Chapter 885

Name:Exalted Emperor Author:zhai zhu

In the temple, the emperor's coffin was finally opened by the joint efforts of the people, and the towering emperor's power rose into the sky. Then more stars roared out, making the rolling Star River outside the temple stronger and wider!

The scope shrouded by the galaxy has expanded more than ten times, which has stopped. Now the space shrouded by the galaxy is more than hundreds of millions of miles!

This endless space is covered by the divine way of the star God Emperor. Almost in an instant, such a huge space will be refined into an independent time and space!

Even people feel that in this space-time, the passage of time is completely different from the outside world, as if it were one!


On the moon of the Qing Dynasty, Zun shouted to the emperor's coffin: "please also invite our ancestors to be born. We have prepared the chaotic treasures needed for our ancestors' reincarnation!"

There was no change in the emperor's coffin. The divinity of Xingguang God didn't fly out of the emperor's coffin. Many strong people of Xingguang family were frightened. The divinity of Xingguang God hasn't appeared yet. Obviously, the situation is not good. After all, the soul calming array has been suppressed for more than two million years. Who knows that this array will not damage the divinity?

After waiting for a moment, there was still no response in the emperor's coffin. Even in Jiangnan, there was a bad feeling. Such a powerful soul calming array might really damage the divinity of the Xingguang God Emperor, or even kill the divinity of the God Emperor!

Looking at the emperor's coffin in Jiangnan, I saw the stars in the emperor's coffin, the Zhou light flowing slowly, and I couldn't see anything.

There is another space in the emperor's coffin, which also forms an independent space. This emperor's coffin seems small, but the space is infinite. Even the vast Star River outside is not as broad as the space in the emperor's coffin.

Finally, someone suggested, "let's go into the emperor's coffin and have a look. I can't say that our ancestors are all right..."

Qingyue shangzun clenched his teeth and said to Jiangnan, "Xuantian sect leader, the family ancestor was suppressed, and there will be danger in the emperor's coffin. As a descendant of the family ancestor, I am naturally duty bound, but the sect leader is not from my Xingguang family after all..."

"There's no need to talk about it."

Jiangnan zhengse said, "I can achieve what I am now. The Xingguang God Emperor and Xingguang aristocratic family have great kindness and cause and effect to me. No matter whether there is danger in the emperor's coffin, I will go in and see the God Emperor in person."

Seeing that he had made up his mind and knew he couldn't help it, Qingyue immediately fell into the emperor's coffin with the people of Xingguang family.

Jiangnan followed the people and entered the space of the emperor's coffin together. When they penetrated the heavy starlight and Zhou light, they were shocked. They only felt that time was rushing. In an instant, a hundred years passed, and the short film made them old for more than a thousand years!

When they passed through the cosmic light and starlight, the turbulent flow of time disappeared, which relieved everyone. If the time in the emperor's coffin flowed, I'm afraid even the God could not live long in the emperor's coffin!

"How can the space in the emperor's coffin involve the passage of time..."

Jiangnan was shocked and felt a little strange. He had seen the female emperor on the other side and the queen of Heavenly Mother. The existence of these two near immortals can manipulate time, but the divine emperor on the other side is far better than the queen of Heavenly Mother.

Those who can control the time are the strong ones near the immortal, but the accelerated passage of time also appeared in the emperor's coffin, which shocked him.

In contrast, the passage of time in the emperor's coffin is still a lot younger than the other world and heaven prison, but it does get involved in the unimaginable field of time!

"The Xinghe Zhouguang Heart Sutra of the Xingguang God Emperor does have the skill to control the Zhouguang. It may be the vision caused by his own Zhouguang after the death of the Xingguang God Emperor!" he said secretly in his heart.

The light of the universe is time, the universe is space, the universe is time, and the universe is space and time. Everything is shrouded. No one can escape the shrouding of these two huge rules except immortals.

