Chapter 268

Name:Exalted Emperor Author:zhai zhu
Suddenly, the Xuantian array gave a slight meal. The fake Wuxiang Zen master drank hard and turned into a golden Buddha. He stepped into the array with one foot and waved his hand. He saw a big Bing iron stick like a mountain like a column and smashed it at the Tianji Xiushi!

The others settled the array in order to let him eradicate the person who presided over the Xuantian array first, otherwise the Xuantian array could not be broken easily. But if we get rid of the person in charge of the array, Xuantian Shengzong will only have the last support of Chunyang Wuji clock!

Chunyang Wuji bell is the treasure of Zhenjiao. It can't be moved easily. If Xuanyin, Shangluo and others are killed by them, they can't move this treasure by virtue of the disciples of Shengzong, and the door will be destroyed!

"It seems to be the golden body of the Jade Buddha of Vajra Zen..."

The real Wuxiang Zen master looked at the counterfeits and wondered, "it seems that these counterfeits may not all come from the taixuan sect. However, I heard that they secretly attacked the master of the Vajra sect, Zen master Xingyun. How come there are also experts from the Vajra sect?"

"The fourth younger brother is confused. Their move is naturally to clear the suspicion of the King Kong Dharma Zen. When they attack the great Zen master Xingyun, others naturally doubt that they can't go to the King Kong Dharma Zen."

Shi dare to wear a beard and sneer: "besides, the great Zen master Xingyun is not dead? It seems that the King Kong Dharma Zen has also allied with the taixuan saint."

Halansheng's figure returned to normal. He narrowed his eyes and said, "these guys are no worse than us. No wonder they can make such a big noise. The emperor convened elites of all factions. They took the opportunity to kill the door. As expected, they played a good abacus."

Just as the iron stick of the fake Wuxiang Zen master came to the head of the Tianji Xiushi, a snow-white cassock suddenly flew up. In the blink of an eye, the fake Wuxiang was wrapped tightly. An axe lit up like the Milky Way upside down, and a huge fist burst into the world. The sword light rose, shining thousands of miles around, and split on the heavily entangled fake Wuxiang, Chop the sword, smash the fist and chop the axe into meat sauce.

"Benefactor, don't cut off the monk's clothes!"

Zen master Wuxiang's flesh was in great pain. He hurriedly shouted, "this dress is the thing of the little monk to refine demons. You are all rich and powerful. Only the little monk leads his family. You can't afford to buy new clothes when your clothes are broken!"

As soon as the fake Wuxiang died, the Xuantian array immediately resumed operation. Just now, the Tianji Xiushi deliberately released water to lure him into the array and eradicate him.

Outside the array, several other counterfeiters were shocked. The fake Wuxiang who was hacked to death just now was a famous Dharma protector of the Vajra Dharma Zen sect, and there were several heavenly palace experts. Unexpectedly, he was directly chopped up as soon as he entered the array!

They pretended to be the six demons of killer Valley and once jointly besieged the Vajra Zen in order to get rid of the suspicion of the Vajra Zen.

"Huh? Hehe..."

Outside the array, the fake ghost faced man never started. When he saw that the fake Wuxiang was chopped up, a smile appeared on the ghost face mask and whispered: "it seems that he met the Lord, Xuantian Shengzong, and indeed colluded with the God killing Valley! Unfortunately, Xi Yingqing was not here, and he didn't have the chance to meet this genius who even his senior brother boasted and praised for a while..."

He made a bold move, his strength was boundless, and even changed the sky phenomena. Countless thunder rumbled and fell into the Xuantian array. The sky thunder was like a plow. He took the Xuantian array as land and plowed hard again and again!

Tianji Xiushi and others immediately felt the pressure doubled. The strength of this fake ghost face man was incomparably strong, which was no worse than the real murderer Valley master Xuan Wuye.

How powerful is the master of the God killing valley. In the underworld, he can compete with the aging immortal Pluto. Although he is still invincible, his combat power is really amazing.

Although the immortal Pluto is old, the God is a God after all!

The strength of this impostor can be comparable to that of the Lord of killer valley. It can be seen that his strength is really outrageous!

When such a strong person joined the war, Tianji Xiushi and others immediately felt incomparable pressure. Taoist Shangluo and the older generation of Shengzong experts were shocked to spit blood and struggled to maintain the battle array. Even Taoist Xuanyin and Taoist xuanhu, who are strong in the heavenly palace, felt that their magic power could not compete with this "ghost faced man"!

Zen masters Shi Gandang and Wuxiang are also very hard-working. Their strength is strong. Shi Gandang is comparable to the leader of the sect, combined with the power of the five demons. In addition, the elite of Xuantian Shengzong can't resist it!

This is the fighting power of the most powerful. One person can turn the war around!


The pure sun limitless clock hovering on the main peak of Shengzong suddenly flew up, under the cover of the big clock, hit the "ghost face man", and the sound waves were heavy, destroying everything. Where the sound passed, even the void was shattered, turned into a black hole and swallowed everything!

"Ghost face man" snorted coldly and suddenly offered a wooden staff. The wooden staff was in the air, getting bigger and bigger, with strange shape, dragon head and bird claws, and the staff body was covered with scales and feathers, sweeping away towards the limitless clock of Chunyang!

"Oolong scale feather staff!"

