Chapter 1101

Name:Exalted Emperor Author:zhai zhu
Jiangnan's heart is even more creepy. The battle of the integration of heaven and Taoism in those years was ostensibly just a battle between the king of Taoism and Du Tian. Unexpectedly, it was just the tip of an iceberg floating on the water. There were more dangerous battles under the water!

Now he is afraid that if these giants of the fairyland and chaotic heaven spread to the three realms, he is afraid that the whole three realms will be destroyed!

This battle between the fairyland and the giant of the chaotic kingdom of heaven, not to mention he and the emperors, even the Zixiao fairy king, are small people in it!

"Although I am a fairy king, the eight universes have been divided up. I don't have much power in the fairy world. I only trained a few useless disciples, which are not as good as you."

The Immortal King of Qianyuan sighed and looked at the south of the Yangtze River. He said pitifully, "there are many immortals under the command of other people, even the fairy king, but I am sparsely populated. I don't even have an errand runner. I need to practice everything. If it's a big event, it doesn't matter. It's not a shame. The key is that I need to start myself for big farts and lose face."

Jiangnan sighed and said, "where are your disciples?"

"They don't work hard!"

Emperor Qianyuan stamped his feet and sighed: "They are not as good as you, and they don't have the chance to participate in the twilight robbery of the gods. But you can take advantage of the twilight robbery of the gods to destroy the great demons. Many immortals will experience this great robbery and take the opportunity to become immortals. You have the strength and influence to bring these immortals under your command, expand my power and make thousands of immortals under my command! What do you think? As long as you are willing to be my disciple, I will let you You can completely control the sky umbrella canopy and become the most dazzling figure in the twilight robbery of the gods! "

He looked forward and stared at Jiangnan.

Jiangnan was silent for a moment and suddenly said with a smile: "Taoist brother, you are the Immortal King of the fairyland. In your eyes, I am just a mole ant. Do you want to value me so much and control me? Being controlled by others is not a happy thing after all..."

"No, no! You're wrong!"

Qianyuan Xianjun zhengse said: "Although I control you, I don't really control you to death. You have the freedom you want, and I don't need you to fight for me, nor do I want you to work for me. On the contrary, with my support in this twilight robbery of the gods, you can grab the best interests! Kill the great devil who set off the twilight robbery of the gods, press three thousand immortal bodies and achieve the great cause of the world, no The prestige of the world! In the fairy world, you have so much power that you can become the leader of one party and a figure who can be tied with the other eight fairy kings in one fell swoop. No one dares to underestimate you! All you have to do is be my disciple and support me, that's all! "

Jiangnan seemed to be excited by what he said. He blinked and said with a smile: "Taoist brother, can't you and I be Taoist friends? Why do you have to be a master and apprentice?"

The Immortal King of Qianyuan was dumb and said with a smile, "No. look at the Taoist king. How arrogant he is. He is not willing to be controlled by the Zixiao fairy king? Why do you struggle?"

Jiangnan sighed and murmured, "I'm not the king of Taoism... Brother Taoism, I really don't want to offend you..."

Xianjun Qianyuan revolved around him for two weeks and said with a smile: "I know you have high morale and hard bones, but you should know that you cultivate the mysterious fetal Scripture of the devil's prison. You have a deep relationship with me and can't jump out of my palm. Moreover, I'm really not bad to you. If I really force you, why wait until now? When you fight with those bodies created by heaven just now, I can start. Can you stop me?"

Jiangnan bowed down to thank him and said seriously: "Taoist brother, I was really merciful just now. Zichuan was very grateful, but I really don't want to be controlled. I really just want to make friends with you, just friends. And..."

He smiled and said, "I'm sure to jump out of your demon prison. Can you give me a chance, Taoist brother?"

The Immortal King of Qianyuan Dynasty looked slightly and said with interest, "tell me about it."

Jiangnan's spirit perked up and said with a smile, "Taoist brother, I'll make a small bet with you. If I can jump out of your magic prison xuantai Sutra and expel your emperor Taoist body, Taoist brother, don't be angry. Let's call each other good friends, ha ha, leave a good fate, and meet in the fairy world in the future. What do you think?"

