Chapter 1054

Name:Exalted Emperor Author:zhai zhu
The heaven refining array is a large array that can refine immortals to death. It can refine the heavenly way of the universe. It is known as the first fierce array in the eight universes. How huge and terrible is the power when this array is sacrificed in the hands of the creator of the God Emperor?

At this time, the God of heaven suddenly burst out, which was beyond everyone's expectation. He was severely hurt by the Taoist king and xuanhuang ancestor. Everyone even including the Taoist king thought that he had no power of World War I and could not sacrifice the array of refining heaven array.

Because the Taoist king and the xuanhuang ancestor are so powerful that they can't let the God Emperor stay and fight with them. If they don't do their best, there will be only a dead end!

But Du Tianshen emperor stayed. Not only that, he even started to stay when he fought with the Taoist King last time, retaining part of his strength, so that he and the Taoist King were both defeated!

Last time, the reason why he kept his hand was today, in order to catch everyone!

If he refined all the heavenly ways of the two universes, the existence of dozens of emperors and Taoist extremes, the strong ones of the two universes, and the strong ones such as Taoist king, xuanhuang and creator xuanzu, who are not inferior to immortals, to what extent would his strength be strong?

You know, the power of a simple Taoist king has surpassed that of ordinary immortals, and there are many immortal tools and heaven's most precious treasures. If these powerful people and magic weapons are completely refined and swallowed up, the strength of the God Emperor is bound to reach an unprecedented peak, and even catch up with the ancient existence of the fairy world!

He is a chaotic ancient god. The way of cultivation is different from that of gods and immortals. He doesn't need to cultivate the emperor's way to become an immortal!

The xuanzu of fortune rushed forward, the blissful old Buddha and the Guangwu God Emperor came from one side, and the queen of heavenly mother also left the king of Taoism and rushed to him. Four peerless figures beat around the God Emperor quickly. In an instant, I didn't know how many moves to fight, and the immortal Taoism soared, and the independent time and space in the TIANLIAN array collapsed!

"Poof -"

Du Tianshen emperor looked up and vomited blood. He was wounded by the xuanzu of fortune and the blissful old Buddha. He had been seriously injured when he started fighting with the Taoist king. At the moment, his injury has not healed!

However, the TIANLIAN array was rolled up to separate time and space, and then separated the xuanzu of creator and the old blissful Buddha. Then the rolling imperial Tao flew out of a demon emperor and emperors and poured into the body of the God of heaven. When the xuanzu of creator, the old blissful Buddha and the queen of heavenly mother were killed, the God of heaven had recovered from his injury and was in high spirits!

The TIANLIAN array rolled again, and countless changes were derived in an instant, which separated the xuanzu of fortune and others again. Only the blissful old Buddha was released near him.

The blissful old Buddha was shocked and turned quickly and left. However, seeing the vast void, he had no way back, so he had to turn over and fight with the God of heaven.

In this battle, the blissful old Buddha gave full play to his unprecedented combat power, and even sacrificed his demon subduing pestle, which is the treasure of proving the emperor. Today's demon subduing pestle has already become a magic weapon for the power to approach immortal tools, which shines in his hands.

The golden body of the blissful old Buddha is spread out, holding a demon subduing pestle. His golden body is immortal, and the strength is comparable to the chaotic ancient god of Du Tianshen emperor. The two ancient beings fight with their fists to the flesh, breaking the earth. They fight with their flesh!

The two men, one like an ancient god who created the world and the other like a golden Buddha poured with pure gold, fought to the most intense time in an instant!


The pestle for subduing demons burst into pieces, and then the golden body of the blissful old Buddha trembled. The emperor's way and the half que fairy way flew out of his body, and Hula flew into the body of the God Emperor.


His gold body exploded and broke to pieces.

Du Tianshen emperor vomited blood and was seriously injured. However, he absorbed and refined the magic cultivation of the blissful old Buddha, which made his breath soar. Not only did his injury heal, but also his magic soared!

"Daoyou, this is food!"

