Chapter 1195

Name:Exalted Emperor Author:zhai zhu
Outside the valley, everyone took a breath of air-conditioning. Some of them wanted to be yellow finches and let others be Mantis. Others grabbed the holy medicine of strange trees, and they grabbed it again.

Others thought that their strength was poor and just stood outside and watched.

No matter what thoughts they hold, they all shudder at the moment. They swallow many real immortals, immortal animals and strange flowers and plants. Even the existence of Yunxiang fairy king can't escape. It's really terrible!

That's a powerful fairy king, the Lord of a state. He didn't even have a chance to escape. He was swallowed in one bite!

I'm afraid they will come to the same end!

This strange clam is probably no worse than the eight immortals king!

Moreover, the strange clam was in the presence of the old God, and opened his mouth to turn his mouth into a valley. The holy medicine of the strange tree was placed in front of them, openly and confidently tempting them!

"How bullying..." a real fairy muttered.

Other true immortals and fairy kings who had never entered the valley nodded secretly, but no one left. The temptation of strange trees and holy herbs is too strong. After all, they can be promoted to the realm of fairy king or even the realm of fairy king. It has a fatal attraction for them and is worth taking risks with their lives.

Moreover, even if they were eaten by this strange clam, they only lost one life. They still have a chance to revive from the Tao fruit, which is worth a try.

Suddenly, the fox Immortal King smiled and said, "brother Zuo'an, brother Feng Yue, should we do it?"

The fairy king on the left bank nodded slowly: "I'm going to have a try."

The wind Moon Fairy king said with a smile, "two Taoist brothers, let's do it together?"

The three immortal kings stood outside the valley and all seemed very cautious. Their bodies shook slightly. They saw one Taoist body coming out. The three Taoist bodies were extremely powerful. Their breath shook the void and made the void shake unceasingly. They almost had 60% of their strength!

The three of them separated the three Taoist bodies from their bodies, and their faces became a little pale. Obviously, the separation of the three Taoist bodies also greatly damaged their vitality.


The three fairy kings suddenly became powerful together. The fox statue opened his mouth and vomited, and one side of the fairy seal flew out. It became larger and larger, standing high in the sky, like a jade platform. The jade platform was covered with fairy runes. Countless fairy runes lit up, and strands of chaotic ancient Qi fell from it. It was heavy and amazing. Fairy Light gushed out of the jade platform like rosy clouds. Chaotic Qi and Fairy Light supported the valley.

The fairy king on the left bank opened his mouth and vomited. He saw the boundless sea spewing out of his mouth. The fairy waves rippled and cracked the air. The big sun and the fairy moon rose from the sea and shone on the left bank of the sea.

The left bank of the sea is an impressively wide cliff. Various textures emerge on the cliff, including dragon pattern, phoenix pattern, Kui pattern, chaotic pattern, prehistoric Taoist pattern. It is more dazzling when illuminated by the sun and the immortal moon. The smell is even more amazing than the immortal seal of fox statue!

The left bank of the sea is his famous treasure. It was refined from the left bank of the fairy sea in the ancient fairy world. The fairy sea was an ancient prehistoric battlefield and a prehistoric relic. In the history of the fairy world, there was a war when the chaotic ancient God entered the ancient fairy world.

The fairy king on the left bank intercepted the fragment on the left bank of the fairy sea and refined it into treasure. When the treasure was refined, he also broke through and became the fairy king!

The wind Moon Fairy King shakes his body and flies out of his Taoist robe, turning into a hundred beautiful pictures. In the picture, there is a statue of fairy, or colored clothes and powder makeup, charming and enchanting, or plain clothes and elegant, quiet and dignified, or plump and white, or as thin as willow waist, or obsequious, or attractive to the country and the city.

These fairies are well-known Fairies in the ancient fairyland. Everyone has their beauty. Some have married women, some are famous, some are famous, some are famous fairy kings, and even one exists, but she is a fairy king in xianzun palace!

The king of the wind Moon Fairy has a mixed reputation in the fairy world. This man is casual and handsome. His Taoist partners are more than Yujing fairy king. These female immortals in the hundred beauty pictures of the fragrance are his Taoist partners, including the female fairy king of xianzun palace!

The fairy king of the wind and moon broke through the realm of true immortality and became a fairy king by double cultivation with these Taoist companions, gods, gods, fruits and souls!

The hundred beauty pictures of Qunfang were refined by collecting the essence of these female immortals. After the sacrifice, it was almost equivalent to Qunfang's visit!

