Chapter 807

Name:Exalted Emperor Author:zhai zhu
Jiang Lin, Yun Peng and Mu Yaner were speechless, but they saw a lot of gods along the way, and they didn't find that the gods outside the holy sect were much stronger than themselves. On the contrary, because they saw the battles between gods and demons, they felt that they seemed to be much stronger than them.

"Once upon a time, I thought the gods outside were all powerful and powerful."

Mu Yaner said with a smile, "now it seems that we know that we are comparing ourselves with the religious respect, and our horizons are too high. If we compare ourselves with the gods outside, there will be no such view."

Jiang Lin was also deeply touched and whispered, "I always compare myself with my fourth brother. I always feel that I am so weak. Although I am a God, I feel that I am not a God. If I want to catch up with my fourth brother, I find that the gap with my fourth brother is getting bigger and bigger. Now when I come out, I feel that I am not so bad, but I feel that I am very strong."

Yue youniang and Xi Chong covered their faces and rushed out. Yue youniang chose Huang Jing shaozun, while Xi Chong chose crown prince Xi. As soon as they started, they directly broke out their most powerful killing moves.

Yue youniang's six incarnations emerged to build the Six Harmonies array, while she herself was in the center of the Six Harmonies array, between her fingers and palms, controlling the six harmonies, controlling the four poles and heaven and earth. She was extremely overbearing. As soon as she came up, she directly broke Huang Jing shaozun's magic power to attack the crown prince of Xi, subdued Huang Jing shaozun's attack, and then attacked Huang Jing shaozun quickly. The six incarnations attacked Huang Jing shaozun like a storm.

Huang Jing immediately fell downwind, surprised and angry. He immediately roared and shook his body, showing nine heads and eighteen arms. He shook Yue's young mother's attack and said in a fierce voice, "who attacked me?"

Yue youniang giggled and said, "it's not a sneak attack, but a fair beating to let you know that there are people outside and there are days outside!"

As like as two peas, the six incarnations immediately showed nine heads and eighteen arms, and the same was the same as the "less" and "less respected". The attack was even more violent. The Liuhe big battle array just now was just a set. And the magic method was used to show the nine Liuhe sets.

In a moment, Huang Jing shaozun was at a disadvantage and had to defend. In the blink of an eye, he was broken through the defense. Countless attacks fell on him. In the muffled roar, the disciple of the God King spewed blood from his mouth, fell from the clouds and fell into the dust.

At the same time, the battle between Xi Chong and crown prince Xi is also extremely fierce. Unlike Yue youniang, Yue youniang occupies the offensive and attacks her opponent like a storm.

But Xi Chong was as stable as an ancient holy mountain, standing still, hundreds of millions of stars and rivers revolved around him, allowing the crown prince Xi to attack him.

Prince Xi's attack showed his kingly way. The purple air and purple light were vast and majestic. It seemed that he was an emperor surpassing the world. The seat was heavy and light, and his actions blocked the attack of Prince Xi.

Emperor Xi's crown prince attacked tens of thousands of magical powers in a moment. The more he shot, the more frightened he was. Every time he shot, he felt that the shock from the other party was stronger, and the anti shock force shook his blood and blood.

Moreover, the other side's strength is still brewing and extremely calm, just like a large volcano accumulating strength and power, waiting for the moment of eruption.

As soon as his last attack was handed out, Xi Chong's accumulated strength broke out, and the yuan magnetic universe broke out, destroying all the attacks of emperor Xi's crown prince.

Xi Chong took a step. In the first step, Prince Xi trembled and had to retreat. In the second step, Prince Xi vomited blood. In the third step, Prince Xi fell from the air.

In the holy city, the demon watching the war was praising the power of crown prince Xi and Huang Jing shaozun. Unexpectedly, two masked people would be killed.

"Two gods who dare not show their true faces, and dare to shoot Huang Shuai and Xi Shuai?"

A God lost his voice and said with a smile, "it's too much to measure your strength, isn't it?"

As soon as his voice fell, Huang Jing shaozun and crown prince Xi were knocked down by Qi, falling into the clouds and dust, and there was silence in the holy city.

This is a divine world heaven at the junction of the Xuanqing heaven of the huangzu and the crape myrtle heaven of the holy emperor. There have been many gods and demons from both sides watching the war. At the moment, these gods and Demons look blue.

"Xuantian sect leader, do you think I don't recognize you when you cover your face?" Huang Jing roared and stood up from the dust.

"Sect leader Jiang, why do you hide your head and show your tail?" Prince Xi also rose from the sky.