Du Tianshen emperor laughed and was in high spirits. He urged the array to roll up the xuanzu of fortune. The xuanzu of fortune was shocked and his body shape was vertical. He jumped from time to time in the TIANLIAN array. However, the changes of the TIANLIAN array were so complicated that he was extremely fast that he was gradually brought closer!

"I, the ancient god of chaos, pioneered the world and fed on all kinds of creatures. Even immortals are our food! And you are the food I planted. Now it's the harvest season!" Du Tianshen emperor sneered at the approaching xuanzu of creation.

The xuanzu of fortune was terrified, and those hell emperors and heaven emperors who had not yet died were also terrified. The imperial Tao in his body was constantly refined and swarmed to the God Emperor!

Even, the emperor was trapped in the top ten treasures of heaven, and was refined by the heaven refining array, so he couldn't get away!

At this time, Jiangnan shuttled through the heaven refining array and flew to a great emperor who respected the world of heaven. With a flash of Fairy Light in his eyebrow, he included a great emperor in his eyebrow!

He is proficient in the heaven refining array, and his cultivation has not been damaged. Moreover, most of the energy of the Heavenly God Emperor at the moment is focused on the xuanzu and others. He can come and go freely in the heaven refining array.

However, Jiangnan also knows that if the xuanzu of fortune, Guangwu and the queen of heavenly mother are swallowed up by the God of Du Tian, he will become the next target of the God of Du Tian!

At that time, even if he was proficient in the heaven refining array, he would surely die!

Therefore, he must rescue everyone before the death of xuanzu, and then rush into the heaven refining array!

Hutian little doll, Tongyou, Dihuang, Jiang Xue, Xi Yingqing, Xingguang, mingtu and others were all rescued by him and sent to his purple house. Jiangnan immediately rushed to xuanhuang Laozu. At this time, xuanhuang Laozu was rolled up by liantian array and sent to the center of the array!

Jiangnan's figure flickered and chased the xuanhuang ancestor, but it was obvious that the God Emperor had noticed him. Hundreds of millions of changes were derived from the formation in an instant, so that he could not get close to the xuanhuang ancestor all the time!

"Taoist friend xuanhuang, let's go together!" the emperor of heaven rolled up xuanhuang's ancestor and sneered.


Xuanhuang's figure accelerated abruptly. The next moment, he appeared in front of Du Tianshen emperor, with a palm printed on Du Tianshen emperor's chest.

Du Tianshen emperor vomited blood and flew out upside down. He said in a surprised voice, "refining the sky array? How can you my array?"

Old xuanhuang laughed. He was so weak that he shook his body and wielded all kinds of exquisite magic powers. He said with a smile: "I can see anyone's skills at a glance. You are all friends of heaven. Although your heaven refining array is exquisite, I have studied it for so long, how can I not?"

Jiangnan was stunned. He immediately turned to the Taoist king and flew away. He said in his heart: "old ancestor xuanhuang also hid his strength. None of these old monsters who mend the sky is good..."

Xuanhuang finally showed his amazing side. In his hands, the immortal powers of the Taoist King emerged, fierce and unparalleled, like an emperor who suppressed the universe, forcing the God Emperor to retreat day by day!

Suddenly, his magic power changed again and turned into the God building of creation. Unexpectedly, even the magic power of the xuanzu of creation reappeared in his hands!

Then, many powerful magical powers, such as Hu Zhong immortal soldier of Hu Tian's ancestor, heaven prison after the Holy Mother, flying immortal light of heaven and earth's ancestor, female emperor on the other side, Golden Bridge on the other side, reappeared in his hands. They are exquisite and even as good as these powerful beings themselves!

The God Emperor of heaven was in a hurry. The subtlety of xuanhuang's divine power, even his TIANLIAN array, caught him off guard.

Seeing this, the xuanzu of fortune was not overjoyed. He didn't escape and approached here. He planned to join hands with the xuanhuang Laozu to kill the God Emperor!

