Chapter 1678

Name:Evil's With Me Author:qiu feng han
The demon frowned and asked, "can't the traitor be so stupid? The ice tower has cut off contact with the outside world. He can't detect it. Why should he continue to use flower demon art to expose the fact that green leaves are also in the ice tower? "

I said, "it's not that he's stupid, but that he doesn't dare to let me restore the divine power of Tianjing now. He's afraid that his master will die if I'm desperate and destroy the whole capital."

The enemy leader's arrogance is that he knows the flower demon art to restrain the sky mirror, but he is also unable to resist under the divine power of the sky mirror to destroy heaven and earth. At present, the spirit fetus is equivalent to void. When the capital is destroyed, he can't use the spirit fetus's land shrinking thousands of miles to escape, so he will die in this catastrophe.

And when I get rid of them bastards, I can raise the refining fetus again. Then change the script, all the people who died in the disaster, as well as Qiaoya and LV Wei, will be resurrected, and the capital will return to the previous prosperity.

So now the traitors dare not give me this opportunity, even for a second.

The demon clenched his teeth and said, "then I'll catch them all and extort confessions by torture. I don't believe it. Under my means, they don't recruit! "

I said don't act rashly first. The traitors disguised so well that they can't see a flaw until now. The green leaves must hide well. JOYA can hide it in her own body without being found. Do you mean a traitor? We don't have a clear goal, unless we are executed one by one, which will hurt unity. In addition, since he dares to be a traitor around us, he is by no means a bargain. It is impossible to find green leaf and want him to admit it.

"What do you say?" Asked the demon.

I smiled contemptuously at the corners of my mouth and said, "it's safe here anyway. We're not in a hurry. What is urgent now is the traitor, waiting for him to slowly expose himself. "

"But I'm afraid he will provoke an internal struggle between us, and then take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters. If he takes the crystal ball, it will be a big trouble!" The demon said with concern.

"No, that will speed up the exposure of his identity. Ann, let's go down and have a look at the green water pool. "

I don't care. They played very high. They took the demon downstairs.

Sometimes it's nice to revisit the adventure situation. Holding hands, they strolled down layer by layer, thinking of the dangerous escape at that time and the hilarious dialogue with Qiao ya at the critical moment of life and death.

"Don't you worry about the current situation of the little fox?" Asked the demon.

I shook my head. Joana, the little fox, never had to worry. She has enough minds, both acting skills and know how to steer the wind. She has a way to save her life under any circumstances. On the contrary, it's LV Wei. I'm not very optimistic about her survival.

When we walked to the bottom, sister long and they also chased down. One by one ran out of breath, only to hear Zhao Jingnan cry: "this battle chess array is so abnormal that I tried my best, and I almost couldn't escape."


Sister long slapped him on the forehead: "what did you do? If I hadn't fought with Xiaobei to save you, you would have hung up! "

"Wow!" Xiaobei looked at the wide space at the bottom and opened a pair of beautiful eyes, "how beautiful!"

Zhao Jingnan said, "what's beautiful about a pile of ruins... Ouch!" He was slapped by Beckham again.

Both the demon and I find it ridiculous. You say Zhao Jingnan is poor enough. She is often bullied by sister long. Even Xiaobei hits her hand and has no pity for her husband.

But the ruins at the bottom are really beautiful, spectacular and full of mystery. In fact, I only restored one-fifth of the original scene, because the space on this floor is too large, I don't see the panorama, and other places can only be supplemented by imagination.

We live on the first floor. Zhao Jingnan has Xiaobei instill spiritual power. Sister long, Tao Qianling, Gu Qian and Chen Zimeng take turns to take care of Dong Siru and solve their cold problem.

When we were hungry, we fished some fish from the pool. Sister long waved them, either grilled fish, steamed or braised. Thirsty, there is water in the pool, sleepy and sleep against the broken icicle.

The only drawback is that I have a story, but there is no wine here.

Three days passed quickly. I didn't know what was going on outside, but the traitor didn't show any flaws. The demon and I have been observing secretly, but we have never found any trace.

I told them about the green leaf. With sister long's perspective, if the traitor couldn't hide, he would have been found long ago. But if sister long is a traitor, it will be more difficult to find out.

I also dare not do too much inner communication with the demon, because I am a disabled person and completely rely on the demon to build a psychic channel for my psychic power. It's not so safe. If we don't keep pace sometimes, it's easy for the traitors to detect the message I send in my heart through the green leaves.

After three days, although they had no worries about food and clothing, sister long still felt a little anxious. After all, it's not a way to shrink in the ice building all the time. The number of fish is limited, and we can't last long.

I'm still calm. It's only been three days. I just didn't expect that the traitor would be so calm. Then continue to consume and see who can consume who.

On the fifth day, everyone's mood finally broke out.

Because they were bored on the first floor, they went to the upper floor to play chess array to find their depression. As a result, Xiao Bei and sister long tore open today because of Zhao Jingnan's injury. The reason is very simple. When Zhao Jingnan was in danger, sister long and all of them turned a blind eye and almost killed the boy. Xiaobei complained, which aroused sister long's dissatisfaction. They quarreled.

Their mood is easy to infect others, because everyone is unhappy now.

At first, Tao Qianling and them were still persuading each other, but the persuaders were easy to be hurt by mistake, so it was two people arguing, and finally five people arguing. When the demon and I caught up, Dong Siru shrank aside with his body in his arms, shivering, and his lips were frozen purple. She doesn't mind her own business, otherwise no matter who slaps her arbitrarily, she may get hurt. Zhao Jingnan was lying on one side and wanted to talk. It seemed that he was hurt a little badly and couldn't open his mouth.

After we understood the situation, I said to sister long, "Xiao Bei just made a complaint. Your sisters are deeply in love. What's the point? Is it worth getting angry? "

As soon as sister long heard the fire, she yelled at me, "what do you mean? I was wronged, you know? At that time, I was also avoiding the attack of ice sculpture. Do you know how cruel Xiaobei's words were? "

The demon hurriedly advised: "younger martial sister, calm down..."

Sister long cried with red eyes, "how can you calm me down? There are fewer fish in the pool day by day. We will run out of food sooner or later. But you are not in a hurry. Why? Because you are all immortal monsters... "

Then he rushed over, grabbed my shoulders and shook them hard, as if to vent all his resentment on me. The demon can only smile helplessly. Who makes sister long her little martial sister? If someone else tries, it's strange not to fly immediately.

Unexpectedly, after shaking me a few times, sister long suddenly touched two crystal balls from my trouser pocket, then turned around and ran away.

The demon was a little confused for a moment. She stood still, causing sister long to disappear at the entrance of the stairs in the blink of an eye.

I quickly shouted, "catch up with her!"

The demon immediately reacted. Sister long may be a traitor. Then she flew up and disappeared in the direction of the stairs.