Chapter 1401

Name:Exalted Emperor Author:zhai zhu
Dayan ancient god looked at Maha and said in a deep voice, "Maha, if you cut the Luohua sound, you can break the mysterious weather?"

Maha Tianjun said with a smile, "if it were an ordinary time, it would be impossible to break it, but now great changes are coming. The spirit of the immortal Dynasty of the Qianyuan Dynasty is exhausted, and Xuantian, as the Supreme Master of the immortal Dynasty, is exhausted. If he wants to leave a glimmer of life for himself, he can only rely on the three realms to hold a heaven shaking Dharma to continue his life. Luohuayin's lower boundary is to hold the heaven shaking Dharma!"

Dayan ancient god frowned slightly and said, "what's Luo Huayin's strength? Can ba Hu deal with him?"

Maha Tianjun's wisdom bead was in his hand and said with a smile: "Luo Huayin cultivates the new immortal way created by Taoist Hong and Taoist Jun. her cultivation has reached the realm of Xuantian sage of Hunyuan among the three saints of Hunyuan. Her strength is similar to that of the Xianjun who has just been promoted, but she has the magic weapon of Xuantian sect leader, Yuanshi Zhengdao sword, and her strength can be regarded as the middle term of Xianjun."

The ancient god Dayan breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "my ancient god was born strong, and Ba Hu's strength can also be regarded as the middle period of Xianjun. However, Ba Hu has the magic weapon I refined for him in hand, which can defeat the Taoist sword at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. It's not difficult for Ba Hu to kill Luo Huayin."

He looked at Maha Tianjun and was afraid. The reason why Maha ancient god let Bahu ancient God go to war was that he had refined a magic weapon for Bahu that was enough to prove the Dao sword at the beginning of the enemy!

Such a powerful person with divine calculation simply exists against the sky. He knows everything and can easily make a plan against you!

The fine awn in Dayan's ancient god's eyes flashed and said in a deep voice: "Maha, since you have come back, then go out with us. After all, you are an ancient god!"

Mahatma smiled and said, "I'm here to contribute to my ancient gods!"

Luo Huayin opened the barrier of the fairyland, flew into the barrier and quickly flew to the three realms. Before long, he saw Lei Hai appear in front of him.

"It's the first time Zichuan is so serious to me. It seems that the method of heaven is very important and has a great relationship. You can't miss anything. Eh, there are many immortal things in the thunder sea..."

She was about to cross the thunder sea. She saw that the thunder sea had gradually dried up, and the sea surface had withered a lot more than before. There was a huge thunder beast in the sea. There were a large number of auspicious beasts such as dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, white tigers and so on!

In the sky above the thunder sea, the void is cracked, and the transparent mysteries in the second void of the fairy world are still crazy to absorb the thunder liquid in the sea!

I'm afraid that soon, the thunder sea guarding the fairy world will completely dry up, and the immortal beasts in the thunder sea will find their own masters.

Those in the secret realm are magic weapons. They are nourished by the thunder liquid in the thunder sea, and each magic weapon is powerful!

Even, Luo Huayin noticed that several immortal beasts had reached the level of Immortal King, and several magic weapons were close to the treasure of heavenly king!

The most powerful set of baby is a woman's dress, which is stacked in the secret place. There are dresses, crowns, ribbons, straps, jade pendants, bracelets, and a rather exquisite scabbard.

Luo Huayin liked it more and more. He praised: "good things, good things, have an inexplicable feeling with me. It's a pity that it's a women's suit. If you wear it, you will be laughed at... It's too late to collect it now. After all, Zichuan's business is important!"

She was about to leave quickly and enter the three realms. Suddenly, the void shook. She saw a sudden surge of anger in the distance of the thunder sea. The big waves were surging. An incomparably huge figure crashed into the thunder sea and killed several immortal beasts.

"Luo Huayin?"

Bahu ancient god stood up, his body stood tall and his muscles were ferocious. When he grasped his hand, he saw the rolling chaotic gas condensed in his hand, mixed with Hongmeng Avenue and turned into a trident, pointing to Luo Huayin in the distance.

"It's my mother."

Luo Huayin was surprised and happy, and was elated: "big man, are you an immortal beast in the thunder sea? If you surrender you as a mount, you must be powerful!"

"Mount? Do you think I'm like these immortal beasts? Your uncle's!"

The ancient god of Ba Hu was furious and took steps to kill him. He was a chaotic ancient god. He was an Immortal King. He was powerful and unrestrained. His breath was wild and unrestrained. When his feet moved, the thunder sea burst open and waved a trident to chop it down. It was magnificent!

"Can you speak, or is it a fairy beast full of dirty words?"

Luo Huayin was more happy. He couldn't help but say that he offered a sacrifice to Yuanshi Zhengdao sword, so he went forward and said with a smile: "Zichuan has a big dragon, a cute meal and a toad, but if I accept this immortal beast who can swear, I must be more popular than him!"

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the sword was powerful, but it was different from the way south of the Yangtze River. Luo Huayin took the way of the great five elements of immortality. With one sword flying, the five swords cut the Trident condensed by Ba Hu Yilei liquid and Hongmeng avenue into six sections!

"Little fairy beast, come here obediently!"

Luo Huayin's clothes and clothes are flying and floating. He is not like a woman, but like a man. Seeing that Wu Dao's swords are about to cut off the limbs of Ba Hu ancient god, suddenly Ba Hu ancient god sneered, a big shield appeared in his hand, and the sound of Ding and Ding came, blocking all five swords!

"The great shield refined by the aegis stone? You immortal beast also knows how to refine treasure. You actually refined a great shield with the aegis stone?"