The three fairy kings have their own uniqueness. Their magic weapons are sacrificed respectively. The terrible power can fix the valley transformed by the big mouth of the strange clam. Then the three Taoist priests moved and flew to the strange tree in the valley!

At the moment when their three Taoist bodies just set out, all kinds of figures also shot at the same time and jumped at the strange trees in the valley. It was impressively that other waiting real immortals also seized this rare opportunity and prepared to share a bowl of soup, or even swallow it alone!

Jiangnan, DaoWang and Jiang Xue looked at each other, and at the same time, they rushed to the strange tree medicine in the lake.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom——

A real immortal was knocked away by the three of them. It was unstoppable. In an instant, he came to the lake and walked on the waves. The lake water was almost patted by the breath of the three!

The Taoist body of the three immortal Kings is also extremely powerful. The three Taoist bodies come to the lake at the same time. The water in the lake is immediately drained, exposing an ancient land below. The land is like an island, which seems to be made of iron and stone, black all over, and ancient trees grow on it!

The island floats. It is a dark and unfathomable cave. This cave should be the throat of the strange clam, straight to the intestines and stomach. A fishy wind keeps pouring out, and suddenly turns into a terrible suction.

A real immortal was blown by the fishy wind. His breath was so chaotic that he could hardly hold his body shape. He was sucked by the suction, screamed and fell into the cave like dumplings.

Jiangnan peeked and saw that these real immortals fell into the depths of the cave. Before they fell to the bottom, they were corroded by strange forces, and their flesh and blood and fairy ways melted into countless white bones.

The white bones are falling, getting smaller and smaller. Finally, even the white bones disappear. There is no whole body!

There are even true immortals whose magic weapons are placed in the Tao fruit. The magic weapons melt, the Tao fruit appears, and the Tao fruit is melting rapidly. The body dies and the soul is terrified!

But there are also great people among the real immortals who can resist the fishy wind and gravity and come to the small island.

This gravity is also pulling Jiangnan and others. Two big rivers emerge in the back of Jiangnan. The long river of time and the long river of space roll around to fix the gravity and sweep away the fishy wind. Jiang Xue offers yuruyi a sacrifice. The five colored lotus at the top of yuruyi keeps pouring out five colored light, which also blocks the gravity and fishy wind out.

The Taoist king was the most relaxed. He got a set of armor given by the old Taoist. The armor made him unable to invade all filth and evil. He walked to the island and grabbed a strange fruit on the ancient tree.


The three immortal kings killed the Taoist King almost at the same time, turned their hands to resist, and three loud noises came, shaking him out of the island.

The south of the Yangtze River has fallen on the island. The sword light in the middle of the eyebrows is like a peacock opening the screen. Countless sword lights fly in all directions, but they are more gorgeous, beautiful, dazzling and dangerous than the peacock opening the screen. They wrap all the Taoist bodies of the three Fairy kings in the sword light!

The three immortal kings were flying. They only heard the sound of Ding Ding Ding. In an instant, they broke the light of his sword. The three big hands swung up and blasted to the south of the Yangtze River.

Jiangnan stood firmly on the island with both feet, pushed forward with both hands, roared, and the island shook violently. Several real immortals who had just boarded the island were bored and hummed, and were severely patted by the afterwaves of the four people's fight. Jiang Xue also set foot on the island at the same time. With a gentle wave of jade Ruyi in his hand, he flew forward with five-color light, cut the afterwaves, and came under the ancient tree.

Jiang Xue waved it with Yu Ruyi in her hand, and a five-color light cut it out. With a Ding, she cut off a different fruit and was put into her sleeve.

The three immortal kings were furious. The Immortal King on the left bank immediately entangled Jiangnan. Fox Zun and Fengyue immediately rushed to Jiang Xue. Seeing Jiang Xue's face, Fengyue fairy King couldn't help but brighten his eyes and said with a smile: "Can you tell me your name, where you live, What immortal mountain, and where you live in the cave? When I see the girl's appearance, I can't help myself. I'm confused. As long as the girl is happy, I'll behead the fox. Respect the male fox and help the girl win the fruits of ancient trees."

Fox Zun snorted coldly and saw Jiang Xue. He suddenly smiled and said, "brother Fengyue, you're afraid you've made a wrong idea. This female Taoist friend is a member of my fox family and comes from the same family with me. Girl, you and I are the same family. Why don't you join hands to kill the lustrous ghost Fengyue!"