The Xinghe Zhouguang Heart Sutra of Xingguang God Emperor, in which the Xinghe is the universe. The Xinghe constitutes a vast space, and the Zhouguang is the universe. The reason why this skill has unlimited mana and power is to occupy the universe!

Jiangnan guessed that after the death of the Xingguang God Emperor, his mana formed a vast space and the flow of cosmic light, which is really not aimless.

However, what really shocked him was that the Xingguang God Emperor had made extraordinary achievements in the huge field of time!

"If this God Emperor is still alive, I'm afraid his achievement will not be inferior to that of the dark earth God Emperor. It's a pity that he has been suppressed..."

They looked around one after another. They saw that they fell on a huge planet. There was another planet in the distance, emitting blue light. As they opened their eyes and looked into the distance, they saw that huge planets were slowly rotating, forming a magnificent river of stars composed of stars!

Star River!

Above the galaxy, pure starlight and cosmic light turn into a huge disk and cover the sky over the galaxy.

The stars under their feet and the stars in the distance are condensed from the God Emperor's Tao, and the starlight and cosmic light are also constructed by the God Emperor's Tao. Such a huge and spectacular scene cools people's hearts.

The surging mana in the emperor's coffin is too huge and vast. I'm afraid that the avenue in the body of the star God Emperor collapsed, which caused such a spectacular scene!

"Ancestors..." the lotus moon Saint whispered, her voice trembling.

They looked along the flow direction of the Star River and saw the center of the Star River, where the light was incomparably bright, like hundreds of millions of suns shining together.

In the divine light, a great figure sat there with his knees crossed, the stars were running around him, rolling and surging, and the starlight and Zeus light were covering his head and rotating slowly around him.

The figure was like an unimaginable giant, and all the stars and cosmic light came from his body.

He seems to be the center of the universe. Every move can set off a drastic change in the boundless world.

Unfortunately, he was motionless and had no vitality.

In him, time stopped passing, but people could still feel the smell of decay.

Even, they could not feel any divine fluctuation. The giant was like a dead universe.


The God of a Xingguang family mourned and wept. The strong of a Xingguang family knelt down one after another, worshipped the giant in the center of the Star River and wept loudly.

The lotus moon saint and Qingyue shangzun were crying like pear blossoms with rain. The strong people of this aristocratic family came with hope to welcome back their ancestors, but they didn't expect this scene.

Jiangnan's heart is also full of sadness. The star God Emperor I has had a rough life, and his fate makes people sigh. In his early years, his wife and children were separated, his family was broken, and he was left alone. He himself is an ordinary qualification. He is no different from ordinary monks, and he offended the family of God's ancestors.

However, he struggled hard, gradually rose, and finally became a generation of God Emperor, and became the strongest existence that ruled the world of the heavens.

Unexpectedly, he was unfortunately poisoned in his later years. A mysterious existence took advantage of his spiritual flaws and finally suppressed him. Now there is no chance of reincarnation.

The Legendary God Emperor disappeared completely in the world


There was another shock in Jiangnan's heart. He quickly looked up and saw that huge stars roared from the space outside the emperor's coffin and fell into the emperor's coffin. More and more stars poured in. The space outside the emperor's coffin was collapsing and the star river was flowing back rapidly, constantly strengthening the space inside the emperor's coffin!

This vision made Jiangnan imperceptibly sound his experience in the heaven prison and the nether earth, murmuring: "the extreme state of the emperor's way... The divine emperor of the nether earth and the holy queen of the Heavenly Mother proved the extreme state of the emperor's way, which made him not die completely..."

The Star River is constantly pouring in, and the space in the emperor's coffin is constantly stable, forming an independent and unique time and space, which is clearly an achievement that can be achieved by the extreme state of the emperor's way!

The extreme state of Huangdao has set foot on the edge of immortality. It is difficult to completely kill such a strong person, such as the netherworld God Emperor, the queen of Heavenly Mother, and the female emperor on the other side. They all create their own heaven and earth and exist forever in the world!