The Immortal King of Qianyuan was dumb and said: "Jump out of my demon prison xuantai Sutra? If you can jump out, your future achievements will not be inferior to me. It's not a shame to praise each other with you. Unfortunately, you can't jump out. Even if you can jump out, you're not my opponent now. Tianumbrella Huagai, you only control half, my Taoist body controls the other half, and you've been badly hurt. I take advantage of you, don't you Is it my opponent? "

Jiangnan said with a smile, "I'm happy to gamble. Taoist brother, do you want to gamble?"

"You talk to me about things and delay time, just to heal the Tao injury and restore mana, but I can see that your injury is still very serious..."

The Immortal King of Qianyuan looked at him up and down, his eyes brightened, stroked his hands and said with a smile, "OK! Bet! If you can really jump out of the mysterious fetal Sutra of the devil prison and expel my Taoist body, I will not be angry, but also have to make friends with your peers! But if you can't do these two points, you can be my disciple and walk in the lower world for me. In fact, being my disciple is not a shame."

"It's a deal!"

Jiangnan breathed a sigh of relief, sat down, raised his hand and said, "please sit down, Taoist brother, and see how I can jump out of your magic prison xuantai Sutra."

Qianyuan Xianjun sat down and stared at him closely.

The canopy of the sky umbrella turns slowly, and Jiangnan sits there, which should be absorbed in understanding. The Immortal King of Qianyuan is very patient. It seems that Jiangnan has been sitting here for tens of millions of years, and he won't move.

After a long time, the body in Jiangnan shook slightly, and the back of his head hummed. A god wheel appeared. The eight God wheels stood behind his head and turned slightly. The eight God wheels were broken and dim.

Among the divine wheels, there are eight dilapidated Daotai, sixteen more dilapidated Shenfu, and a heavenly palace full of broken bricks and tiles.

His eight fold heaven was even more dilapidated. The heaven collapsed, emitting thick smoke, and there were dead gods and Demons everywhere. A lot of palaces in the heaven fell down, the spirit sea evaporated, and the sacred mountain was broken.

His powerful divine wheel, broad Taoist platform, towering Shenfu, vast heavenly palace and vast and solemn heavenly court jointly built his Taoist foundation and supported his earth shaking cultivation.

But now, he is almost on the edge of the broken road base. It can be seen how tragic the war was just now. Jiangnan is also a near death. He has gone through a lot of hardships to win!

Indeed, as Xianjun of the Qianyuan Dynasty said, the south of the Yangtze River has been greatly damaged. At present, he does not have the strength to fight with him.

Jiangnan has experienced fierce battles in the past. Now it's great to have one or two tenths of its strength left!

"Taoist brother, your magic prison xuantai Sutra makes me have today's achievements. These divine wheels, Taoist platforms, divine houses, heavenly palaces and heavenly courts come from the cultivation of magic prison xuantai Sutra and the integration of all the world's dharmas."

Jiangnan recalled the way he got the mysterious fetal Scripture of the devil prison from Jiang Xue and cultivated it so far. He said with emotion: "if I hadn't had the skill of Taoist brother, I would have died already. Where could I achieve today?"

"So it's more difficult for you to jump out of the category of mysterious fetal Sutra in demon prison." the Immortal King of Qianyuan smiled.

"In fact, even if Taoist brother doesn't appear, I will create my own skill."

Jiangnan smiled and said, "I was hurt so badly, which is what I expected. I even wish I was hurt so badly, because only with such a heavy injury can I cut off the Taoist base cast by the magic prison xuantai Scripture for me! The magic prison xuantai Scripture is so powerful that it is very difficult to cut off this skill and cast the Taoist base. And the best time to cut off the Taoist base is to fight with the heavenly Tao of the three realms!"

He suddenly gave a clear drink, and the sky umbrella was constantly shaken in the canopy. A Yuanshi Avenue came and rushed into a divine wheel with a Shua!