Jiang Xue has all kinds of romantic feelings. She smiles and whispers, but the jade Ruyi in her hand shines brightly. She hurts the two killers. The two immortal kings, fox Zun and wind moon, are also unambiguous. She destroys flowers with her hands and attacks Jiang Xue.

At this time, the Taoist king turned over and killed him. He grabbed his hand and took off a strange fruit. He caught a glimpse of Jiang Xue and couldn't resist them. He immediately stopped fox Zun.

Six figures flew up and down and fought on this small island. The left bank of Xianhai, Xianyin and Qunfang baimeitu hanging high in the sky were constantly shaking. The incomparable power of Xiandao fell and suppressed the three people in the south of the Yangtze River. Fox Zun, Fengyue and the left bank seemed to know that the combat power in the south of the Yangtze River was the strongest. They tried their best to suppress the south of the Yangtze River, forcing him almost unable to move away.

Suddenly, the Taoist bodies of Hu Zun and Feng Yue flew up respectively, grabbed a different fruit and put it into the bag. The two immortal kings laughed: "on the left bank, now the four different fruits have their own owners, but you have nothing."

The Immortal King Zuo'an snorted coldly, threw aside the south of the Yangtze River and rushed under the ancient tree. With a roar, the Immortal King uprooted the ancient tree, picked up the tree and left!

Fox Zun and Fengyue tried their best to block the south of the Yangtze River, but at this time, a roar came. They saw a big tongue like a blood River flying out of the dark cave below the island and rolling towards the six people on the island!

Standing on the left bank outside the valley, the three fairy kings, fox statue and wind moon, looked dignified and drank together. Under the terrible immortal power of Xianhai left bank, Xianyin and Qunfang baimeitu, they fixed the big tongue for a moment.

Not only the tongue of the prehistoric strange clam was fixed, but also the Jiangnan, jiangxue and DaoWang on the island were fixed and unable to move!


The three immortal kings were not suppressed at all. They easily crossed the valley and flew out. Fox Zun stood on the top of the mountain, looked at the three people in the south of the Yangtze River, and said with a smile: "three little friends, if you have an afterlife, don't forget this lesson and don't take the power of heaven."

The fairy king on the left bank sneered: "after all, it's young and still young."

The wind Moon Fairy King sighed, "it's a pity that the woman..."

The three of them scattered the power of the three magic weapons. The roar of prehistoric strange clams came. The valley shook violently, and countless sharp teeth clanked. They emerged from the cliffs of the valley. Their mouths closed rapidly to devour the three people in the south of the Yangtze River!

At this time, Jiangnan suddenly laughed and a broken bowl suddenly appeared on his head. He grabbed the earth and raised the island!

"Elder martial brother, elder sister, let's go!"

The broken bowl covered the three people. When it shook in the air, it cut through the void and flew out. There was a roar. A long tongue was thrown out and rolled towards the broken bowl. It was the prehistoric strange clam!


The sound of the bell vibrated, shaking the big tongue like an electric shock. The broken bowl had flown out of the canyon and landed with a clatter.

Jiangnan picked up the broken bowl, stuffed the bowl and the island into his eyebrows, and shouted, "go!"

The three ran away without a trace.

Fox Zun and the three fairy kings of the wind and moon on the left bank looked at each other. Fox Zun said with a smile: "this boy has some skills. He can escape the big tongue of the prehistoric strange clam, but he carries the island. What coke is there... Bad!"

His face changed sharply and he said in silence, "this island is a fragment of the Tao fruit of the prehistoric strong! Hurry up!"

The other two fairy Kings also suddenly woke up and were about to start chasing after them. Suddenly, they only heard a loud bang, the valley cracked, and a giant jumped out of the huge nest. It was the prehistoric strange clam, the huge shadow fell, and the three fairy kings were pressed under their belly with a coo.

The prehistoric strange clam was furious. He jumped into the sky and chased the three people in the south of the Yangtze River!

After the strange clam jumped away, three human shaped pits appeared in the place covered by its belly. The three fairy kings on the left bank, fox statue and wind moon climbed out of the pit and shouted, "go quickly. You can't let that boy rob the Tao fruit of the prehistoric strong!"

————The house pig has arrived in Shanghai. Before he has time to eat, he codes words carefully. This chapter is full of 3800 words, which is more powerful than before. Taoist friends, come and support with a monthly ticket. Star eyes look up at you and ask for a monthly ticket~~