Luo Huayin was surprised. Ba Hu, the ancient god, waved a big shield and knocked her away with her sword. Then he grabbed her and saw that countless immortal thunder turned into a thunderstorm, drowning Luo Huayin!

"Little woman, die!"

The ancient god Bahu jumped up and hit the center of the thunderstorm with a shield as a hammer!


The thunderstorm was smashed and scattered, and the thunder light flew everywhere. Even some fairy beasts at the fairy King level suffered and were smashed into meat sauce!

This big shield is refined by Dayan ancient god. Dayan ancient god has collected a lot of extinguished sky fire in the abandoned land, and plans to melt chaos Hongmeng with extinguished sky fire, so that more ancient gods can be born from chaos.

Annihilating the sky fire has the ability to refine the ancient god stone. Naturally, he will not miss this opportunity to refine some magic weapons.

Luo Hua's voice was bloodthirsty. Suddenly, her body was divided into five parts. The five parts met Ba Hu. It was her big five element part, and her body jumped up. With a sword, she cut through the second void in the fairy world, dodged and flew into it.

"Want to go?"

With a loud roar, Ba Hu ancient god roared all the five parts of Luo Huayin to a standstill. Then a shield was pressed down and burst all her five parts. Her body rose into the sky and entered the second void of the fairy world!

But seeing the woman's fierce and resolute decision, she cut a secret place with a sword and flashed into it. The ancient god Ba Hu immediately rushed in and broke into the secret place.

"Hehe, I know how to use the annihilation fire to refine the ancient god stone and turn it into a magic weapon. I must get it, you immortal beast!"

Luo Huayin's laughter came. He held up the Yuanshi preaching sword. Suddenly, he only heard a Ding, and saw a scabbard flying and trapping the divine sword.

Luo Huayin wears the preaching sword around her waist, but when she sees that the clothes, crowns, ribbons, straps, jade pendants and bracelets in the secret place fly up one after another, they automatically fall on her. Suddenly, an incomparably powerful Fairy Spirit surrounds her whole body. Luo Huayin roars, and she only feels that her whole body is full of infinite strength!

"Fairy beast, obey me and be my mount!"

The female devil pulled out her sword and roared. With a sword, she swept on the shield refined by the ancient god of the universe. The ancient god of Ba Hu suddenly felt that he was crushed by great force and couldn't help flying out!

In the three realms, the ghost woman secretly calculated, suddenly her face changed sharply, and murmured, "Oh, Maha has calculated the sound of Luohua, and sent the ancient god Bahu to kill her, for fear that she would be more or less evil!"

She walked around anxiously and murmured, "if there is no lower boundary of the strong, how can I restrain thousands of immortals in the three realms to hold the law of heaven? Unfortunately, I can't go to the fairy world to inform your majesty... Maha ancient god is indeed worthy of being the think tank of the chaotic kingdom of heaven and the great wisdom ancient god. He has become a heavenly king and has stronger divine calculation ability..."

Jiangnan has told her that the mysterious strange man is the mahagu God, so that she can be on guard. But although ghost Po Tian calculated that Luo Huayin was about to be robbed, she had no strength to rescue and had to worry.

Before long, the emptiness of the three realms suddenly split. A four armed ancient god broke into the three realms and strode towards the place where ghost Po Tian lived.

The ancient god's whole body was full of arrogance. Where he passed, the momentum pressed the void of the three worlds to collapse, and the stars were pressed into powder!

Ghost Po Tian's face suddenly changed. She suddenly saw a heroic woman standing at the end of one of her fingers in the palm of the ancient god.

Ghost Po Tian quickly opened the prohibition around Jiangnan, welcomed her out and said in silence, "Queen Luo, how did you subdue this ancient god?"

Luo Huayin jumped down and said proudly, "ghost mother-in-law, you're wrong. This is an immortal beast. I caught it in the thunder sea. I can talk, be good at swearing, and know how to refine treasure. I finally caught him. I used the bracelet I just got to catch his yuan body Tao fruit, and then I subdued him. Come on, little baby, scold and let ghost mother-in-law listen!"

Bahu ancient god was sad and angry, and said angrily, "your uncle!"

Ghost Po Tian reminded: "Queen Luo, this is really a chaotic ancient god!"

"It's a fairy beast!"

"Well, it's a fairy beast."

The ghost woman couldn't resist her and said, "did you get a bracelet from the thunder sea?"

Luo Huayin quickly said something about her experience in the thunder sea. The ghost woman was stunned and sighed, "I'm afraid it's only the chance of emperor and Zun that can make me and Maha ancient god ineffective. It's destiny for you to get the chance of emperor and Zun and get this magic weapon. It also allows you to escape this disaster and surrender to Bahu ancient god."

"This is a fairy beast!"

Luo Huayin said with a smile, "grandma, you are a little dazzled."

Ghost Po Tian couldn't help but be speechless. She secretly sympathized with Bahu ancient god in her heart. After a long time, she said: "Your Majesty sent you to lower heaven to summon the creatures of the three realms to hold the heaven sweeping Dharma. You and I will go to daluotian and I will arrange it so that you can become the array eye of the great sacrifice and exercise the Qi of the three realms into one. This heaven sweeping Dharma is related to your vitality and cannot be missed. The heaven sweeping Dharma can not be interrupted. If it is interrupted, all your previous achievements will be wasted and your majesty will fall! If I expected it, it would be strong The enemy's attack will damage our heaven sacrifice. At that time, you must not shrink back! "

Luo Huayin said solemnly, "Huayin sacrificed her life to accompany her!"

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