Chapter 302

Name:Exalted Emperor Author:zhai zhu
"A shameless man is invincible. This monk is shameless enough. He is on a par with my teacher. He can be said to be bright for a while!"

Jiangnan suddenly sank in his mind. Zen master Xingyun is not only an expert in Buddhism, but also the supreme leader of the Vajra Zen sect. He didn't expect to do so. First, he brought two supreme masters of the leader to ambush Jiangnan and luohuayin together. Later, he ran away when the situation was bad. Now he runs back with a shameless face. He is full of benevolence, righteousness and morality. It's really annoying.

The most important thing is that the old monk once shot at the younger generation in Jiangnan!

This is the first time Jiangnan has seen such a shameless leader of a sect. Even the notorious devil can't do such a thing!

Jiangnan was very sad and said: "master, you guessed right. My master fought against the demon God. Now his vitality has been cut off. I'm afraid the time is running out. I'm crying these days. I hate that I can't return to the sky. I can only watch my master get worse day by day..."

Hearing what he said, Zen master Xingyun became more and more frightened. He didn't dare to approach too close. Hehe smiled: "Is Lord Luo Shi seriously injured? Although there are some grudges between the old monk and Lord Luo Shi, after all, heaven has the virtue of living well. Benefactor Jiang might as well invite the respected teacher out, and the old monk will naturally do his best to rescue the respected teacher. It is said that saving people's lives is better than building a level-7 floating slaughter. As the leader of Jin gangfa Zen Buddhism and under the same roof with your teachers and disciples, can I fight in the same room again?"

"Master Bodhisattva heart!"

Jiangnan gave a sigh of admiration and said sincerely, "but my master is too badly hurt. I'm afraid I can't stand the bumps. How about inviting the master to the chariot to diagnose and treat my master?"

Zen master Xingyun smiled and looked like a living Buddha: "it's bad for the reputation of Lord Luoshi to have single men and few women in the same room? It's better for almsgiver Jiang to invite you out to respect your teacher."

"Master, human life is vital. Where did so much red tape come from?"

Jiangnan urged the sun chariot to drive to the great Zen master Xingyun. It was getting closer and closer to him. He smiled and said, "besides, Buddhism is empty. The so-called men and women are only skin looks. Master, you look."

Zen master Xingyun was silent, but the five Phoenix chariot was quietly retreating. It was always a distance away from the sun chariot. It was not far or near. He said with a smile: "benefactor Jiang, Buddha also has a mother. Since Buddha has a mother, there are men and women, so naturally we should avoid suspicion."

Seeing that he was neither leaving nor approaching, Jiangnan secretly said, "the longer the delay, the more doubts the old monk will have in his heart. At that time, he will certainly give me a hand!"

Seeing that Luo Huayin had never made a sound or appeared, Zen master Xingyun was more suspicious. He suddenly stopped the Wufeng car and said with a smile: "these days, the old monk found a fragment of a divine treasure, which also contains some power. Dare to ask Lord Luo for help to see how powerful this magic weapon is."

"The old monk can't help killing people!"

Jiangnan knew something was wrong. The sun chariot was in the air. Suddenly he was collected into Meixin purple house, leaving only a three legged golden black. Jiangnan flashed and landed on the back of the three legged golden black. A fierce roar came, and the two wings of the three legged golden black shook and turned into a long rainbow, flying to the place where the gods and Demons died, in the boundless darkness!

With his strength, he can't give full play to the speed of the sun chariot to the limit. If he drives the chariot to escape, he can never escape the five Phoenix chariot in the clouds. Therefore, Jiangnan develops its strengths and avoids its weaknesses. Instead of driving the chariot, he only sacrifices a three legged golden black and tries to fight light!

"Benefactor Jiang, you are really lying to the old monk!"

Zen master Xingyun laughed. The five colorful Phoenix spread their wings and chased away quickly. He said proudly, "but the old monk doesn't blame you. You have too deep prejudice against the old monk and don't know my Buddha's heart. You should know that wine and meat go through the intestines and stay in the Buddha's heart. Killing a person is also wine and meat through the intestines for the old monk, and my Buddha is still in my heart!"

The speed of the five Phoenix chariot was very fast, and the distance was much closer in a few breaths. The sleeves of the monk Xingyun's cassock were rolled, and a thin big hand clicked through the void. The next moment, the palm came to the head of Jiangnan.

The golden light of bergamot shines brightly, and its breath nails the south of the Yangtze River into the air!

"Benefactor Jiang, stay!"

The body of Jiangnan was shocked, and suddenly the space roared, which broke his space blockade. He appeared with thousands of wings. The dense wings and meat wings emerged, and countless flesh and blood wriggled. He turned from the virtual wings and meat wings into essence. Thousands of wings vibrated. He escaped from the Buddha's hand and soared into the endless darkness!

However, although he escaped during the critical period, he had no time to recover.

Zen master Xingyun reached out and grabbed the three legged golden black in his hand. With a slight sigh of surprise, Jiangnan was able to break the pressure of his palm and escape. It was really beyond his expectation.

You know, the last time he was tens of thousands of miles away, he fixed Jiangnan and Qianyi Shenzhou in one palm, so that Jiangnan had no power of resistance.

How much time has passed before Jiangnan has been able to break his breath oppression?

"No wonder you can kill my disciple fatian. The strength of this younger generation can now compare with that of some of the older generation, and the flesh is even more powerful!"