They immediately realized that it could not be Jiangnan who shot at them. Jiangnan was a man, while Huang Jing shaozun shot at a beautiful girl. Although the man shot at crown prince Xi, it was very different from the magic power of Jiangnan. It was only because there were many shadows of Jiangnan in this man's and woman's supernatural powers that made them angry and pushed them on Jiangnan's head without thinking. They thought it was Jiangnan sneaking into the divine city. When they were unhappy, they shot at them.

Yue youniang smiled and suddenly flew up into a divine light. At the same time, Xi Chong turned into a divine light and ran away.

"Hurt Huang Shuai and Xi Shuai, do you still want to go?"

Thousands of gods and Demons flew up from the divine city and pursued the two divine lights. They saw that the two divine lights were intertwined with each other, spirally intertwined, and the speed was faster and faster. Suddenly, they exploded and turned into countless divine lights. They flew to different places. I don't know which is the real body.

"Don't go!"

Many gods and Demons spread out to pursue a divine light.

In the holy city, Yue youniang and Xi Chong had already sneaked back, took off the masked black scarf, and sneaked to Jiang Lin, Yunpeng and others. They were about to leave while the chaos was in progress. Suddenly, they only heard a voice laughing: "several Taoist friends, Young Marshal Pu Zhao, magic Marshal Yan Gongjian, please invite some Taoist friends to tea."

Youniang, Xi Chong, Jiang Lin and others followed the sound and saw that in a long pavilion with beautiful scenery, several young talents got up from the pavilion and saluted and invited them. Each of these young talents was extremely strong and not weaker than them.

Yun Peng said with a smile, "Young Marshal is also a young man. It's good for us to get to know more gods and demons in the past."

Yue youniang and others took their seats in the pavilion. Young Marshal Pu Zhao raised a toast and said with a smile, "senior brothers, you can hide it from others, but you can't hide it from us. We've been paying attention to you for a long time. When you came, Mo Shuai and I noticed several senior brothers. They were saying that there are many heroes in the world. I didn't expect you to attack Huang Shuai and Xi Shuai!"

In the center of gravity, Xi was surprised and said with a smile: "we just saw that the two people were unhappy, so we took a little punishment. We didn't expect to disturb several senior brothers."

"Don't worry, we are not long tongues and won't talk nonsense."

The devil handsome Yan Gongjian's eyes flashed, patrolled back and forth on several people, and suddenly said, "senior brothers, what do you have to do with the leader of Xuantian sect?"

Yue youniang, Xi Chong, Jiang Lin, Yunpeng and Mu Yaner said in one voice: "we don't know him!"

"The holy sect has successors."

In a few distant places from the holy city, six extremely powerful figures stood in the void and looked at Yue youniang Xi Chong and others in the holy city.

Six people hunt in clothes and clothes. They describe it as strange. One person's face is as firm as a stone, one person is as delicate as a scholar, one person looks like an insignificant farmer, one person is a beautiful young monk, and one person is Kong Wu majestic and has flesh bumps.

The man who headed the group was tall and handsome. He wore a black robe and said with a smile, "the young lady belongs to these little guys. They love mischief. However, it's good for them to come out and experience."

"It's our turn. Let's go!"

The six people floated up and soon came to the altar of a family valve in the divine world. They saw the divine light all night, the divine City connected, like the mainland floating, and a round of divine sun rising and setting around the divine city.

This is an extremely powerful divine family valve, with thousands of gods, demons, gods and true gods. It has its own orderly inheritance. It governs such a large divine kingdom. The divine family that can stand up to now has a deep foundation.

Shua Shua——

There are 48 gods and demons, of which 18 are true gods!

These eighteen true gods are the incarnations of Xi Yingqing's three incarnations, each breathing like an abyss.

"Below is the Yuwen valve."

When the gods and Demons disappeared into the six people one after another, Haran said in a deep voice: "In those days, my Haran family was also a big valve in the divine world and a family with orderly inheritance. However, in my generation, the family declined. The master of the family was the only God, and he was old and had no successors. The Yuwen big valve coveted the territory and wealth of my Haran family. His master Yu Wenguang was also a God. He invited my master to be a guest, took the opportunity to attack, killed my master, and then did his best to kill my family All the people are uprooted. "

"God is very difficult to deal with. Even if the six of us work together, we can't resist the war power of a God. Moreover, the details of a family are unimaginable. All kinds of God forbidden arrays, magic weapons, sacred objects and sacred cities are also God's treasures. If we are urged, we shouldn't resist."