The divine wheel suddenly collapsed and disintegrated, turned into the rolling Qi of Yuanshi, and completely melted in Yuanshi Avenue!

Then, the second divine wheel melts, turns into the Qi of Yuanshi, and melts into Yuanshi Avenue, and then the third and fourth

Soon, all the eight divine wheels were transformed into Yuanshi Avenue and completely compatible with Yuanshi Avenue!

Self chopping God wheel!

The Immortal King of Qianyuan was stunned. He thought for a long time, but he never thought that Jiangnan was so cruel. In order to jump out of the category of mysterious fetal Scripture in the demon prison, he cut off the divine wheel and completely destroyed the foundation of his first avenue!

The divine wheel is the Taoist base in the Taoist base. Anyone knows the danger of destroying this Taoist base. When the divine wheel is destroyed, the Taoist platform, divine house, heavenly palace and heavenly court will have no support. The violent mana will collapse and explode immediately without the restriction of the divine wheel, completely destroy the people who cut the Taoist base, and the spirit will be blown to pieces!

However, unexpectedly, although the mana of Jiangnan was constantly shaking, it did not collapse. Daotai, Shenfu, Tiangong and Tianting still stood there.

Qianyuan Xianjun was stunned at first, then suddenly: "his mana was exhausted, and there was little energy left in the heaven palace of Daotai Shenfu. Even if it was destroyed, it could not destroy him. Moreover, he could urge half of the sky umbrella canopy to suppress it, and there was such a wonderful Avenue to guard it. If Daotai Tianting wanted to collapse, it could not collapse."

Jiangnan looked solemn. Yuanshi Avenue suddenly vibrated gently and turned into a bright circle behind his head.

The divine wheel transformed by this avenue contains endless views of the avenue, filled with all kinds of divine lights, as well as all kinds of immortal lights, as well as eternal lights and extinct lights, which are bright and moving.

The rotation of this divine wheel actually supports the weight of Daotai, Shenfu, Tiangong and Tianting, making the magic realm of Jiangnan more stable!

Yuanshi divine wheel!

"A heavy divine wheel?" the Immortal King of Qianyuan lost his voice.

"A heavy divine wheel and a great road, including all the ways in the world and evolving all the laws in the world, are enough."

Jiangnan smiled, and the divine wheel behind his head turned. Yuanshi Avenue invaded the divine wheel sect, invaded the eight Taoist platforms, and began to erode and assimilate the dilapidated Taoist platforms!

Self chopping platform!

Qianyuan Xianjun was shocked. In his opinion, Jiangnan's move was tantamount to self destruction. In order to get out of the demon prison, xuantaijing didn't die, but Jiangnan was so calm that he hesitated.

It took a little longer for the Tao platform to melt, but it didn't take long. All the eight fold Tao platforms disappeared in Yuanshi Avenue!

Then, to the astonishment of the Immortal King of Qianyuan Dynasty, a platform of the great road filled with the spirit of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty was generated in the divine wheel and naturally floated under the divine house, supporting a lot of divine houses, heavenly palaces and heavenly courts!

Yuanshi Daotai!

Shenfu began to melt in Yuanshi Avenue, which was slower than the melting platform. Jiangnan began to cut Shenfu itself.

Xianjun of the Qianyuan Dynasty was numb. He saw the current means of Jiangnan. He knew that Jiangnan had indeed created a skill beyond the mysterious fetal Sutra of the demon prison. He even expected that he would suffer such a heavy blow, so he was so calm!

"The boy's mind is extremely meticulous. Maybe I'll be planted in his hands today..."

Jiangnan urged the sky umbrella canopy to bless himself, making his time pass hundreds of times faster than the outside world. Unconsciously, he has experienced a hundred years, and finally turned the Shenfu into a Yuanshi Shenfu.

Immediately, he began to turn to the heavenly palace. His heavenly palace is only one, but this heavenly palace is also the heavenly palace he forged when he practiced the mysterious fetal Scripture of the demon prison. It belongs to one of the Taoist foundations and must be turned away!

