Chapter 1083

Name:Exalted Emperor Author:zhai zhu
"Is this throne the throne of the demon world emperor?"

Jiangnan sat on the throne of Qinglian fairy palace and looked far away. He saw all the worlds of the demon world close to his eyes. He couldn't help but exclaim: "sitting here rules all the worlds of the demon world. All the worlds are in his eyes, but nothing can hide from the eyes and ears of the great emperor on the throne. A good place is really a good place. This kind of place also exists in my three realms, which is the great Luotian I opened up."

Ren Xiantian stepped forward and said with a smile, "since your majesty Emperor Xuan already has Da Luotian, why do you want to ascend the throne of my demon world?"

He is the great emperor of the demon world. He should sit on the throne. Now that the throne is occupied by Jiangnan, he is not angry at all, as if it had nothing to do with him.

"I sit here for nothing else, just to show that I have the ability to sit here."

Jiangnan's eyes fell on his face, then slowly swept over the faces of Chang sang, Lei Zu and Wu Yun, and said calmly: "I have no idea about the position of the great emperor in the demon world, but if the demon world gives me a hand, it doesn't hurt if I grab the position of the great emperor in the demon world."

He tapped the armrest of the throne with his fingers and said with a smile: "I came to the demon world just to move away the treasure land originally belonging to my three worlds, but you are aggressive. I really boasted the name of Emperor Xuan? Do you really think that I dare not kill all the emperors and demon emperors in the demon world and be the great emperor of your demon world?"

The five cloud emperor Zu's face was covered with cold sweat, mixed with blood, and his voice was hoarse: "Emperor Xuan, don't forget that your son Jiang Zhe is still in my demon world! Don't you worry about your son's life..."


A slap slapped him in the face. The emperor of the five clouds lost all his old teeth. He was slapped, vomited blood in his mouth, and crashed into the wall of the Qinglian fairy palace.

The other two emperors of the demon world were furious and shouted angrily.

"Wait a minute!"

Ren congenital hurried to take a step forward, and a fine cold sweat came out on his forehead. He stopped the two emperor ancestors and said in a deep voice: "don't worry, Emperor xuandao friend, my demon world will never move your son!"

Jiangnan took back his palm and said with a smile, "don't worry about the congenital demon emperor. As long as you older generation don't fight, I won't intervene even if my son dies at the hands of others. However, if you think you can threaten me with my son's life, it's a big mistake. Don't force me to wash the demon world with blood."

Ren Xiantian was solemn and said, "don't worry, Taoist friend. Although Ren is not talented, he won't do such things. However, Taoist friend, you also know that emperor Gou Chen is the first flying immortal in our demon world. This Qinglian fairy palace is the hall left by his old man. If you kill in our demon world, I'm afraid you can't leave alive!"

Jiangnan laughed, stood up and said, "so I didn't kill anyone here, but I also gave King Gou Chen a face. Taoist friend Ren, the throne is still yours, but you'd better not let me sit on it again. If I sit on this seat again, my feet will be full of corpses."

Ren congenitally nodded: "no!"

"Stay." Jiangnan strode out of Qinglian fairy palace.

Ren xiantianmu sent him away. After a long time, he suddenly sighed and whispered, "Emperor Xuan, is it strong enough before flying immortal? Sure enough, he can afford the name of Emperor Xuan..."

The three emperors trembled with anger in the south of the Yangtze River. Lei Zu suddenly said angrily, "congenital demon emperor, why didn't you urge Qinglian fairy palace just now? This Qinglian fairy palace is a fairy weapon left by the great emperor. Its power is boundless. If you urge this treasure, how can you allow him to be arrogant?"

"I urge the fairy palace alone, not Emperor Xuan's opponent."

Ren congenital said calmly, "at the moment when I urge the fairy palace, the three elders are dead. He won't give you a chance to urge the fairy palace."

Lei Zu is angry, but he also knows that Ren Xiantian is not wrong. At that time, the Qi machine in Jiangnan has locked them. It can be said that their life and death are between the thoughts of Jiangnan. If Ren Xiantian urges Qinglian fairy palace, Jiangnan will use thunder to kill them first!

The three of them have been seriously injured in the previous hard fight with Jiangnan. It's great that they can exert 50% of their strength under serious injury. If Jiangnan kills them, they will die!