Xi Yingqing smiled and said, "we know these days that the God of the Yuwen family is now in seclusion. Fortunately, he is in seclusion. We sneak into his seclusion and kill him in the pass. The details of the Yuwen family are equivalent to being eliminated at once, and then it is much easier to deal with the Yuwen family."

"The Yuwen family has seven true gods and fifty-four heavenly gods, which is also a force that can not be underestimated. When we deal with the God yuwenguang, we also need to cut off the sky god ban array and cut off the rescue of the Yuwen family." Shi dare to look at the Tianji Xiushi and say.

Tianji Xiushi smiled: "I have refined 63 broken sky god forbidden arrays, which can temporarily resist these real gods day and night. In addition, there are the forbidden array of the Guangwu God Emperor, the huntian array of the demon God Jin emperor, the heaven and earth intersection array of the seventh, the xuanhuang Taiji array, the four symbols connecting the sky array, the five elements extinction sword array, the six in eight wasteland array, the heavenly trunk and earth support array, supplemented by the heaven Zhou Tian Xingjun's array, using our avatar to urge these arrays, can just eliminate 50% of Yu Wenguang's realm strength! The rest is whether our real body can kill Yu Wenguang! However, if the elder brother's Senluo prison day covers the way of heaven and the way of Yu Wenguang, our grasp of killing Yu Wenguang's flesh will be 10% higher. "

Zen master Wuxiang put his hands together, looked solemn and said with a smile: "I inquired into the treasure house of the Yuwen family. There is a real God guarding the treasure house, but if yuwenguang dies, the real God can't stop us. After yuwenguang dies, it's not difficult to destroy the Yuwen family. The difficulty is that the Yuwen family has many alliances in the Chenguang divine world. If you move the Yuwen family, many aristocratic families in the Chenguang divine world will come. We have about two days to deal with the Yuwen family. After two days, Whether it's done or not, we need to evacuate. "

Xi Ying thought for a moment and said in a deep voice, "two days is enough. The fifth brother will take us in. God doesn't know it. We have a chance to destroy his flesh. When he hasn't recovered his flesh, we will cut off his divinity."

He slowly raised his palm and put a pair of bronze ghost face mask on his face. The ghost face mask looked like a smile. A low voice came from under the mask: "the young mother and son belong to them. They are still green."

"Yes, they are too young."

The other four raised their hands. Each of them had a pair of bronze ghost face masks. They put them on, nodded and sighed: "how can the black scarf mask be comparable to the tall equipment such as ghost face masks..."

Xi Yingqing suddenly disappeared and flew into Lin Zuoming's purple house. Lin Zuoming walked towards the Yuwen family without a mask.

He walked in the Yuwen aristocratic family. I don't know how many people saw him, but they didn't seem to notice him.

At the next moment, the holy sun around the holy city of Yuwen aristocratic family went out and plunged into darkness.

One day later, the dawn god world caused a sensation. The powerful God yuwenguang was killed in the closed place.

Another day later, more shocking news came that Yuwen's sacred cities fell from the sky. Yuwen's family was surrounded by terrible arrays to block time and space. One after another terrible portal appeared in the void. Among the portals as high as one million feet, there were killing arrays!

On this day, the true gods of Yuwen family were killed one by one, all the high-level fell, and the treasure house of Yuwen family was looted.

When the battle array dissipated, the reinforcements of the Yuwen family came one after another. They saw that the Yuwen family, which was once brilliant, completely disappeared, several sacred cities disappeared, and the gods and demons of the Yuwen family were cleaned. Only ordinary people escaped and left ruins after ruins.

As for who did such earth shaking events, no one knows. Only the survivors said that they were six gods and demons with ghost masks.

At this time, six gods and demons with different descriptions rushed to Changsheng day. The young man headed by him flashed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Go to Changsheng heaven. Changsheng heaven is the heaven of Buddhism. It is ruled by the divine monarch and the Holy Buddha. Buddhism is prosperous for a time. Start from Changsheng heaven, inquire about the origin and development of the practice of Wuxiang robbing Sutra, and find the inheritance order of Wuxiang robbing Sutra. You should be able to find out who destroyed the Zen heart temple and why it was destroyed."

Tianji Xiushi frowned and said, "the eternal Heaven is a Buddhist door, there are many Buddhist temples, and countless big Buddhas sit in it. I'm afraid it's wrong for us to break through like this."

Xi Yingqing frowned and said flatly, "shave your head!"

Before long, the heads of the six people were shining, and the dust was not stained. One by one, like the enlightened Buddha, with strict Dharma, they stepped into the eternal Heaven.

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