However, Du Tianshen emperor quickly stood firm and began to counterattack, laughing: "Taoist Xuan Huang, I also admire your talent, but you spent too much energy on studying other people's skills, so that you are rusty to polish yourself! Only your own way is the way to reach the peak. Other people's skills and magical powers can only be used for reference, but you spent almost all your energy! You hide so long, and you are doomed to lose in my hand Yes! "

He found out the means of xuanhuang Laozu, so he no longer tied his hands and feet, but opened up and closed, hit hard, ignored all the means of xuanhuang Laozu, and pointed directly at the noumenon of xuanhuang Laozu!

Old xuanhuang was finally hurt and vomited blood. Seeing this, he quickly turned around and ran away. Old xuanhuang was also running away. He was proficient in the TIANLIAN array. The speed of running away was still higher than that of Xuanhua and soon surpassed that of Xuanhua.

However, at this time, the TIANLIAN array changed again, and the God Emperor appeared next to xuanhuang.

Although master xuanhuang was proficient in the TIANLIAN array, how could his array change compare with the founder of the God Emperor?

The two fought quickly. Finally, xuanhuang's father killed his blood, drank his hatred and fell to the ground. His whole body was refined and swallowed by the God of heaven, and his body died!

At this time, Jiangnan had come to the Taoist king and wanted to include the Taoist king in his purple house. Suddenly, he hesitated.

At this time, the Taoist king still seems to be languishing, but when Jiangnan sees the means of xuanhuang's ancestors, he can't help wondering whether the Taoist king is like xuanhuang and Dutian, and has his own cards yet to be used.

Under his gaze, the Taoist King's eyes gradually brightened up, which was too bright.

Jiangnan's heart is more certain that the presence in front of him must have his cards and confidence.

"Elder martial brother, why didn't you save old xuanhuang?" Jiangnan looked back and saw that old xuanhuang died in the war and was swallowed up by the God of heaven. He asked with pity.

The Taoist king looked strange and whispered, "Taoist Xuan and Huang want to take this opportunity to escape the robbery. If I save him, wouldn't it be bad for him?"

Jiangnan was thinking about the meaning of this sentence. Suddenly, the Taoist King brushed his sleeve. Jiangnan suddenly felt that the sky was spinning and could not help being sent out of the heaven refining array. The Taoist King's voice came and said calmly: "This is the war of thirteen people that we suppressed ancient immortals at the beginning. I feel guilty for implicating you, younger martial brother. Younger martial brother, take them away from the East pole. Whether you can survive this war and fly immortals will be in one fell swoop!"

Jiangnan frowned. He was about to rush into the heaven refining array. He suddenly stopped and looked down. He couldn't help taking a breath of air conditioning!

At the bottom of the heaven refining array, huge immortal runes emerged, like gold billboards, pasted below to block the void below the heaven refining array.

These immortal runes contain boundless power. A rune is equivalent to a fairy. There are 99 runes in the void under the TIANLIAN array alone!

Then, more runes flew out, also ninety-nine sides, sealed the left side of the TIANLIAN array, and then ninety-nine runes flew out and pasted on the right side of the array.

Before long, one side of the immortal Rune shrouded the upper, lower, left and right sides of the TIANLIAN array into a huge cube, golden!

"The fairy talisman refined by Zixiao fairy King..." Jiangnan took a breath of air-conditioning.

People don't know that the Taoist king has been inherited by the Zixiao fairy king. They all think that the Taoist king is a disciple of the ancestor of Hutian. However, Jiangnan has been to the place where the emperor preached Dharma, but they know that the Taoist king has a close relationship with the Zixiao fairy king!

Moreover, the Taoist king once vaguely mentioned to him the communication with the ancient existence of the fairy world, and discussed with that existence the way to fight the catastrophe.

At that time, Jiangnan didn't take it to heart. Now it seems that the Taoist king has already got the treasure of Zixiao fairy king and planned for the last war for a long time!

The xuanzu of fortune is waiting for an opportunity to catch all his opponents, and the emperor of heaven is also waiting for an opportunity to catch all his opponents, so is the king of Taoism!

Now, his chance has come.