"Emperor Xuan has another son!"

The five cloud emperor suddenly sneered: "just now he said that as long as we older generation don't deal with his son, he won't care about his son's life and death. In that case, let my disciples go out and kill his son!"

Ren Xiantian frowned and was about to speak out against him. Lei Zu already clapped his hands and said with a smile: "that's reasonable! My disciples are already strong at the level of God and monarch. It's no problem to kill this son. Let Di Xuan be dumb and see how arrogant he is!"

Ren Xiantian sighed and said, "the three emperors are in troubled times. Even our demon world has to produce immortal bodies to deal with the nightfall robbery of the gods. It's really unwise to make an evil relationship with Emperor Xuan. Please think twice."

"Congenital demon emperor, you don't have to worry about it."

Leizu Lengleng Road: "Four of our seven ancestors were killed by him. We have to pay back our deep blood feud! Besides, when the gods rob us at dusk, will the existence of the fairyland be able to sit still? The existence of the fairyland will certainly step in and destroy the great devil. We need to worry about this and that. Emperor Xuan deceived people too much. Now he killed his son, just give him a little punishment until the gods rob us at dusk Come, my demon world, demon fairy lower world, come and argue with him again! "

Ren Xiantian frowned and said, "several emperors have been in high positions for a long time. They have developed such a temperament that no one pays attention to them. They can't afford any loss. If they annoy Emperor Xuan, I'm afraid the remaining three emperors may not live to the end..."

The identity of emperor Zu is still above the great emperor, and his words are not binding on the three emperor Zu. Ren Tiantian can only let them do it.

At this time, Jiangnan had returned to the three realms and came to the golden palace of the great Luotian Xuantian.

He went to the demon world for more than six years. At this time, the immortal body in the great Luo sky was still not born, and the twilight robbery of the gods still did not come, which made him wonder.

"The immortal body was born in response to the robbery. The immortal body was not born, which means that the great demon who set off the twilight robbery of the gods has not been born. If this scourge is not born, my son can't be kept in his mother's stomach all the time?"

Jiangnan walked into the Lingxiao temple, worshipped the gods, and briefed him on the large and small events that had happened in the past six years.

Over the past six years, a lot of big and small things have happened, but the most important thing is to focus on the Buddhist scriptures from the east to the West. The heavenly court has made many obstacles to the Buddhist scriptures from the East. The four holy kings and many gods in the heavenly court will descend to the earth and block the way to the West.

However, the Buddha from the East brought in the strong ones in the Great Western Heaven Buddha world, captured the four holy kings and sent them to the Great Western Heaven Buddha world. Originally, the strong ones in the Great Western Heaven were still somewhat restrained, not too much, but they have become more and more rampant recently.

"His Majesty's Mount, the God vulture demon king, was also captured, and the golden emperor, also fell into the hands of the Great Western Heaven. Later, the empress of heaven sent an order to the Great Western Heaven, and the Buddha emperor returned the God vulture demon king, but he was unwilling to put it back to the golden emperor, saying that the golden emperor was the mother of the Buddha."

"The four holy kings are all divine kings. They take millions of gods and demons to the lower world as demons, block the way of the Buddha from the East, and try to save the great holy king. However, they were plotted by the great western sky, and the millions of gods and Demons also killed countless. The remaining gods and demons were swept away by the strong ones of the great western sky and sent to Xumi mountain."

"In addition, your majesty, the nest of green birds on the emperor's tree was also captured and sent to Xumi mountain."

"There are also many young talents in my three circles who have been captured. Some people have been confused by the eastern Buddha and took refuge in the Buddha."

"Although the Buddha came from the east to the west, he still didn't go out of my three realms at this time. This guy is going to borrow my three realms' avenue to prove the emperor, steal my three realms' Avenue, and then go to the Buddha realm to prove it again!"

"Moreover, the Buddha from the East has contact with the kings of hell, and has flirted with some of them! Some of them have contact with him!"

"The monk is plotting against me. I'm afraid he has great ambitions for my three realms!"


The emperors and gods of the Manchu Dynasty looked at the south of the Yangtze River. The south of the Yangtze River was silent for a moment, and suddenly said with a smile: "I allowed him to preach in my three realms, not to drag the talents of my three realms to the Great West. I have only a decision on this matter. What else do you want to play?"