The Star River outside the emperor's coffin is still pouring in, the heaven and earth in the emperor's coffin are shaking, the independent time and space is more stable, and there are faint signs of turning into a complete world!

This kind of situation has not been seen in the tombs of other gods in Jiangnan. The ancient existence of Tongyou God Emperor, jiuxiao God Emperor, Zunyan God Emperor and so on. Although their tombs are magnificent, they do not have the scene in the coffin of Xingguang God Emperor, which shocked him even more!

This is beyond the realm of the emperor, the sign of the extreme realm of the emperor's way!

The extreme state of the emperor's way needs to repose on the heaven's way. Today, the road is controlled by nine gods and people who make up the sky, and no one can repose it. Therefore, the way to achieve the emperor's way is to open up a world and repose its own road in this world.

"After the Xingguang God Emperor was suppressed in the emperor's coffin, he was afraid that he did not die, but used his remaining life to break through and break through to the extreme state of the emperor's way..."

Jiangnan whispered: "if he breaks through the extreme state of Huangdao, he is afraid that he will not die completely..."

"What are you talking about?" the lotus moon Saint heard him talking to herself, suddenly raised her head and looked at him in disbelief.

Jiangnan was about to speak. Suddenly, an old voice sounded in the space in the emperor's coffin: "are you my son..."

The voice awakened everyone from their grief. Their bodies were shocked. They looked up one after another. They saw that the old giant in the middle of the Star River didn't know when to open his eyes and his eyes fell on them. His eyes were full of kindness.

Looking at the south of the Yangtze River, I saw that the old giant still had no vitality and was still full of death. This situation was somewhat the same as that of the nether earth God Emperor, in a state of neither life nor death.

"Ancestor!" the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, the saint of the lotus moon and others were ecstatic and lost their voice.

Jiangnan looked excited. Although the ancient existence of Xingguang God Emperor was never alive, he never died. He was able to build the extreme state of emperor Dao under the suppression of zhenhun array!

In his world, he is still barely alive. Out of this world, he will disappear. This is the achievement of the extreme state of Huangdao, neither life nor death!

The Xingguang God Emperor demonstrated the extreme state of the emperor's way in the emperor's coffin, which shows that he can no longer leave the emperor's coffin in the future, otherwise he will die.

Unless he can break through, improve the world he has opened up, and repeat the way of heaven in this world, he will be more perfect than the world on the other side of the female emperor on the other side and become an immortal.

However, this is obviously a thousand difficulties. The Xingguang God Emperor still has a long way to go.

The ancient being opened his mouth and sighed, "you, get up. I have something to say to you..."

After a long time, Jiangnan, Qingyue shangzun, lianyue saint and others flew out of the emperor's coffin. Many strong men of Xingguang family seemed happy and sad. After a while, the Qing Moon said to Jiangnan, "please the sect leader about the ancestral family..."

Jiangnan slowly spit out a mouthful of turbid air and said in a deep voice: "don't worry, Jiang is tight lipped and won't reveal a word."

Qingyue shangzun nodded gently and suddenly said in a fierce voice: "carry the coffin! Go home!"

Many strong men of Xingyue aristocratic family lifted up the emperor's coffin and flew to the starry sky. The emperor of the Qing moon and the saint of the lotus moon saluted Jiangnan.

Jiangnan saluted. When I looked up, I saw two women escorting the emperor's coffin into the depths of the starry sky. Many gods escorted the emperor's coffin, some beautiful and some dignified.

There was melancholy, emotion, comfort and fear in his heart.

"The words that the star God Emperor said in the emperor's coffin are really amazing..."

When he remembered the words of the God Emperor, he couldn't help fighting another cold war. At that time, the star God Emperor said such a sentence.

"Among the sky mending gods and men, I'm afraid someone is no longer the original sky mending gods and men, but is robbed by some evil existence..."