The magic power of the thousand winged demon god suddenly displayed by Jiangnan in the critical period is somewhat different from that at ordinary times. On ordinary days, his magic power is transformed from mana and Taoist patterns, but now it is real flesh and blood. Every feather is essence, and the speed is naturally higher!

His thousands of wings, each wing has bones and blood vessels, thick bones, strong muscles, muscles shrink and expand, driving the rotation of bones, like a precision machine, and blood vessels rush like rivers, making a loud rumble, raising his speed to the limit.

The thousand wing Shenzhou and the three feet of gold and black are magic weapons and foreign objects. Although the speed is fast, it is still a bit slower than its own flesh.

In particular, the three legged golden ebony has been refined into the treasure of the heavenly palace by Luo Huayin. However, with the current cultivation in Jiangnan, it is still unable to give full play to the power of this magic weapon. The speed of his cultivation in the Taoist realm is still slightly worse than his flesh!

Jiangnan has studied countless skills with Xi Yingqing these days, and deduced that the xuandu of the emperor's ancestors forgot the love of the heavenly book. His own accumulation is almost comparable to that of the grand master. In addition, he refined his bones with the bone patterns of the innate gods and demons, and finally changed his great magic power of the thousand winged demons and promoted it to a perfect situation!

"Benefactor Jiang, your cultivation with the old monk is still too great. Even if you understand the mystery of the demon God's real body, you can't escape the Buddha's five finger mountain!"

The five Phoenix chariot accelerated to catch up and kept closing the distance. Zen master Xingyun gave a cold hum and stretched out his hand. He saw a huge golden bell appear. It is the town teaching treasure of the Vajra Dharma Zen, the Vajra wheel clock!


The King Kong wheel clock rotates one space and makes an earth shaking sound, which collapses the void of the small sky star world, and the huge power rushes to the south of the Yangtze River!

He didn't have the mind to continue to spend with Jiangnan. Finally, he sacrificed the treasure of Zhenjiao, and was determined to kill Jiangnan together with Luo Huayin hidden in the center of his eyebrows!

The power of the town religion treasure is so powerful that it can guard the luck of a large sect for hundreds of thousands of years. At the beginning, the fake God killing Valley besieged Xuantian Shengzong, of which the pure Yang limitless clock, the town religion treasure of Xuantian Shengzong, played a vital role.

Now, in order to deal with the younger generation of Jiangnan, Zen master Xingyun even sacrificed the King Kong wheel clock!

Boom, boom!

The broken void caught up with Jiangnan and swept everything in an instant. When it came to Jiangnan in the future, countless wings in Jiangnan were really turned into powder!

"Wow -"

Jiangnan vomited a mouthful of blood and tried to fly up. His body turned into an arc, crossed an elliptical arc, and circled around a huge rib for half a week.

The power of the King Kong wheel clock pounded past, smashing the space where he was originally located. The main body of the clock hit the rib, making it ring and bounce high.

"The diamond wheel clock is damaged?"

Zen master Xingyun was surprised and waved quickly. The King Kong wheel clock flew and fell on his hand. Xingyun looked quickly and saw a huge gap and a shocking crack on the King Kong wheel clock. When he hit the rib, he was shocked and cracked by the rib!

Zen master Xingyun couldn't help but take a breath of air-conditioning. He didn't dare to sacrifice the King Kong wheel clock again. He lost his voice and said, "all the bodies of evil gods in the small sky star world have been fossilized. Without half of their spirituality, they are no different from ordinary stones. Why is this rib so hard?"

He also noticed the pattern on the rib and flashed ideas like lightning and Firestone in his heart, but the Wufeng car still sped away and pursued the south of the Yangtze River.

"The patterns on these ribs must contain great mysteries, and even surpass the divine level skills. If you can do the mysteries, why should the old monk fear the emperor and ancestor? It's no problem to call the Buddha the ancestor in the future!"

Zen master Xingyun smiled and said in a low voice, "it seems that my Buddha has mercy on me and wants me to come to the majority of my Buddhism and open the Buddhist temple to the world of heaven. Therefore, I give the old monk this opportunity. However, at present, I'd better eradicate the female devil luohuayin. If the devil doesn't die, I'm uneasy and can't quietly figure out the mystery of Wenluo!"

The south of the Yangtze River looks like gold paper, spits out a mouthful of blood, forcibly increases HP, repairs the thousand wings behind him, and the speed is restored immediately.

Forcibly urging Qi and blood will do great harm to himself. If Qi and blood wither, he will lose Shouyuan. He will not live long enough and die earlier. But now Zen master Xingyun tore his face to kill him, so he can't care so much!

They ran after each other and flew round and round this rib. Zen master Xingyun was still unable to catch up with Jiangnan. He was so angry that he often used his magic power to blow down and Jiangnan walked around this rib, which made his magic power completely useless.

"Kid, I'd like to see how long you can last with your accomplishments?" Zen master Xingyun shouted.

Three months later.

"Kid, I'd like to see how much liquid you have!" Zen master Xingyun shouted.

Half a year later, Zen master Xingyun couldn't help being anxious and said, "how much liquid do you carry with you, little bastard?"

Suddenly, there was a glimmer of light in front of them, and a continent appeared. After flying for half a year, they finally came to the end of this rib.

Zen master Xingyun breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "what way do you have to go this time?"

Jiangnan was also worried secretly. Suddenly, his body shook. He saw a huge demon sitting cross legged in front of him, forming a big circle. Above the big circle, countless roads were linked to form a huge word "seal"!

————Zhaizhu has the cheek to beg you for several monthly tickets ~ ~ ~ ~ to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets at Your support is my biggest motivation.)