Chapter 111

Name:Exalted Emperor Author:zhai zhu
Yunpeng used four unique skills, including mending the sky and seal, the great method of changing the world, the real body of the Ming king of Dapeng, and the nerve cutting of the Twelve Towers. These four unique skills are rare and powerful. They are not inferior to the big five elements sword Qi in the south of the Yangtze River, and even surpass it. If he had not used his physical magic, one side has eight arms, and displayed eight sets of sword arrays, he would have lost the war in the south of the Yangtze River.

In the middle of the eyebrows in the south of the Yangtze River, the xuantai golden man sat cross legged on a golden ocean composed of divine thoughts, breathed out divine thoughts and vigorous Qi, half opened and half closed his eyes, dark and dark, and began to constantly deduce Yunpeng's four unique skills, including mending the sky seal.

The sky mending seal is incomplete, and Yunpeng himself has not obtained a complete seal method. This is a powerful and unique skill that is not inferior to the sky turning seal. It is not a magic power that can be seen in the world. If it is completed, its power will be amazing, and even more than the nerve cutting of the Twelve Towers.

However, this is not a problem for Jiangnan. Relying on the strong deduction ability of xuantai golden man, it gradually completes part of the missing sky seal.

Fantian seal and mending Tianyin go hand in hand. One is to destroy Tiandao and the other is to complete Tiandao. Now he has deduced to Waigang realm. He can deduce to divine wheel and even divine power realm in a little time.

These two seal methods can attack from a distance or fight in close combat. Each of them will be far more than the five elements sword Qi. If they can be deduced to a very high level, they will shine on his hands!

The xuantai golden man can deduce faster than the magic clock, but he can't deduce these two skills in a short time. After all, these are two very powerful skills.

It's Yunpeng's classic skill of cutting nerves on the twelve storied building, but it deduces faster.

His mysterious embryo can be deduced even from the classic unique knowledge, which makes Jiangnan even more surprised. I don't know who wrote the mysterious embryo Scripture in the magic prison.

Jiang Xue once said that the mysterious fetal Sutra in the devil's prison is a divine mind method, but the mind methods such as classics are also at the lowest level of the heavenly palace, and they will be close to God when they reach great success.

The mysterious fetal Scripture in the devil's prison can be deduced even from this level of mental skill, which is enough to show that the level of this skill is far higher than the level of Tiangong!

What makes Jiangnan feel more surprised is that the Golden Ocean melted by the magic clock in his eyebrows, although continuously absorbed by the xuantai, has not decreased at all, but has expanded more and more outward.

This is the knowledge and opinion contained in all the mental methods he obtained. It is not too much to call it a sea of knowledge.

The deeper and wider the sea, the more knowledge he has accumulated.

"The real body of the Dapeng Ming king is the method of the demon family. It can be taught to the God vulture demon king. He is a bird. After practicing this skill, he must be very powerful!"

In Jiangnan's heart, he called the God vulture demon king to teach him the real body of King Dapeng Ming. The God vulture demon king has grown fine feathers these days, but his wings are not yet full. He is like a big ostrich with meat. He is naive.

"The real body of Dapeng Mingwang?"

The fleshy big bird was overjoyed, but he looked a little cute. Just when he spoke, he revealed his true colors: "this is the fighting method of the bird family among the demon families. It is powerful and unparalleled. This mental method is really useful to me. It seems that I can become a God and sit on 99 virgins in the near future!"

Jiangnan glanced at the demon king and was surprised. The God vulture demon king has been practicing hard these days. His strength has changed dramatically. I'm afraid it has increased more than two or three times!

He was originally a strong man with five powers. Now, after he got the excellent cultivation skills, his cultivation speed is much faster than that in Jiangnan.

"Demon king, your other magical powers have been refined?"

The supernatural powers cultivated by the God vulture demon king, the supernatural light is good at attacking and unpredictable. The Canghai Mingyue Heart Sutra is good at magic and unpredictable. The great law of dream butterfly is a Taoist platform level skill to improve the mind.

There is also a five poisons soul refining method, which is the magic power of the five poisons flag. It was deduced from Jiangnan and taught to him.

If you can refine these skills, the strength of the God vulture demon king will indeed increase by leaps and bounds!

"These days, I have only refined the Canghai Mingyue Heart Sutra and the five poisons soul refining method. With pure divine light, there are three magic powers. However, even the three magic powers are much stronger than me!"

The God vulture demon king said with a smile: "coupled with the real body of Dapeng Mingwang taught me by the Lord, I have the method of physical magic power. My spirit and spirit go hand in hand, attack from far to near, and cultivate faster! If these magic powers are all refined, my strength can be increased by ten times at least!"

Jiangnan nodded gently. The God vulture demon king was a great help to him. Now his strength should be above him and will be more useful to him in the future.

Suddenly, he felt something in his heart. He looked up and saw a auspicious cloud coming. Mu Yaner and Jiang Lin stood on the cloud and fell gently.

The auspicious cloud is obviously also a treasure. After being collected by the negative sword girl, it is only an inch big.

"Younger martial brother Jiang, younger martial sister Lin and I are going out to do a task. Younger martial sister Lin wants you to go together." Mu Yaner apologized.

"What task?" Jiangnan said curiously.