This heavenly palace has laid the foundation for him to become a Taoist. It takes him more time to remove it. However, with the power of the heavenly umbrella canopy, it only took him 500 years to remove this heavy heavenly palace.

Then he recast a Yuanshi heavenly palace!

It took more time for the eight fold heavenly court. Although Jiangnan urged the sky umbrella canopy to make the power of the sky umbrella canopy stronger and stronger, and the time passed faster and faster, it also experienced ten thousand years, which made the eight fold heavenly court unified!

Qianyuan Xianjun stared at a divine wheel behind his head. There was a Taoist platform, a divine house, a heavenly palace and a heavy heavenly court floating in the divine wheel. After a long time, he said, "you have jumped out of the magic prison, but you can't defeat my Taoist body and drive me out of the sky umbrella!"

Jiangnan smiled and said, "Taoist brother, you don't know. I've experienced more than 1500 years. My injury healed when I recast the Taoist foundation. Not only did I heal, I was better than before! I've practiced for more than 1500 years, and I'm not what I used to be! Taoist brother, don't be angry."

He bent down and bowed to the emperor Taoist priest of emperor Qianyuan Xianjun, and said respectfully, "here's my little brother. I'd like to see you off!"

Qianyuan Xianjun was stunned and suddenly felt bad. He suddenly felt that the avenue in the south of the Yangtze River, which was placed in the canopy of the sky umbrella, began a comprehensive counterattack, eroding and killing his imperial way!

The attack was fierce and overwhelming, pressing down on his emperor's way!

The mana of Jiangnan is towering, stronger and more powerful than him. The rolling mana invades and destroys his imperial way!

"I won't let you drive away my emperor's way!"

The Immortal King of Qianyuan Dynasty drank heavily and rushed to the south of the Yangtze River. He made frequent killing moves and attacked the south of the Yangtze River.

It has been more than 40 years since the third world. In these 40 years, countless gods and demons have looked up at the sky umbrella canopy and never seen the trace of the south of the Yangtze River. It is said that although Emperor Xuan defeated the sky umbrella canopy, he also died at his best. Others say that Emperor Xuan was badly hurt and suffered an incurable Taoist wound. Therefore, he hid in the sky umbrella canopy for fear that he would appear and be cut off by his enemies.

For more than 40 years, it's hard to say whether it's long or short, which will inevitably make some people disagree. However, the Xuantian Jinque Tianting is really huge and has boundless power, so it won't lead to rebellion.

However, this state cannot last long. If Jiangnan has not appeared for a long time, disasters and chaos will arise, and the huge shenchao will collapse!

On this day, countless gods and demons in the three realms suddenly felt the palpitation from their hearts. It was Tianwei. The boundless Tianwei suddenly bloomed and suppressed all existence. Even the extreme state of Huangdao couldn't help shivering.

Countless people looked up and then saw a scene that stunned them.

The sky umbrella canopy, the great treasure of the heavenly way, covers the zenith, and under the canopy, an incomparably thick and vast Avenue hangs straight down, like adding an umbrella handle to the sky umbrella!

The canopy of the sky umbrella is closing, and the hundred sky path is like an umbrella bone, closing in the middle!


Unimaginable vibration came, the canopy of the sky umbrella covering the zenith of the three worlds finally closed together, and then there was another loud noise. With a Shua, the hundred heaven road suddenly bounced open, just like opening a big umbrella!

Someone had sharp eyes. When the canopy of the sky umbrella popped open, a figure in white was ejected from the sky umbrella, smashing the barrier of the fairyland and being bounced into the fairyland!

"Taoist brother, after all, I'll send you back to the fairyland. Don't be angry!" in the canopy of the sky umbrella, Emperor Xuan's laughter spread all over the three realms.

————4500 words! More than 8000 words have been updated today. Taoist friends, hit two monthly tickets!! House pigs really need monthly tickets, and Emperor Zun really needs monthly tickets!!!