Chapter 1587

Name:Evil's With Me Author:qiu feng han
I quickly ran to the entrance of the upper floor. The emergency light was vaguely on the door, but I couldn't see the numbers above. No matter how many floors it is, go into the floor and find another staircase. Just go straight down.

The hotel is different from the residential building. It is required that there must be two evacuation passages on the high floor. These are 18 floors, and there must be stairs.

I pushed the door into the floor and was about to get the headlights from my bag when I was knocked down by a man. Code, who, hide behind the door and don't make a sound, but also block my breathing. At the moment, I'm firmly pressed below. Eh, how do you feel soft on your chest? I can't help thinking of the word rippling in my mind

"Who are you?"

The person who pressed me spoke. Although the voice was cold, it was sweet and delicate. It was a short haired policewoman!

No wonder there was a rippling feeling, so I didn't move. This feeling is good. I didn't deliberately eat tofu. You sent it to the door. If I don't eat it, I won't be a man.

"I am a beast!" Dude, it's funny.

"I caught you laughing?" The policewoman was very angry, and then I felt a cold and hard thing against my forehead, "get up and take away your magic!"

She pointed a gun at my head, so I couldn't fool around anymore. As she got up, I got up slowly. But this girl still has too little experience. In the dark, you don't paralyze my combat effectiveness first. What's the use of holding a gun in your hand? Are you a Wulin expert who sees all directions and listens to all directions?

My ear strength is obviously better than her. Listening to her breathing, I can roughly calculate her position and where the pistol is. Then he waved his hand gently and took the pistol away.

"Ah... How dare you attack the police and seize the gun?" The short haired policewoman rushed back in anger.

Through the judgment of the wind, Qingsong dodged. Unexpectedly, the girl's capture skill was good. She grabbed my trouser leg in the dark and pulled it hard. I immediately had a foothold and fell face down. And after the fall, I found that I was lying on her. Well, what do you have in your hands?

Rippling, rippling



The man got a slap in the face, and then the whole man turned over and rolled off her. But after I landed, I quickly rolled again. I only heard a thud nearby. It was obvious that the policewoman wanted to press me in turn, but she threw herself into the air.

How hard the floor tiles in the corridor are, and she is full of strength again. The girl can't stop humming in pain.

Although I was a little distressed, I didn't have the idiot idea of helping her up. I turned over and jumped up, said goodbye and walked forward quickly.


The sound of the policewoman breaking her steel teeth came from behind. At the same time, she had climbed up and came after her.

I took the headlamp out of my bag and put it on. When I turned it on, I found that the light was very weak, just like the light through a layer of window screen. However, I concluded that the policewoman could not see it. She was still deeply in an illusion. It was estimated that the real murderer deliberately opened the "heavenly eyes" for them to see our four prey. In other words, everything is the same as us except seeing us.

She couldn't see the light, but she could hear my footsteps and ran after me.

"Don't run, you can't run away... Ouch..."

Because I saw the bathroom, I turned and hid in. She followed the sound. She couldn't see the road in the dark and hit the wall.

What a unlucky little policewoman. I was distressed and pitiful. While shaking my head, I walked out from the side and continued to move forward. This time I didn't walk so fast. My feet were silent. The policewoman completely lost my whereabouts.

"You bastard, you come out..." she went into the toilet. However, as soon as she went in, she heard a scream and ran out, shouting while running.

Have you met evil things? I smashed it, smashed it, and felt that I could not be cruel to the beautiful woman. I had to say, "I'm here. Come here."

"Oh, there are ghosts in the back..."

With a thud, the policewoman obviously fell to the ground. It sounded as if she had been caught by a ghost. I waved back and let out a flame. The dark corridor was as bright as day. Sure enough, there was a male ghost lying on the policewoman!

But in the face of the flame, I was not afraid at all, just like I lost a burning match. Those evil eyes, full of a ferocious smile, then lowered their heads and bit the policewoman's back neck.

My heart is finished. The policewoman is going to die. But unexpectedly, he was completely wrong. The male ghost just gently bit the policewoman's neck and began to twist his lower body. Wipe, you dead lust ghost, not to eat people, but to roll the sheets!

Do such dirty and shameless actions in front of me and treat my brother as a dead man? I immediately spit out my saliva and offer an ice bead to fly away. The male ghost was startled and rushed into the wall like lightning.

This male ghost is not an illusion, but it is not a ghost. Mingyan can't subdue it, so the ice age magic is different and specializes in all kinds of disobedience.

The policewoman quickly got up from the ground, rubbed her back neck and ran towards me. I stood there waiting for her and looked around for fear that male ghosts would suddenly emerge from the wall.

Suddenly, a halo flashed on the wall. I couldn't stop wandering. It looked like a shadow play. And these shadows in the halo, like ink dripping into the water, fluttering in strands, unspeakably strange. I was shocked. I know what this is. It's a hungry wolf!

The policewoman was now completely frightened. Seeing the strange scene on the wall, she screamed again, and then plunged into my arms. Then, trembling and gnashing his teeth, he said, "you have a kind of magic. Don't scare me. Let's fight with real knives and guns!"

I almost fainted: "then you have the seed not to rush me in my arms!"

"Who makes you a man? Besides, I don't know what your man's idea is. Isn't it just to scare the girl and take the opportunity to get some cheap? I let you take... "The policewoman said here and punched me in the stomach.

I'll go. This fist directly makes me lose all my combat effectiveness. I bend down and squat down. I feel that the internal organs in my stomach are twisted into hemp and tears come down!

The policewoman took the gun from me, pointed to my head and said, "I'm pretending to jump into your arms. Don't you see it? Do you think a policeman will jump into the arms of a criminal? "

Pointing the gun at my head, I dared not wipe my tears. I bared my teeth and said, "you are the stupidest policeman I have ever seen... Er..."

The policewoman knocked me on the head with a muzzle of a gun: "don't talk nonsense and accept the magic trick quickly, or I'll shoot you in the head!"

I looked up at her and said, "you have to use your brain. If it was my magic, would you still save you just now? Do you have a chance to point a gun at my head? To take a step back, I've run downstairs. How can I have time to write with you here? "

Obviously, the policewoman is not a silly white sweet with big chest and no brain. She was stunned when she thought about my words.

At this time, ink swirling shadows suddenly appeared from the left and right walls, which entangled us firmly. The policewoman panicked and thought I had lied just now. Now she used magic to fight back. She scolded and the bastard was about to shoot. However, the pistol suddenly turned into ink and curled away in the corridor.

I stared at her and said, "fool, I didn't move my hand, or would I entangle myself?"

Through the halo on the wall, she could see me, so she woke up: "it's not your magic, what should I do? Ah, touch my chest... Help... "