Mu Yaner said with a smile, "younger martial brother, you should know that there are dozens of countries under the name of our holy sect, which pay tribute to our holy sect every year and contribute miraculous medicine, treasure mines, spiritual materials and talents. Among them, Le Qing kingdom is under the name of Qianyuan Palace, lingqianfeng. Only in the last year, Le Qing Kingdom did not pay tribute to Qianyuan palace, so I respected my younger martial sister and I to go down the mountain."

Jiangnan nodded. It is not uncommon for secular big country vassals to be sheltered by sects. For example, Jianwu state is sheltered by Xingyue Shenzong.

Big schools like Xingyue Shenzong and Xuantian Shengzong often have more than ten or even dozens of countries under their command, paying tribute every year. These countries often fall under the name of a spirit mountain, and the treasures paid each year will be paid to that spirit mountain for the use of its disciples.

If there is unrest in these countries, the disciples of the Lingshan mountain will go out to calm the chaos and support their own dynasties. Or, if the emperor does not cherish his people and is cruel, there will also be disciples in Lingshan to depose the dizzy king and establish another Mingjun.

The country under the name of Lingqian peak is Leqing country. There are many countries under the name of Lingshan in Xuantian Shengzong, but leader peak does not have this treatment.

Jiang Lin said, "my master said that if Le Qing doesn't want to pay tribute, then change to a obedient emperor."

"Another emperor!"

This kind of hegemonic words can only be said by big schools such as Xuantian Shengzong. Although the emperor is the highest rule in the secular world, he is still a insignificant little person in front of big schools such as Xuantian Shengzong.

"This task is purely to give us credit."

Mu Yaner chuckled: "Last time, my senior master and younger martial sister Lin lost a game and didn't want us to get something for nothing. In fact, we only need to go to the Leqing kingdom to find out the truth. Although there are powerful people in the secular world, their strength and cultivation are different from us and won't encounter any danger. Younger martial brother, this is a special task issued by my mentor. If you also want to know I'm afraid I won't get any credit. "

Jiangnan was most nervous about Jiang Lin's safety. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "it's OK to go."

Mu Yaner said no more and urged the clouds in his hand. He saw that the clouds immediately became larger, covering an area of several mu. Jiangnan summoned the God vulture demon king to climb the white cloud, which made him feel a little different. The clouds under his feet were not like the air of clouds, but like light gauze, soft and elastic.

Jiang Lin said with a smile, "fourth brother, this is a treasure made by my master in his early years. It's called Qingluo cloud yarn. It flies fast and can let us come to Leqing country soon."

In the imperial palace of Leqing Kingdom, Emperor Yuexuan and all the courtiers stood respectfully aside. I saw a young man with a somewhat cynical look sitting on his throne. Looking at his clothes, he was a disciple of taixuan Shengzong, surrounded by six or seven young men and women in the same clothes, and another man was wearing the clothes of Xuantian Shengzong.

"It's rare, it's really rare. There are treasures such as Lingquan in the barren land of Leqing country." the young man on the throne picked up the wine glass and saw that there was a blue liquid in the glass, flowing like water. With a gentle swing, there was a very strong spirit of heaven and earth emanating from the glass.

This is a cup of aura highly condensed and turned into a aura, which plays a great role in both the powerful of divine power and the powerful of Daotai environment!

"Spiritual liquid can be met but not sought. As for the spiritual spring that can produce spiritual liquid, it is even rare. Even Chen Daozi has only drunk it once in his life."

The young man took up his glass, drank it all in one gulp, tut Tut's mouth, smiled at the emperor Yuexuan and said, "you are very good. You know how to judge the situation. After mining the Lingquan, you will inform me of taixuan Shengzong, rather than give it to Xuantian Shengzong and other wastes."

Emperor Yuexuan quickly smiled and said, "who knows that taixuan Shengzong is the largest sect of the authentic way? Xiao Wang is also a person who goes up high and admires taixuan Shengzong wholeheartedly. That's why he dared to work with all immortal masters. However, if Xuantian Shengzong knows about it, Xiao Wang is only afraid..."

"Don't worry, I have taixuan Shengzong to protect you. In the future, your Leqing kingdom will be the territory of our taixuan Shengzong. Soon, our master brother will come in person. Then the dust will settle, and our taixuan Shengzong will accept you as a registered disciple and reward you with spiritual elixir and mental skills to help you break through the realm and stabilize the country!"

Chen Daozi said faintly, "Xuantian Shengzong doesn't know that there is a spiritual spring in Leqing country. The people sent here must not have high accomplishments. I, taixuan Shengzong, are bound to get this spiritual spring, so we must not leak the news. The people of Xuantian Shengzong will be killed when they come, leaving no survivors."

He suddenly turned and looked at the disciple of Xuantian Shengzong next to him and asked, "Xiao Changge, pay attention, has Xuantian Shengzong released a similar task?"

Xiao Changge quickly took out a waist token and was silent. He quickly browsed the school task of Xuantian Shengzong and suddenly said: "Elder martial brother Chen, I found it. Han Fang of Qianyuan palace, Lingqian peak, has issued a school task, which has been taken over by Jiang Lin and Mu Yaner. Jiang Lin is still in the realm of divine wheel, and has not been refined into divine powers. Mu Yaner's cultivation strength is not weak. He has cultivated five divine powers, and he still has a silver Jiao sword with eight divine powers in his hand."

"The silver Jiao sword with five magical powers and eight magical powers..."

A cold light flashed in Chen Daozi's eyes and said in a deep voice, "tell me what magic power Mu Yaner has achieved!"

————Second, I came to ask for monthly tickets! (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets at Your support is my biggest motivation.)