"Your Majesty, I have something to play! Emperor Shaoxu reported that the bodies of the four magic immortals in the magic fairy hall were stolen. I don't know who did it. It's no small matter that the bodies of the four magic immortals were stolen. Someone must be plotting in the dark!"

"I also have my own! The later earth fairy king and the Zixiao fairy king have given many treasures, which are now collected in the Tianyi hall and guarded by heavy troops. Please decide."

"I have one! The way of heaven is restless, and there are many strange phenomena in all parts of the three realms. It seems that there is a sign of chaos caused by evil spirits. The supervisor of heaven is in a mess. He explores all parts of the world and finds no evil spirits."


"Your majesty!"

Three missing Big Buddha stepped out of the line, his hands together, and his treasure was solemn. Suddenly, his majesty disappeared. Hei hei said with a smile: "Your Majesty, the Little Buddha is going to prove the emperor, the emperor robbery..."

Jiangnan suddenly remembered that he had said to sanque that there would be a disaster when he proved the emperor. Looking at the monk's posture, he had already reached the perfect state of the God King, but he was not in the three realms, and sanque didn't dare to prove the emperor.

"Three lack Taoist friends, you can prove the emperor now."

Jiangnan stretched out his hand, and a magic power flew out of his fingertips, rushed into the belly of SANKE Giant Buddha, and said with a smile: "I'll plant a magic power for you to ensure that you will be free from robbery and difficulty. However, you can't prove the emperor in the great Luo heaven. You have to go to the abyss hell to prove the emperor, so that you can get the greatest benefit."

Sangai Buddha was overjoyed. He hurried out of the Lingxiao temple and went to the abyss hell. When he arrived at the abyss hell, he immediately aroused the sympathy between heaven and man and came to Korea.

Jiangnan finished handling the government affairs and went to the back palace to see tixuanwei. Tixuanwei has been concerned about the affairs of the court. Seeing him return, she smiled and said, "Your Majesty, what is the robbery of the three missing emperor certificates?"

"It's just robbery."

Jiangnan smiled: "His master taught him the ten thousand prison Hong Lu Sutra, which is not good intention. The three missing ten thousand prison Hong Lu Sutra is to swallow magic weapons to cultivate the divine body. When he proves the emperor, the power of the ten thousand prison Hong Lu Sutra will reach an unprecedented peak! This skill itself is a means of refining treasure, not for cultivation, but for refining an unprecedented magic weapon. He proves the ten thousand prison Hong Lu Sutra at the time of the emperor Will turn him into a huge furnace of ten thousand prisons, with great power, even better than the emperor's extreme soldiers! "

Tixuanwei was surprised and said in silence, "isn't it dangerous for the three lack of Taoist friends? Isn't he refining himself into a magic weapon and fulfilling his master?"


Jiangnan waved, and there was a situation in the abyss hell in the void. He smiled and said, "at first, I found the strangeness of this skill, so I said that there would be a death robbery when he testified to the emperor. Now I plant a magic power in his body, which is enough to protect him from illness and stronger than before! You see, Sanke will become a big stove."

The emptiness is like a mirror, shining the scene of the abyss hell. When the three lack Buddha led thousands of ways to the court, suddenly the fat body vibrated, expanded outward and became fatter and fatter. The skin of the whole body showed an ancient bronze color, just like the casting of divine gold. Suddenly, the three lack Buddha turned into a large and friendless divine furnace and floated in the air!

"It has really become a stove..."

Tixuanwei was stunned. She saw that countless heaven and earth roads were still pouring in, swarming into the ten thousand prison furnace, making the power of the furnace stronger and stronger, surpassing the treasure of the emperor, and even chasing the extreme soldiers of the emperor, and the power was still improving!

"Hehe, my baby..."

An ancient figure appeared next to the flood furnace transformed by three deficiencies. A huge shadow shrouded the divine furnace and rolled around the imperial way. He said happily: "it's not worth my hard cultivation of you for so long. Now it's finally the time to harvest. Take advantage of this good opportunity to refine you into the most powerful soldier of the imperial way and make you the first magic weapon among the most powerful soldiers of the imperial way!"

"As long as this treasure is refined, Emperor Xuan, I have the confidence to fight with him!"