hand to pull me, but just in time, he waved to tie a magic seal. So we passed by with our hands, followed by her and Lin Xian disappeared!

I almost didn't faint. We just learned the technique of opening the door. We can't take people through by name like the ghost emperor. We must hold the people we want to take away.

As a result, my brother was miserable. Although I still have a lot of ghost emperor's hair, I don't have time to cast magic!

Fortunately, a magic seal just came out to resist the second attack of Zhan Jia. With a bang, the magic seal was smashed by the hammer, and the remaining potential broke out to beat the brother fiercely.

Immediately knocked down a row of shelves, and then rows of shelves were knocked down like sticky rice dominoes!

Unfortunately, I was pressed under the shelf and buried a pile of messy items on my body. The armour was so powerful that he lifted his boots and stepped on the shelf on me.

The man hurried to the ground and flew backwards through the shelf grid. Dong, when my boots hit my original position, they not only flattened the shelf, but also fell deep into the floor!

It's too dangerous. It's almost a little buddy's head turns into meat sauce!

I took a deep breath, circled in the air and saw that the cashier rushed past. War armour was killed later. It didn't give me a chance to breathe.

Before landing, I grabbed the power cord connected to the cashier computer, gently divided my hands and broke it. Looking back, it happened that this scrap iron waved my arm and attacked. I also fought, holding two broken thread ends in my hands.

"Stop it!" The psychopath saw something bad and hurriedly reminded Zhan Jia.

However, Zhanjia didn't listen to her at all. As soon as the voice fell, we fought hand to hand.


At the same time, I was hammered by it. However, under the electric shock, the attack power of war armor has been reduced by more than half, otherwise it will directly stab my brother!

As I flew out of the door, the armor was still shaking violently, and black smoke was rising from my body.

The effect of electric current and thunder splitting is almost the same. It is the enemy of demons and ghosts. In addition, the armor itself is a metal conductor, which spreads all over the body in an instant, and even the neuropathy is corona!

The magic Qi on the armor was also defeated and temporarily paralyzed.

This is the best time to destroy armor, but I can't. The heavy blow almost drove me out of my wits. I fell into the street and curled up in the rain. I couldn't breathe.

The demon was awakened: "what's the situation?" When she got out of heaven prison, she couldn't support going to bed.

I didn't have time to explain. I clenched my teeth and said in my heart, "help me seal and chant..."

The demon immediately spread out her spiritual power. Unexpectedly, her spiritual power could not enter when the demon gas was rampant. No way, only wait until the closed breath in the chest is unblocked. Fortunately, the dilapidated iron and steel will not recover for a while, and the neuropathy doesn't know whether it is corona or electrocution. It's best to die. Now it's a race against time to see who slows down first.

After a while, the condensed breath in the chest was gradually melting, and the black smoke from the armor was also decreasing. Look at this, we may return blood at the same time.

At the moment of anxiety, the leakage of the house happened to last all night. In the dark rainy night, a strange dog barked!

The demon and I were surprised. It was the cry of hell dog!

His uncle's must have been brought by war armour. But I can't help wondering, isn't hell dog afraid of armor? How dare he run here?

In an instant, I saw Xiao Si holding the hell dog, breaking through the vast night rain and appearing in sight. Behind them, there are a large number of ghost guards. It seems that the important thing is to take down the armor. They are not for human misfortunes and blessings, but for the shame of the destruction of Yixue club.

Xiao Si soon saw that it was me. In consternation, he immediately pulled the hell dog and stopped.

The boy has been with me for a long time and is more loyal than que Chao. I winked at the supermarket immediately. Xiao Si then understood and led the team to the supermarket.

"Fourth brother, isn't that the club owner?"

"Don't you catch him? This is a great achievement! "

The ghost behind him shouted, and Xiao Si said coldly, "don't you see that he is a dead dog now? Take the armor demon first, and it's not too late to catch him later! "

It is obviously the captain of the operation team. Who dares to talk back? When they rushed into the supermarket, the breath in my chest finally melted and jumped up from the ground. At the same time, the armor recovered.

The hell dog purred twice and escaped from the supermarket. He didn't dare to chase me and ran back to the future. Then came a cry of crying father and mother. Xiao Si and GUI Chai all flew out of the supermarket.

I had no chance to clean up the junk, so I ran forward in the rain. While running, he wound his hair on his fingers and whispered the formula at the same time.

But when the spell was about to finish, the hair on the fingertips burned!

When I wipe it, how can my hair spontaneous combustion, and still in the rain? The demon immediately said, "this is someone doing hands and feet nearby..."

My friend turned around and suddenly saw a slim figure under a street lamp in the front left. Holding an umbrella in his hand, he had long wavy hair dyed yellow, scattered on his shoulders, and his thin floral skirt was raised in the wind and rain. Even expose the thigh root, lace edge of black silk edge and red sling!

I was stunned. It was Barbie!

She must be a madman. Now she appears and intercepts me to open the gate of heaven prison. It is obvious that she came to the Mingshi and the magic stone!

But now I don't have time to clean her up. Now I keep running under my feet, take out my hair and wrap my fingertips. As a result, a wisp of hair on his hand was ignited!

I almost died of anger, because I guessed that the other party would do hands and feet again. I had covered my hair with magic Qi, but I still didn't stop it. And if you burn all your hair, you can't go back!

My heart jumped. Isn't she crazy?