Taoist Xuanyin exclaimed and said in a low voice, "this is the treasure of Zhenjiao in Wanyao palace, which was destroyed by the emperor's ancestors. It has been heard that it has been lost for a long time. No one has seen the trace of this treasure of Zhenjiao. How can it fall into this person's hands?"

The Oolong scale feather staff collides with the pure sun limitless clock, the earth settles and thousands of mountains fall down, just like the coming of the end.

Suddenly, behind the pure sun limitless clock, a sword light flickered. The next moment, it came to the center of the eyebrow of the "ghost face man". The sword light was like practice. It was a stroke of God and it was impossible to prevent!

"Ghost face man" gently raised his hand and clamped the sword light in his hand, and pointed to cut it off. The sword light was immediately cut by him.

"I've long heard that Xi Yingqing has a younger martial brother. The Dragon sees the head but not the tail. Xi Yingqing leaves all the bad things that are inconvenient to come out in person to this person."

"Ghost face man" cut the sword light and vibrated gently. The five demons appeared and smiled: "no one knows your name, but I do. Lin Zuoming, as a leader level figure, you have pretended to be dead for a long time, but you hide your name in Xi Yingqing's side, wasting your earth shaking cultivation in vain."

Shi Gandang and others were surprised. Looking at the five demons, they never knew the origin of the five demons, or even his name. Unexpectedly, the five demons would be the people around Xi Yingqing, named Lin Zuoming.

Lin Zuoming and others had heard that he was the elder disciple of the former leader of Taoist Xuanyou and Xi Yingqing's elder martial brother. Later, they heard that he died unfortunately. Unexpectedly, he was still alive. He just turned from the light to the dark, became the knife in Xi Yingqing's palm, and even became the five demons of God killing Valley!

"The sword light of the fifth brother just now, even I don't have such strength. It seems that he has hidden his cultivation before!" Shi dare said secretly in his heart.

Zen master Wuxiang shook his mind and suddenly remembered that he was going to kill Jiangnan. The old voice scared him away. It must be the work of five demons Lin Zuoming!

Lin Zuoming's strength can definitely become the second leader of killer Valley, but he has been unwilling to attract too much attention. Even Shi Gandang and others don't know his real strength.

He is like a man living in the shadow. Only when he is needed, he will appear and kill people with a sword.

The five demons were still bent and fell into the Xuantian array. They looked at the "ghost face man" with turbid eyes and said faintly: "I'm the knife in the palm teacher's hand, and who's the knife in your hand?"

The "ghost faced man" was stiff and said with a sneer: "I am the top figure among the friars in the world. I touch the realm of gods and demons. There are only two or three people with my strength in the world. Who can make a knife with me?"

His attack power is stronger. The Xuantian array is gradually scattered. In a moment, the array will be broken, and the Xuantian Shengzong will be bloody, and no one can survive!

"According to time, big brother should be here soon!"

The sweat on his forehead fell, and he tried his best to urge the array to resist. But at this time, suddenly, a clear voice came and said with a loud smile: "master of God killing Valley, you are here! Today, you can catch all the demons in God killing Valley and return a bright world!"

The "ghost faced man" felt an extremely fierce breath overwhelming down. He was surprised. Looking at the sound, he saw a green robed man coming with a ghost face mask. The mask was very vivid and showed a sarcastic smile.

"The real God killing Valley master!"

"Ghost face man" took a long breath, his eyes were shining, and his body was full of war. He laughed and said, "you did show up!"

"Yes, killing God Valley leader, you really showed up. It's really natural and careless."

Another clear voice came. The "ghost face man" moved in his heart and looked at it. Xi Yingqing suddenly appeared on the Zongzhu peak. With a gentle move, Chunyang limitless clock got rid of the Oolong scale feather staff, returned to the top of the Zongzhu peak and buckled it down.

His heart suddenly sank and he was a little flustered. He secretly said, "elder martial brother Taihuang said that you can stop Xi Yingqing? Why did Xi Yingqing appear here?"

He just thought of this, and suddenly saw the emperor's ancestor also appear on the sect peak of Xuantian Shengzong. With him came the leaders of other sects and top strongmen, who also fell on the sect peak and looked at him one after another.

"Lord of God killing Valley, you have come to a dead end now. What else can you say?" Fu Wengong was murderous and sneered.

"Ghost face man" is in a mess. He is no longer calm and calm as before. Many palm teachers have gloomy faces and murderous spirit. He can imagine his end!

"I'm not the Lord of God killing Valley, he is!"

He suddenly laughed and said, "ladies and gentlemen, I'm here to force this person to appear. Now Zhengzhu finally appears! Not only the real master of God killing Valley appears, but also several other demons are hidden in Xuantian Shengzong!"

When he looked at the Xuantian array, he couldn't help but be slightly stunned. He saw that Shi dares to be a talent show scholar and others who don't know when to slip away without a trace, and his heart sank again.

"I'm the Lord of God killing Valley?"

Xuan Wuye couldn't help laughing. He slowly took off his mask and said sarcastically, "who killed tens of thousands of disciples and gatekeepers of Xuantian holy sect? Who killed the supreme Taoist Qingyun of Qingyun sect? Who ambushed Qingyun sect and almost killed Qingyun sect? Who was trying to destroy the demon slaughtering conference and rob and kill your fellow disciples?"

He took a step forward and said, "I can take off my mask. Dare you?"

"Ghost face man" looked at the emperor. The emperor's face was expressionless, like a high God, cold and out of reach.

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